Closure's Love

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Solàna and I made our way through the forest that surrounded the palace. Out of all the places I wanted to show her, this was the place that she needed to see. My people had preserved it for centuries in order to sustain its true purpose in Wisteria. Now I realize that doing so was for this moment. After a while of us enjoying the time we had to ourselves, a rustling sound came from up ahead. I smiled when I saw a baby elephant making her way toward us, her mother not too far behind. The little one scampered her way over to us before she raised her trunk.

"Walele, little one," I smiled.

I watched as she circled around Solàna before becoming excited, Solàna giggling as she caressed her.

"Her and her mother welcome you to Wisteria," I said.

Solàna smiled before looking up to the mother, caressing her massive trunk as the elephant's fluttered its ears.

"Are they looking for their herd?" she asked.

"If they are," I said, "they won't be too far away from them. Elephants never stray far from their family."

As soon as the elephants passed us, we came upon the only white Wisterian tree in the nation. I smiled when I realized that we were where I wanted us to be.

"What is this place?" Solàna asked in wonder.

"This is the oasis," I smiled, taking her hand and leading her further into it. "This is the place where souls of the past can be reached. The further up you go, the stronger the connection becomes."

"You mean

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"You mean..." Solàna uttered, "...I can-"

"Yes, my love. You'll be able to talk to your mother. I'm sure she's eager to see you."

I led her to the top of the structure where the sun light hit her wings. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, me standing a few feet away so I wouldn't interfere with her connection. When her eyes opened, they gleamed with fire. I looked where she looked and saw a woman that was the spitting image of her watching her with a proud smile. Solàna gasped before tears began to stream down her face. She watched as the other woman opened her arms. The closer Solàna got to her, the more she started to resemble her younger self. Soon, I saw a little Làna engulf her mother before she was picked up and embraced. Her mother released sniffles as she caressed her daughter's hair.

"My sweet Solàna..." she said.

"I missed you..." Solàna wept.

I smiled at the sight before another figure appeared behind them. Solàna looked up and smiled wide before reaching for the elderly woman.

"Nana!" she beamed.

The elderly woman chuckled before embracing her granddaughter.

"Look at how much you've grown!" she said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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