Part XXXVII. What More Can I Say?

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Marvin is happy to be with Whizzer. Their reunion is taking away most of the stress of the bar mitzvah. Marvin's been in love with Whizzer since day one and having him back is the best thing to ever happen to him. He was truly in love with Whizzer Brown. The passion didn't die.

No trigger warnings. This chapter is Marvin saying everything he feels about Whizzer since the reunion. Every emotion he's feeling. How happy everything is making him. Because Marvin's actually in love.

Marvin's Point of View: 5:03pm, April 14th, 1981.

Whizzer and I were doing the most pointless thing on earth. If you don't know, it's called a sleep day.  It's like the Sabbath but Whizzer decided when it is and we have to remember the Whizzer Sabbath and keep it holy because that was Whizzer's commandment when he created earth and had a rest day on the seventh day!

"Whiz, what's the point in a rest day?" Whizzer looked at me, somehow tired. I don't know how he's tired. "I need my beauty sleep, Marv. And if that involves a rest day, then we'll have a rest day. So either enjoy the rest day or leave me alone in bed, hon." That was a very convincing argument because I don't know what people do alone in bed besides eat ice cream, cry, and masturbate.

I give into the whole 'Whizzer needs 24 hours of beauty sleep' plan. I wouldn't have 2 years ago. I would've just gotten mad and stormed out. "You don't need beauty sleep with an ass like that." Whizzer was already starting his 24.3 hours of beauty sleep. God, he looked beautiful. He was shirtless because sleeping in shirts should never be generalized according to him.

God... I'm so glad we actually worked out in the end. I can remember everything like it was yesterday. The phone call, the everything... Jason trying to make us get along. Who knew a baseball thing would reunite us? A fucking baseball game. Now, I'm not complaining. I'm actually very glad we got back together. But a baseball game?

Whizzer was an excellent boyfriend. I made a promise a couple of days ago to never leave him again and he didn't seem to believe it, but I reassured him. He's so jittery about this shit. I know I hurt him and he has the right to be this way, but it hurts to see him scared of me and shaking and goddamn-

Who'd have thought it'd end up like this? We're so happy together and it... It confuses me. It's like... When he sparkles, the earth begins to sway and- And I love him. We laugh and we fumble and we take everything day-by-day. I'm so surprised how this turned out.

We're together. Wow. Why? What did I do to deserve Whizzer Brown? The Whizzer Brown I've always been in love with. My Whizzer Brown. The Whizzer Brown that makes me so goddamn happy. The one who makes me giddy when I'm upset. The one who I'm holding right now. The love of my life. That Whizzer Brown.

I'm so impressed that everything turned out so well in the end. I've been revised. Looked over somehow. I've changed. I've actually changed. And I can't believe this shit. I'm so proud of myself but not egotistical proud, just proud of my character development. Human development. Personal development. Whatever the fuck you call that. Jason was with his mom, buying shoes or a backpack or something. Or some chess thing. He always buys a new chess game.

Whizzer was... Wow. Wow. I have to stay calm and stay how I used to be. I'll have to. And that's the simple truth. Because I can't have him leave me again. I love him. I love him a lot. I love him too much to lose him or hurt him. Because he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love Whizzer Brown.

A/N: 666 words. This chapter is short because uh I uploaded twice yesterday on accident so there.

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