Manifest Destiny

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Giselle led me to an open meadow surrounded by tall trees and open skies. The field was covered with the most beautiful dandelions while a subtle mist floated over the tree tops.

She came up close behind me and wrapped her arms around my body, me melting into her as her lips touched my ear

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She came up close behind me and wrapped her arms around my body, me melting into her as her lips touched my ear.

"Unfortunately," she whispered, "we don't have as much time to train as we'd like. But I don't think it'll take long for your Phoenix spirit to ignite."

"You really think I'm capable of bringing her out?" I asked as I looked into Giselle's eyes. "That I'm strong enough to even act on what's required of me?"

Her lips touched mine as the wind began to pick up around us. When we separated, her hazel-green eyes began to shine like stars.

"You're more than strong enough my love. You and your Phoenix spirit are the same being. You are the Phoenix spirit. And I can't wait to see you fully awakened."

I smiled before looking out onto the open meadow. The dandelions reminded me of the ones that used to grow back home. That memory, alone, was enough to stir her spirit up. I felt Giselle come up behind me. She soothingly breathed into the scars on my back where my wings would have been. I breathed with her before I felt a heat begin to rise inside of me.

"She's ready..." she said to me, "...she wants you to let her free..."

"I don't know how," I said.

"Relinquish control. Let her show you who she is."

I let her words linger as everything became distant. My body felt hot, but not in a way that burned me. It was a heat I haven't felt since I was a little girl.

"I would never hurt you, Solàna," I heard her say. "Trust me..."

I nodded before closing my eyes. Her spirit spread all throughout my body, rising up through my throat before a beam of fire shot up and out of my mouth into the sky. I let out a wale just as she released a screech.

"I know it hurts," she said, "but don't try and stop it. Feel it in its entirety. It'll last only for a moment."

The pain in my shoulder blades was excruciating. It was as if a million blades were trying to claw their way out of my skin. But almost as soon as the pain had come, a feeling of relief had overtaken me. I opened my eyes and saw nothing but red – shades of fiery colors surrounded me. I looked to where Giselle was and saw that she had tears in her eyes. Her steps toward me were slow...almost as if I were a rare sight. I suddenly felt a flutter in my back. I gasped right as Giselle caressed my face.

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