Lovely Anticipation

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"Everyone here is so nice," I told Seungri as we continued to walk.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself here," he replied with a smile. "You're welcome to aid them in any way you see fit. We don't normally receive guests, so they're very excited to meet you and your friends."

I smiled happily as I looked at everyone go about their day. Just then, Ji-hoon came up to us.

"Sorry to bother you two," he said, "but Seungri I need your help with something."

"Oh sure," Seungri replied. "Feel free to enjoy the rest of the base Solàna."

I nodded at them both with a smile before they walked away. This place is so beautiful. It sort of reminds me of my home...before everything was destroyed in fire. Just as my thoughts began to think back to the death of everything I knew, a calm, soothing voice graced my ears.

"What's the matter my love?"

I knew instantly who the voice belonged to. My heart fluttered at her soft overtones, and instantly my mood brightened.

"My mind just went back to a not so pleasant time in my life," I replied quietly, not wanting to concern anyone as I walked past them. "Are you near? I would love to see you."

"Unfortunately not my love. But if you're able to find a more secluded area, I can allow you to see me."

I smiled beside myself as I hastily made my way to a more private spot of the base. Once I got there, I sat down on the grass, breathing calmly.

"Close your eyes my sweet Solàna. When you open them back up, I'll be there."

I did just as she said, the anticipation of me seeing her getting to me. As soon as I opened my eyes, everything was an off color of white. I wanted to stand up and look around to see if I could find her, but I didn't have to. There she was, walking ever so gracefully toward me. This time, her silhouette wasn't white. It reflected what seemed like a vibrant forest, one that she must've been in at the moment. But one thing that remained the same were those beautiful hazel/green eyes of hers.

I smiled lovingly at her as she drew closer to me, nuzzling my cheek with her nose before allowing her body to surround mine as she lay behind me

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I smiled lovingly at her as she drew closer to me, nuzzling my cheek with her nose before allowing her body to surround mine as she lay behind me. Her head made refuge on my shoulder as my hand went to softly caress her face.

"You are the most beautiful sight to see," she said dreamily.

I did all but melt at her words.

"Is it unusual for me to say that I miss you?" I asked sheepishly. "I know I have yet to see what you really look like. But you carry such a loving spirit that I long to keep with me."

She let out the most angelic little giggle as she allowed me to melt further into her warm body, soon transforming from a deer into a woman's silhouette. Her loving arms were now wrapped around me from behind, her face close to mine as the corner of her eyes wrinkled up, telling me she was smiling.

"It's not unusual my love. Especially since I feel the same way for you. I long for the day when I can hold you like this in person. There's so much I want to show much I want to teach you."

"Teach me?" I asked a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"Though your Phoenix spirit has finally fully awakened, you have yet to truly know her and be one with her. Ever since the death of your mother, it seems as though she's grown weak from the lack of meditation. Has no one told you the importance of taking care of her my love?"

"Unfortunately no," I answered solemnly. "I was still a little child when I realized who I really was. My mother didn't think I was ready. And when the time came for me her to start teaching me, that's when my great grandmother destroyed everything."

I looked into her eyes and they were no longer wrinkled. Just from the gleam in her eyes, I could tell that she was a spirit that could easily empathize with anyone.

"I'm terribly sorry," she said. "What couldn't be taught to you at a young age, will be taught to you in the nearest future. I'll make sure of it. But above everything else, my purpose here is to love someone who I can rule my queendom with."


"Yes," she giggled. "The land I rule doesn't have a king. Every leader and higher up's position is held by a woman. Therefore, we refer to it as a queendom. And a queendom needs a queen to help the ruler lead with grace and love."

" think I'm that queen?"

"I know you are. Which is why I'm happily waiting for you to come to me."

I smiled lovingly at her, daring myself to kiss her silhouette despite not being able to see her lips. I drew closer to her face, the both of us closing our eyes as my lips met hers. Though I couldn't see it, I could feel her smile through the kiss, causing me to do the same before we separated.

"I can't wait to find you," I whispered to her, small remnants of her beginning to disappear.

"I'll be waiting for you my love..."

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