Part I. After The Chess Game

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   Marvin watched the male pack his bags. He smiled. He didn't know why he should be sad. Whizzer was finally moving out.

Warning: Abuse, Slurs, Suicide Mentions, Cheating, NSFW Mentions, Alcohol Abuse

Marvin's Point of View: March 27th, 1979. 1:25pm.

  Whizzer is hell to live with. I know it.     I hate him. I hate everything about him. I'm not gay, I just wanted to leave Trina! Trina is why I thought I was gay. And now SHE'S all Mendel talks about. I don't have a psychiatrist, I have a man who wants to screw MY property.

   I throw Whizzer's suitcase at him. It hits his hip, surely bruising it. God, if he doesn't deserve worse than that. I bet he was cheating on me! Actually, I know he was. I've seen so many men stuck in his ass. It's repulsive. He can fuck off. I don't care that he left! I have a tight knit family.

   Whizzer left, crying. Sobbing, in fact. Holy fucking shit he deserves to have that happen! He's being an ass. He didn't even make my fucking dinner last night! He was late! Again! He was supposed to be there, hair done, jeans tight, hair slightly messy so you can pull it, shirt halfway unbuttoned. But no! He was late.

   Should I yell at him? Of course I should! "DON'T COME BACK HERE AGAIN, FAGGOT. I DIDN'T LOVE YOU. GO KILL YOURSELF." I smile. He then looks at me, broken. I don't care if he's sad. He doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

   I sit on my couch and call Mendel. I fucking hate Mendel. I always will with the shit he pulled with MY wife. He answers in two rings. Does he not have anything to do with his life? "This is Dr. Mendel Weisenbachfeld speaking! Is this a patient or is it Trina? Oh wait it's probably Trina! Hi, Trin!" I roll my eyes. "So you ARE screwing my wife?"

   Mendel has trouble answering. I can tell. "I-I- Well- We- No? We're just good friends! Oh and also you have Jason in 2 hours!" I ignore the part about Jason. He's good friends with my wife. Great. "I'm calling because I'm afraid I'm being a raging narcissist again and need an appointment as soon as possible, asshole." I fucking hate him sometimes. "Okay! I can come to your house! It isn't a real appointment, but I can come over and we can talk about what seems to be troubling you." I sigh. "Actually, no thanks. Fuck you. Go get hepatitis from my wife." I'm not taking chances with him. I know he's in love with her and the feeling is mutual.

   I hang up. Who does the bastard think he is? He's so nice to me after falling in love with MY wife. He was MY psychiatrist. He can go fucking burn in hell, for all I care. Wait, Jews don't believe in hell. Still, he can go fucking die.

   I stand up from this couch. Whizzer wanted a black velvet couch for "style". What does style have to do with... Couches? What does style have to do with anything? I walk to the kitchen, pulling a beer out of the fridge. My 7th beer today, of course. I roll my eyes.

   Maybe I'll call Trina. Well, she won't answer the phone. Maybe I'll invite Cordelia over. No, she won't come! She doesn't fucking care about me. No one cares about Marvin. I used to love being Marvin. But that was back in high school. When I had 3 girls pining after me and a Columbus kink or something. But that's changed. Everything's changed.

   I'm still sitting on this God forsaken couch an hour and a half later, holding my knees. Drunk as ever. I hear a knock. Some combination that Jason made with me when he was 5. It was our "secret combination". I opened the door and he looked up at me, his eyes wet. Clearly stained with multiple small tear droplets.

  "What did Mendel tell you?" Mendel had been staying the night with Trina and Jason. They'd become such good friends and Mendel was there to support Jason and whatnot. I pick Jason up. He's 10, so you can still somewhat pick him up. It just slightly hurts your arms to do so. "Well he said you and him got into a fight and that you're being mean to him and mom." Jason hugged me. "Say it isn't true." He's so fucking overdramatic!

   "Jason, sit on the couch." I softly smiled at him, feeling a bit sorry for the boy. He sits, of course. I put a hand on his shoulder gently and somewhat lovingly. "So, Marvin, is it true?" He's still somewhat crying, so I wipe a tear from his eye. "I yelled at Mendel over the phone because I still want to be with your mother, however, I don't love her. And he's obviously too close with her for comfort."

   Jason looked at me overly confused. "Jason, sometimes people love being with someone to cover up a fact about themself that they hate most. Whether it be that they can't find someone else or they're... Attracted to men. And sometimes people hate their emotions of love and turn them into anger and yell at the ones they love. Or... Possibly hit them!"

   Jason nodded. "Dad, did you hit mom? It just seems like you implied it. I'm not saying I hate you or think you're a bad person!" I nodded and held up one finger. "It was when we got together. I was late for the wedding so we had a fight and that's also when she found out I was cheating on her with Whizzer." My eyes start to cloud at the mention of the man.

   "Anyways, we had a huge fight and she called me a bitch so I... I hit her. I slapped her across the face as hard as possible and that's why in some of your photos from a couple of years ago she has a huge handprint on the left side of her face. Not finger painting gone wrong." He looks at me, disappointed in me.

   "Where's Whizzer? I bought him some chocolate! I bought it for you to share." He smiles at me, trying to change the subject. "I kicked Whizzer out. That's why I was calling Mendel." I know he's disappointed in me. He's my son and I've disappointed him. What kind of father am I?

   "Well can't you just invite him back and apologize? You're with him, right? Dad, don't tell me you left him." He frowned. "I hit his leg with his suitcase and bruised it. I called him a horrible word. He doesn't want to see me right now, Jason." Jason's lip quivered as he sat down his bag. "Can I visit him after we eat? I'm starving." He smiled, trying to not be sad. "Of course!" I pat his back and get up, going to the kitchen. "How about linguine?"

Word Count: 1173
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Since I'm not posting these all together, you'll have to wait. <3


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