2. Sister Christian

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The alarm blared loudly as I laid there staring up at my bedroom ceiling. Turning my head, my arm moved from underneath myself, reaching across to shut off the alarm on the phone. The erratic beeping stopped. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. Sleepiness tattered my thoughts and was expressive on my face as I sluggishly pulled myself from the bed. I hadn't fallen asleep after that dream, which was about 4:00 am. So, I basically just laid in bed until my alarm went off.

Warm water crashed against my face. Blindly, my hands searched for a hand towel as I shut off the water. I dabbed my face free of water. As I was staring at myself in the mirror, my mother's high pitched voice shattered the still air. "Gilly! Breakfast!" She shouted from downstairs. I wandered downstairs, still dressed in my pajamas. "Honey? Why are you not dressed? I've gotta go." She said. "I'll catch the bus..." I muttered. My fingernails punctured the skin on the grapefruit I was holding. I leaned on the counter, elbows resting softly. I peeled the skin off, exposing the orange and pinkish meat below. I carefully piled it neatly before me. I then pulled the remaining skin loose before breaking it open. It made a soft crunching noise as I pulled the layers apart. I popped the pieces into my mouth, chewing it. It was tangy. I sighed softly.

"I should be back sometime tomorrow evening if not the following morning." My mother said, tucking her phone into the bag. "Is that why you've packed so extensively?" I questioned. My eyes lingered to the full suitcase that was sitting near the door. "Oh...well, for good measure. You understand." "Mm-hm.." I hummed. "Gilly...please don't be mad at me." She said. "I'm not. You should go before you miss your flight." I said, finishing the grapefruit and gathering the trash for the garbage can. She stood there. "If you're not angry with me...then at least give me a kiss goodbye." She prompted. I walked over, irritated and placed a smooch on her cheek. "Have a safe flight." I said, turning to move back up the stairs. "I'm leaving the car here and taking a taxi to LAX. You can drive the car to school." She said, loudly as she was stepping out the door.

I watched from my bedroom window as she got into the taxi after placing her suitcase in the trunk. She looked at the house one final time before ducking down into the backseat. I sighed, fingers releasing the curtain as I moved away to get dressed. The outfit I chose was simple: a white tank top with dark navy overalls. I paired the outfit with some plain white canvas Keds. I had intended on painting them, but something told me they should be left alone. I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror. My hair fell lightly around my face and looked somewhat messed. My glasses seemed abnormally large today. I pushed them up my nose before attempting to readjust them. Nothing seemed to make it better. I stood there, turning to view my side profile. I wouldn't say I'm unhappy with how I look, but I could do better. It isn't like it matters. I let out an audible groan, grabbing my bag and heading downstairs; I didn't want to be late for my second day.

I locked the car as I was walking from the parking lot. I headed up to the front of the school. "You're late again, new girl. Is this going to become a regular thing with you?" Jade questioned. She was dressed much differently today. She had on a black corset, cinched very tightly to her waist. It was wrapped around her twice and tied in a perfect little bow knot. "Jesus Christ, can you breathe in that thing?" I asked. She paired the corset with red skinny jeans and black vans, still using her little black coffin. "I can breathe just fine." She said. "I take it you're wearing that for Mr. Pena?" I questioned. She chuckled. "I wouldn't even think of it. Besides, Javi is out for a doctor's appointment this morning." "Javi?" "Javier??" I raised my brow, continuing to give her a dumbfounded look. "Mr. Pena." She grunted. "Oh, so now you're on a first name basis with him. AND he's telling you his schedule?" "Big deal." She shrugged. "Like I said, we're just playing."

Down the hall, Caylie was standing with a dark haired boy. They seemed to be chatting up a storm. I stopped at my locker to grab my Engineering book. "One second." Jade said, pushing past me to move down the hall in their direction. "Miss the shit mobile bus this morning, Haas?" She asked. "It's nice to see you this morning too, Jade." He groaned. "Is he bothering you?" She asked Caylie. I kept my distance, out of earshot of their conversation but Jade didn't seem too happy that they were conversing. "Hey, you." A voice purred as I slammed the locker shut. I was shocked to see that same brunette from yesterday standing on the opposing side. He had his leather jacket on still, but the shirt underneath it had a green dragon on it. "Hey." I said. "We haven't been formally introduced. My name's Bill." His accent was deep and sounded like he had come from down south, like Georgia or Louisiana. "Billy to the ladies." He said, flashing a smile.

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