71. Reasons Why

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The wind blew through the playground as I sat on the swing set. I was holding Shayne's little toy in my hand. I was waiting there for Tommy. I had suggested meeting some place other than my house. It wasn't that I didn't wanna jump all over his bones; it was just that I needed some time to think about these things. Perhaps Tommy and I had allowed ourselves to get too comfortable with each other. Kissing was obviously a mistake that led to other mistakes. Now I was avoiding him and I felt like a bitch about it. Tommy's car rumbled into the parking lot and there was someone sitting in the front seat. It was Joe Hansen. Tommy said something to him and then got out of the car.

"Baby girl!" He shouted, walking across the playground. He wrapped his arms around me. "I won't keep you long." I said, looking over at Joe. "Ehh...he's fine. He knows I'm here to talk to you." He said. "What are you two doing together?" I asked as we moved from the swings to a picnic table nearby. "Just hanging out." Tommy said. We sunk into the metal benches, Tommy leaned against the table. "So..." He started. "I'm sorry. I thought this would be easier once I saw you, but...it's actually really difficult." I said. "That's okay. I wanna say just real quick that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have said what I said. It just made things too weird." I reached across the table, grabbing his hand. "No. It was—it was surprisingly what I needed. I mean, I'm not in love with you...I'm just confused about a lot of things." He sighed. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He said, nervously looking away.

"It's just that, Shayne and I were so compatible, but now that I think about it...there were a lot of toxic things we did to each other. I loved him, but I'm not sure I loved him, y'know." I said. Tommy nodded his head. "I just feel like there was a reason I kinda buckled on saying the L-word to him. Maybe the feelings weren't really there. It was a nice thing to dream about, but...was it really true?" I said. Tommy leaned over the table. "Just between you and me, if you really loved him, you wouldn't have been having a little side affair with me." Tommy said. I rolled my lips together. "I know." "It's okay. I mean, he's gone now. He can hardly get upset at it." "It's just something I'm trying to figure out. It doesn't change how heartbroken I am that he's gone, but...there was too much bullshit." I said. I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm taking up all this time. Is there anything you wanna tell me?" I asked.

"Are you gonna be upset if I sleep with someone else? I know we're kind of through..." He said. I laughed. "Tommy, that was one of our rules, we don't get mad if the other steps outside this." He smiled. "But on that note, maybe you'll come see me...sometime soon?" I asked. He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth. "Oh yeah. Most definitely." He said. We stood up from the picnic table and he hugged me. "I'm so glad we had this talk." He said. "Me too." I watched as he walked to his car. He opened the door and Rob Zombie was blaring over the radio in the car. He said something to Joe and they drove off. I was left there, fingering that toy.

Jade's phone was ringing under her clothes that were on Donnie's floor. The sun was shining brightly through his bedroom window. She rolled over onto her back to find that she was alone in the room. "Goddamnit..." She muttered. She got out of the bed, fumbling through the clothes to find her phone. It stopped ringing. She grabbed one of his wrestling t-shirts that was hanging on a chair by the door and slipped it on. She walked out to find Donnie in the kitchen. "Good morning, angel." He said, softly. There was a happy tone pulsating through his voice, it made her want to melt. He was sitting at the dining room table, in boxers without a shirt on. She walked over to where he was. She leaned down to kiss him and he turned his head away; the kiss landed on his cheek.

She pouted. "Is that your way of saying my breath smells?" She asked. His brows shot up. "No! No, not at all. I've just been drinking coffee and I figured you—mmph..mmm." She pulled away from his lips. "Don't kiss me like that." She giggled softly. Her phone started ringing again as they were nose to nose. "You should answer that." He said. She groaned, lifting the screen. It was Gill. She answered it as Donnie busied himself with pulling her onto his lap. "Hello?" She said. "Jade! I've been calling and calling." I snapped. "Yeah, I just—got-got a little b-busy." She said. Donnie's hand snaked it's way between her legs, pushing aside the t-shirt material. "Well, I was wondering if maybe we could grab some coffee at the diner." I said. "Uhh...yeah. You-You've gotta come pick me up though..." "That's fine. Are you at home?" Her voice was quivering. "N-No. I-I'm uh...I'm at Donnie's house." She said. His lips seared against her exposed throat. "Okay, text me the address and I'll come get you." "C-Can umm...can you bring me some clothes too?" She asked. "Yes, I'll bring a change of clothes." I said. She hung up without saying goodbye.

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