The Calm Before the Storm

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I was the first to awake the morning after. I was too anxious to sleep in. I was finally going home. And this time, I would have my bride-to-be with me. My family was about to grow, and nothing could make me happier. I watched Solàna as she nestled herself into my body. She was very warm. Her Phoenix spirit was flourishing beautifully inside of her.

"I never got to properly thank you for your help," I heard her say.

This was the first time she had communicated with me. I was honored to be able to hear her.

"It's an honor being in the presence of the last true living Phoenix," I uttered. "Your lineage shouldn't die with Solàna. It should continue to live grow."

"We were such a strong people. Seeing them all perish was a heartbreak I still haven't recovered from. Solàna and I are one because we've lost so much."

I looked at Solàna as she slept and traced her cheek, her snuggling into me more.

"What was it like?" I asked. "Lying dormant for so long? Was there ever a time you tried to get through to her?"

"As powerful as I am, it's never my place to override one's will. I was dormant for so long because Solàna's human spirit had been broken since the day Aten was destroyed. Her wings had tared while they were still developing because of it."

"The scars on her back..."

"Yes...they were a symbol of how broken she once was. But now, they're a symbol of how glorious she truly is. Though they will never go away, they will define who she has become...a warrior, a fighter..."

"A Phoenix," I smiled. "You must be so proud."

"Very. I've watched over her ever since I was still attached to her great grandmother. When she was born, I saw the future of our people in her eyes. She was a beautiful little baby. I and the rest of her loved ones did our very best to protect and guide her into who she is now. This battle you're fighting alongside's only the beginning of the true purpose you two have together. The Upside-down will still need you when all of this is over, but winning this fight is the first step to a much more glorious victory."

My eyebrows furrowed as realization hit me.

"The prophecy..."

"Yes. A person will come along to be the bridge between our two worlds. I made an oath to not reveal who they are, but I shall tell you this...the two of you play an intricate part in that prophecy. Remain pure in your love for Solàna. Don't let your heart harden to the dangers that lie ahead. For if you do, the Upside-down will cease to exist..."

I brought my hand to Solàna's heart before bringing my forehead to hers, closing my eyes and breathing deeply.

"I vow to do everything in my power to protect this realm," I said. "May you and the Upside-down herself be my witness."

A calming breeze entered our tent as soon as the words escaped my lips, brushing past my cheek as Solàna's scars began to glow.

"The Upside-down thanks you for your obedience. She will reward you mightily for your courage and will protect you and your loved ones from any harm. Go have pleased this realm greatly. The time has come for you to return home..."

I smiled just as Solàna's eyes fluttered open. She looked at me and began to smile.

"Today's the day..." she sleepily uttered.

The Upside-down (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now