62. New Boy, Old Games

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Tires skidded against the graveled dirt outside the bar. When the vehicle came to a stop, dust billowed up around it. Several of the bikers were sitting against their bikes outside the place. Their heads turned to face the black car. The dust billowed and blew around as the doors began to open. "Can we help you?" One of them asked. Jason was in the passenger seat and was the last one to get out. He leaned against the top of the door. "God, I sure hope so." He said, flashing a smile.

Ricky reached forward, grasping Betty by her messed hair. She yelped softly. "I thought I fuckin' told you to get off that shit. Stop using the product or I'm going to kill you." He threatened. She sniffled softly, her eyes smeared with the black mascara. "Baby...you know this is the only thing keeping me sane." She whimpered softly. "I don't care. You're costing me money and patience." He grabbed her by the bottom of her face. "And you know what happens when I lose my patience..." He snarled. She started to gasp, reaching up and tugging his hands from her face. She was about to run from him when he shoved her down on the floor. He raised his closed fist, really to pummel down on her when the double doors of the bar flew open.

He jumped, turning around. "Well, well...if it isn't Ricky Almos." Jason said. He let out a chuckle. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ricky asked, straightening his back. Two other men flanked him on either side while the third one was positioned at the door still. Jason's feet thudded against the flooring. "Y'know, it's funny..." he started. Betty was still sitting there on the ground, blood running from her nose as her eyes flitted back and forth between Jason and Ricky. "...when I was 15 and living in this shit hole, you were still beating her ass." He pointed out. Betty let go of a trembling gasp. "I guess some things never change." Jason said, continuing to move towards him.

The two men continued to stay beside him as he walked over to the bar and sat down. "However, that isn't the reason I'm here." He said. "I'm here because a little birdie told me...that not only have you been beating up on your wife. You've also been beating up on your fucking son." He let out an agitated sigh. "And if there's one thing I can't stand, it's a man who hits children." "He isn't a fucking child anymore. And maybe if he was a man, I wouldn't have to hit him!" Ricky said. He gritted his teeth together. "Y'know, the person who wanted me to come here, just wanted me to kick your ass. But now...I'm thinking...I'll just kill you." He said.

Betty had gotten up from where she was sitting and had scrambled away. Ricky scoffed. "You're gonna kill me?" He asked. "That's the idea." He said. The next few moments happened so quickly if you blinked you would miss it. Jason jumped from the stool at the bar, taking almost a single stride to reach where Ricky was standing. He smashed him against the table, breaking the legs on it and knocking the chairs out of the way. He started in on Ricky's face, smashing his balled fist against his nose and his cheek bones. With a busted nose, blood was beginning to spill freely from his nostrils. Next came a split lip. Then a pain bloomed inside Ricky's chest. It was burning like he was suffocating. As Ricky was laying there, seemingly choking on his own blood, Jason loomed over him. "If you lay a finger on your boy, your wife, or anyone else ever again for that matter...I will hunt you down and I will peel all the skin off your bones." He reached down, grabbing Ricky by the shirt he was wearing. He lifted him up from the floor. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked. Ricky gave no response. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." Jason said, tightening his grip. Ricky coughed hoarsely. "Yes, loud and clear." He rasped.

Jason released his grip, dropping him down to the floor. He walked towards the men that were standing near the bar. "You sure you don't wanna kill him?" One of them asked. "I wasn't asked to kill him. I was asked to make sure he understands he will get the same treatment." He fixed the collar of his jacket. "Let's get out of here." He said, heading for the doors.

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