Part XXXVIII. The End

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Marvin is happy. Whizzer is happy. Everything will be alright. Whizzer and Marvin are together again and there's no challenge they can't face together. They fall in love with each other day by day and Marvin even teaches Whizzer things about bread making. Because they were in love.

No trigger warnings for the last chapter. This is the last chapter, guys. Besides the epilogues. I hope you enjoyed the book and I'm actually making another one! You'll see it when you see it. (: Probably after this book is done.

Marvin's Point of View: 8:07pm, May 3rd, 1981.

Whizzer is currently wearing a form fitting suit as we walk into a fancy restaurant. "Reservation for the Brown brothers." We had to lie and say we were brothers so they would let us in. Whizzer and I take our seats and get handed our menus. The waitress asked what we want to drink. Whizzer simply responded with "Diet coke." God, he loves diet coke.

"I'll have a water with lemon." Whizzer used to insult me for my "plain" taste in beverages, but I was always going to get the same thing. Water with lemon. There were observable things about Whizzer and I. We had small things that made us... Well... Us. I missed the small things about Whizzer after the breakup. The waitress returns with our drinks.

I stare into Whizzer's eyes. I want him to kiss me, I just don't know how to tell him I want that. Whizzer understood my body language somehow and shook his head. "We're in public. Everyone thinks we're brothers, Marvin." I sigh. The waitress had gone to help a child who spilled his milk. She came back. "Do you know what you want to eat?" I looked in the menu. "Parmesan garlic linguine." I really, really love linguine.

"I'll have ravioli, ma'am." The woman writes our orders down and takes up our menus. Whizzer had been trying to do the straightest voice ever and I burst out laughing. "Whizzer, stop pretending to be straight." Whizzer laughs at me. "Marvin, I don't understand how some gay people don't have a Californian valley girl accent when they order stuff. Or how some gay people don't have good fashion."

"I don't understand how some gay people are automatically divas." I decide to combat his logic, but we're doing it playfully. I would call myself smart to attack him. I've realized that I'm not that smart. I wouldn't have hurt him—or called random numbers and not recognized his voice when I ended up calling him—if I was as smart as I claimed to be.

"Did you see about the thing in the news? How they're calling it homosexual syndrome?" I actually haven't heard of it. "Tell me more. God, I thought they legalized gay sex in 1980 here." Whizzer laughs at my remark. "It's a disease that can only be transmitted by anyone but mostly homosexual males get it by cum or some shit. It can lead to death or something."

I sigh. "That's odd. I've been completely monogamous, though. So I can't really transmit it to you." I kiss Whizzer's cheek. "I just had a lot of random hookups during our time apart. I'm a bit worried about it." I sigh and put my hand on his shoulder. "There is NOTHING to worry about." I could tell he didn't believe me. "There's nothing to fear. I love you."

I was and am in love with him and he needed to know that. As for the illness, I knew I wouldn't lose him and he was just concerned about it. I kiss his forehead, leaning over the table. That was something I would do back in the day to comfort him if he was ever anxious or mad or mad at me, actually. He always liked it. "Thank you." I smile at him. This was a genuine smile. "You're welcome."

The waitress arrives and hands us our food. Whizzer takes small bites as pretty much shovel it all in at the same time. Whizzer laughs at this, but not in a "I'm judging you" sort of way. "This. This is why I'm in love with you!" Whizzer whisper shouts between giggles. I kiss his cheek. "Shut up! I'm eating naturally." He laughs. "You got your linguine slime on me." He wipes a bit of parmesan sauce off his cheek.

I giggle. "This is our first fancy date." He looks at me and starts to think. "Oh wow. It is. I should've gotten you something." I pat his shoulder. "It's fine, Whizzer. You'll just feel a bit shitty when you see what I got you." I fumble through my pockets and pull out a box. "Isn't it a bit... Early to get married?" I laugh. "It's a promise ring."

Whizzer is obviously nervous. "Marv-" I cut him off. "You don't have to take it. It's just a thing to promise we won't ever separate til death do us part or something." Whizzer almost started crying. "Wow, Marvin. Wow. I- Of course. Of course. Definitely." I don't know how to do ring transitions so I gave him the ring by sliding and somewhat throwing it to him.

Whizzer laughed at how unprofessional I was. "Thanks for the ring. I promise I'll never leave you unless you try to murder me or are a dumbass or become straight which we all know will never happen." He smiles at me and I don't laugh at the joke. "Thanks for the ring. Holy shit. This seems expensive." It was literally 10 dollars and from Walmart but I didn't want to tell him that.

"Well, only the best for you, Whizzer." He examines it before putting it on his ring finger. "Whizzer, that's the finger that says I'm dead." He starts giggling and I laugh with him. "Oh no! I'm on a date with a ghost." We giggle, our food is long forgotten. "I love you." I say, our foreheads pressed against each other's. "I love you too." I'm not lying.

"Whizzer, I'm glad this turned out alright. If it hadn't, I don't know what I'd do." I don't know what I'd do if I hadn't gotten him back. If I hadn't have changed. We leave the restaurant while holding hands.

I'm in love with him. I know I am. This is how it's never felt before. So good. So right. Everything about him feels right. Our late night talks, our giggles, the inside jokes. Everything felt amazing when I was with Whizzer Brown. I got so happy. He made me happy. He was the reason I stayed motivated through the breakup.

I will always be in love with Whizzer Brown. I said to death do we part, but if we die... Goddamn. I could never see myself remarrying anyone. Because no one can compete to Whizzer. No one can make me as happy as Whizzer makes me. Whizzer makes me. He just makes me. I loved him through every moment I shared with him. The 10 months at the beginning and now.

I was in love with his body at first. When we got together. I was there for sex. Pump and dump. That's a stock term, but it applies to this situation. Everything about Whizzer was holy to me. I should start a religion where we worship Whizzer as a god. I should make a new testament of Jesus Christ where Whizzer becomes Jesus. Because I already worship him.

I think he's the one for me. Not think, I know. I don't know what I would do if things had turned out differently. Whizzer was why I lived through everything. He was why I was optimistic. Why I never did sometimes I would regret. Why I never did anything to harm myself. Because I was optimistic that we'd get back together.

A/N: 1311 words. I love you guys so much. I'll release the epilogues tomorrow. One's sad, one's happy. (: Goodbye.

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