86. Prom Night II

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We headed downtown to eat dinner first. We ended up taking separate vehicles, which might not have been the best course of action, but us girls could drive if the guys got too drunk. We ended up at a Red Lobster, but ultimately went to the Jack In The Box across the street because we didn't want to wait in line for seats. Lawrence had let Jade take the Canon camera and she asked some of the employees to take pictures of us eating since there was literally no one else inside the restaurant but us. They happily obliged, taking photos of us. They were still life pictures and then some of them were blurry because we were just having a good time together.

At about 8:30, we left the fast-food place. "Damien?" Caylie's voice squeaked out as they were sitting in the parking lot. "Before we go in there...there is something I need to say." She said. Damien looked over at her. "Tell me." He said. She rolled her lips together. "I...I'm..." her voice was growing shaky at the thought of saying the words aloud, but she was really trying to maintain composure. "I'm pregnant." She finally got the words out. Damien felt fuzzy in his chest and he wanted to throw up his heart. "What?" He asked. "Look...I don't want that to affect what you want to do in life." She said. He reached over, grabbing her hands. "My love...of course it affects me. This is not a free pass and don't you think for a second about uttering the word out." He said. "But I—" "And don't you say that you didn't plan for this." She sniffled softly. "I know but...we're just babies ourselves..." She said. "Honey...we can do this just like everyone else does. I don't want you to think that I don't want this or that I'm mad or it's your fault...none of that shit." He stopped. "Although, it does explain why you've been so moody lately." She punched him in the shoulder. "Ow!" He said, laughing. "I'm only partially kidding. But listen, how about we do this, we enjoy ourselves tonight and then we talk about it tomorrow?" He suggested.

"We can discuss what both parties think or want...and then we reach a common ground." Caylie wrinkled her brow. "I'm beginning to question if you're really Damien at all." She said. He chuckled. "I'm Damien, babe. I promise. I just...I don't know, something just feels different." He said. She sighed, nodding. "I think we should talk about it tomorrow then." She said. Damien smiled brightly. "Alright then. Let's just have fun tonight." He opened the car door and got out. Caylie did feel better after she told Damien about it.

Damien got out of the car and walked around to Caylie's side, opening it. She took his hand and got out of the car. "Took long enough!" Jade said as the four of them were waiting. Donnie reached into his jacket pocket to get out his carton of cigarettes. "No smoking!" Jade hissed. "I want one!" Tommy exclaimed. I looked over at him frowning. "You know how Mrs. Kensington feels about that..." I said. Tommy placed his arm around my waist pulling me towards him. "Oh behave..." He said, grinning with the cigarette between his lips.

"No smoking, guys." Coach E said, walking up. He was dressed in a green polo shirt and black slacks. Tommy tucked the loose cigarette in his dress shirt pocket as Donnie put away the rest of the carton.

We walked through the double doors of the venue and all the lights were off. You could hear the music playing in the distance and see the other students walking around. "You guys go ahead." I said to Caylie and Damien as we walked down the hallway, closing in on the door. Tommy's grip around my waist tightened a little. "Are you alright?" He asked. I sighed, taking a deep breath. "I just...I'm just thinking..." "Look, if you don't think you can do it, let's just get out of here. Let's just go back out to the car and we'll go find something else to do." I looked back towards the door. I just couldn't seem to escape the thought of Shayne in my mind. Running away was convenient and easy...it meant I didn't really ever have to face myself. I shook my head. "If I don't go in there with you right now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life." I said. Tommy just nodded. "Then let's go." He said, taking a step forward. That's one thing I really love about Tommy is the amount of patience and understanding that the man has for me. I could say that Shayne would have been such a dick about me being nervous. He would've made the situation about himself and made me feel guilty for it. Tommy...is different. He's soft and gentle. He's just...better than Shayne ever thought about being.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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