Part XXXV. Ice Cream Sundaes

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Whizzer and Marvin take Jason to an ice cream place for their first date. They fall in love again instantly and reconnect. It's their first real date, really. And they love it. Jason makes Whizzer eat a 15 dollar ice cream sundae and Whizzer ends up somehow gaining 5lbs because of that because ice cream is ice cream yk.

No trigger warnings! Just honest fluff.

Marvin's Point of View: 7:13pm, March 28th, 1981.

I felt liberated with him. I felt happy with this man. I felt in love for the first time in 2 years. Jason was in the car and he was either confused or faking being confused that Whizzer was there. "Dad, why's Whizzer in here? I thought you hated him or something." Whizzer turned around from the passengers' seat. "Well, your dad really loves tragically hip gay Jews."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Ew. Love." You could tell he was actually happy. Not by looking at him. But because he'd literally wanted this for years. "Whizzer, you're the hottest tragically hip gay Jew." I don't want to put my child's life in danger by kissing my gay lover, so I decide to save the PDA for later.

"Jason, what ice cream do you want?" I asked, surprised my normally flat voice was gone. I was expressing emotion. Like a normal person. I wasn't used to this shit. "Well I want vanilla with strawberry syrup and extra sprinkles and some chocolate syrup to the side." Whizzer was laughing at Jason's ridiculous order.

"Marvin, what do you want? I'm ordering. You always find a way to embarrass us at drive-thrus!" He gave me a look. "Whizzer, we are eating inside and treating our child to the luxury of actually eating in an ice cream place and not in the car, okay?" He was so passionate about ice cream in cars and honestly it was hot and I don't know how.

"You're an amazing dad. I would never waste the extra time of going into an ice cream place." Jason gave me a look to tell me I was bullshitting. "Jason, don't look at me like that! Sure, we always eat in restaurants but I have to compliment the man."

Marvin looked at me. "You don't have to compliment me, Whizzer. God. Are you still scared of me? I did too much harm to you. I won't murder you if you don't give me love, okay?" I wasn't sure about that but I agreed anyway. He probably had a trick up his sleeve or something. But I nodded. He arrived at the ice cream place and we got out. Jason ran into the building and ordered. And I swear to God he knows everyone's order from memory.

"Hey, cancel whatever the kid just said. I want the first thing he ordered, a small sundae, and your most expensive item. Do you think you can do that?" Marvin was ordering a 15 dollar ice cream because when you calculate the costs and look on the receipt- Whew. "Who's the most expensive item for?" Marvin put an arm around my shoulder. "You."

I kissed his cheek before the guy came back with the number of the table we should sit at. This seemed like a fancy restaurant. It would be without all the 7 year olds running around and all the 10 year olds in the back playing laser tag. Jason pointed at the laser tag area. "Daddd, can I go?" I looked down at him. "Absolutely, Jason." Jason ran to the laser tag arena and Marvin and I waited for our ice cream.

Marvin intertwined his fingers with mine. I was a bit more tan than him and it was obvious looking at our hands intertwined. "I've been dreaming of this moment for 2 years, Whizzer." I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one. "I've been waiting for this for 2 years, I just imagined your fashion would improve as much as your personality has."

Marvin and I were in the corner of the ice cream restaurant type thing. He cupped my face in his hand and kissed me. The electricity I felt was somewhat unreal. But I had to tell myself it was. Because this is what everything had lead up to. Everything in those 2 years had lead up to this date. This time with Marvin. The love of my life. Marvin Fraser.

"I don't know how we got back together, but Trina said it'd be destiny. I think she just planned it. But her plan actually worked out well." I said. Marvin chuckled at the actually. His laugh was perfect. He sounded like an angel. A beautiful, perfect angel. He grabbed onto my hand. Harder, but carefully. Careful not to hurt me. That wasn't the old Marvin. The old Marvin would've almost broken my hand to feel somewhat close to me.

"You have something in your eye." I moved closer to him, acting like I was going to get it out, but instead of getting out a nonexistent thing in his eye, I pecked him on the lips. A quick peck. Sure, we're in a somewhat secluded area, but I don't want to take any chances with anything. Especially him. I kiss him softly again before going back to waiting. The server arrives with the ice creams. A huge ice cream sundae is placed in front of me. "Thanks, Marv." Marvin just winks.

I motion for Jason to come back to the table, but he was already on his way when he saw the ice cream. "Dad, why can't you ever order me anything like that? That's a huge ice cream sundae! Whizzer can't finish that." I smiled at Jason. "Challenge accepted!" I picked up my spoon and started with the cherry.

Marvin seemed very concerned but Jason watched intently. I shoveled the ice cream sundae into my mouth while Marvin casually ate his. Jason was licking his ice cream while watching me. I was halfway done with it at this point. I continued to eat my way to the bottom of the bowl. Jason looked at the bowl in astonishment. "Dad, you did it! Other dad, look! He did it!" Jason seems very proud of me.

"And how much do you owe me for this triumph?" Jason stuck his tongue out at me. "I don't have any money." I pull my wallet out and give Jason a few quarters. And that's how I gained 5 pounds in one day.

A/N: 1084 words! Sorry if my uploads are delayed kinda. (:

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