40. Boys, Whiskey and Dancing

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"Ladies! Come on, we're going to be late!" Shayne shouted from downstairs. He was wearing jeans with a button up shirt and the new pair of boots he'd bought from the Boot Barn that was in town. Damien was the only person who wasn't going for that typical Texas Southern look. He said it seemed too awkward to dress like that since they were in California and not Texas. Caylie was going to wear a dress and some leggings with comfortable boots. "Ladies! Let's go!"

"Okay! We're coming!" Jade shouted coming down the stairs. Her jacket was slung over the bend in her arm. She was wearing a paisley bandana that was folded into a triangle and tied at the corners around her backside. Her jeans were resting on her hips and her hair was done up in a typical 60's style. "You're not going dressed like that..." Shayne said, disapprovingly. "Who are you? My dad?" She said, pushing past him and wrapping her jacket around herself.

My look was a little more conservative. I opted for jeans and a pretty blouse that draped nicely in the front, while still being a button up. The boots I had on were square toes and brown leather. My hair was braided as best as it could be. "Well, what do you think?" I asked Shayne as I reached the last stair. He reached up, running his fingers through his hair. "I think you look fucking gorgeous." Shayne said. "Likewise." I said, placing my hand on his chest.

"Well, come on Shayne, you were all fired up to get out of here." Jade said, walking to the door. "Alright, come on." Shayne said, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me towards the door.

Just around 8:35, the sun had set already and it was getting colder outside. The lights were shining brightly down on the parking lot as the people were flocking into the dancehall. Music could be heard playing faintly from outside the place. "Who's driving tonight because I am drinking!" Jade shouted. "I'll drive, give me the keys." Caylie said, taking them away from her. "Good." She said. We walked into the dancehall and everyone was dancing. Those who weren't, were sitting at tables, drinking and laughing, having a good time. Some were sitting at the bar having drinks. There was a stage where a band was playing and it looked like every so often, some of the patrons could get up there and sing. We waded through some of the people and found ourselves a table. "What are you drinking?" One of the waitresses asked. "Whiskey on ice." Jade said. "Just a beer for me." Shayne said. "Stout or ale?" She asked. "Stout works fine." Shayne said. "Same here." Damien said, holding up a finger. "I just want lemon water." Caylie said. "And for you, miss?" The waitress asked. "Red wine. Any red wine if you have it." I said. The waitress gave a smile before walking off.

"So where's this guy, Jade?" Shayne asked as the waitress had come back and was serving us drinks. Shayne took a drink of the beer from the foggy mug. "I'm sure he'll be here." "Who is he anyways? Just someone you randomly met?" Damien asked. "Kinda sorta." Jade said, taking a sip of the whiskey. Just then, she looked across the room and there was a young man standing at the bar. He waved at her before grabbing his drink and making his way over. "How do I look?" Jade asked me. "You look fine to me." Shayne said, shrugging. The guy came walking up and sat down with us. "Hey guys." He said. We all greeted him appropriately, except for Shayne who seemed off put by the idea. "What was your name again?" I asked. "Flynn." He said. "You look really familiar. Like I've seen you from somewhere." Caylie said, grinning. "Oh! You look like Spiderman. What's that guys name?" Caylie asked aloud. Damien stifled a chuckle. "Jesus Christ, Caylie. It's Peter Parker." He said, setting the beer mug down.

Flynn just gave a chuckle. "Yeah, I've heard that before." He said. "I think Peter Parker is sexy." Caylie said. "Give it a rest, Caylie." Damien grunted. As we were sitting there, conversation dwindled to a stop. "I have to use the restroom, you two wanna tag along?" I asked, getting up from my seat. "Might as well." Caylie said, grabbing her bag and standing up. "Jade?" I asked. "Yeah." She took another drink before getting up. We all walked to the bathroom, leaving the guys sitting there.

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