Scorching Fire and Thick Clouds

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Ty lead the way to what appeared to be a active volcano at that. It was huge, surrounded on all sides by water. The lava that was escaping the top flowed down to the waves, causing gigantic clouds to form around the volcano. It was a beautiful sight.

"Welcome to your playground," Ty said with a happy Lani in his arms.

"Whoa..." Victoria said as she and Luke looked all around them.

"How exactly is this gonna work?" he asked.

I looked up to the volcano, her roar rumbling from beneath my feet.

"She's gonna help us..." I said in wonder.

Ty smiled at me before nodding, giving Lani to Victoria as we headed further up the volcano. We stopped a few feet away from the very top. The closer I got to the spewing lava, the more at ease I felt. I looked up to the clouds and realized they resembled the ones from my vision...the ones that brought me to my wife. Just the thought caused a single cloud to float down to where I was. It completely surrounded me as I melted into it, feeling a sense of nostalgia when the thought of seeing the blonde for the very first time entered my mind.

I wasn't even aware of the movements my hands had been making the entire time. I felt like I was dancing on air. I felt so light and free. I opened my eyes and was surprised to find myself still on the ground. It didn't even occur to me that my vision had been colored out. Everything around me was different shades of gray and white. I looked to Ty as he sported a knowing smile.

"Is this what manipulating air feels like?" I asked. "Light and free?"

"It does," Ty answered. "Each element obtains a heightened sense of feeling according to the being that possesses it. Air is light and free, flowing to whatever direction it's most needed, much like water..."

My heart swelled at the mention of the element, thinking of how Dinah was so connected to it.

"Indeed," Ty chuckled, "you and Dinah balance each other out in many ways. The elements being one of them. You're the wind to her waves, she's the rock to your flames..."

"My flames..." I repeated in thought, "...I can manipulate more than one element?"

"Absolutely. The two elements you possess the power over, air and fire, depend on one another to strengthen the other. Rushing winds fuel the fiercest of flames..."

"...while deep waters nourish the sturdiness of earth," I finished.

Ty smiled and nodded.

"With time comes the ability to manipulate elements that go beyond the main two you possess. For you, that's lava and lightening."

"How long would it take for me to be able to do that?"

"Years of training and proper meditation, I'm afraid. But in my lifetime, I've seen demonstrations of such elements being bended in unexpected situations. So don't count yourself short."

Luke put a reassuring touch on my shoulder, me looking back at him smiling as I took a deep breath.

"We can do this," he said. "We both can."

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