Part XIV. Whizzer And Charlotte

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The lesbians decide to pay Whizzer a visit and talk to him. They tell him what's going on with Marvin. Whizzer is still obviously scared of Marvin, but loves him and breaks down crying out of pure stress of the breakup. He goes to the same gay bar Marvin went to with Charlotte, leaving Jason with Cordelia, who almost has to take him back because he's getting too emotional. This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, Melanie, because she's one of the reasons I'm not constantly stressed about this fic.

Trigger warnings for bars and mentions of sex.

Whizzer's Point of View: 5:17pm, April 6th, 1979.

I still wasn't fully over Marvin but Jason has been keeping me company. He's a smaller, nicer Marvin. He's the best son I could ask for and I like just took him for coffee and clothes shopping because his style is... No. Dinosaur shirts are horrendous. I understand that he isn't interested in dating anyone and he's 10, but he needs some life advice.

That's when I ran into me and Marv's friends, Charlotte and Cordelia. The lesbians who lived by Trina who I used to get drunk with back in college. "Charlotte! Cordelia!" I said, walking over to them. "Jason, you've met the lesbians, right?" Jason nodded and hugged Cordelia. "Jason, I missed you!" Jason and Cordelia seemed to be good friends. Marvin and Charlotte got along best when we were together.

I smiled at Charlotte and she smiled back. I think she knew about the breakup, but I can't be too sure. "Char, Marvin told you about the breakup, right?" She put a hand on my shoulder. "He did. We hung out yesterday. He fell through his friend's table and got splinters in his ass and showed up at the hospital." I laughed. Karma is a bitch. And apparently so are tables. But are tables bitches if he's a sick bastard who deserves everything bad coming to him?

"Do you want to go to the gay bar or something?" She jokingly whispered "They have glory holes." in my ear and I started laughing. "Charlotte, I went through a breakup and my son is right there!" I pointed to Jason but he'd went somewhere with Cordelia. "So do you want to go or not? It'll be fun!" Charlotte smiled at me. "I guess."

Me and Charlotte walked off to find Cordelia and Jason to tell them we were leaving. Cordelia and Jason are best friends already apparently so she won't have a problem babysitting him and he won't have a problem staying with her.

"You're fine with going to the bar, right?" I sighed. "Yes, I'm fine with it. Now let's gooo." I said dramatically. I need a break from adulting. Even if I was hardly even adulting and just hanging out with a 10 year old and playing an unhealthy amount of some medieval board games. Charlotte checked out her and Cordelia's clothes and I picked out a shirt and checked it out, but since it was pink and a woman's shirt there were some questionable stares.

I followed Charlotte to my car because Cordelia took her's with her and Jason when they went to wherever Jason wanted to go. Maybe a game store or somewhere like some baseball thing. Meanwhile, his dad was about to find some man to stay with for the night and his other godmother was going to watch his dad get shit faced and ask out a random guy every 5 seconds. The car is relatively weird and it smells like air freshener. It has a weird pattern that makes them seem like hippies, but I knew it was something they got with Marvin.

Marvin always told me a story about them going to a car dealership together and buying Charlotte a psychedelic Rolls Royce because of John Lennon back in the 1960s and how Charlotte kept the Rolls Royce. I have to duck to get into cars. This is what my life has come to. Being that fucking tall. At least guys like it.

So we arrive at this shitty gay bar and I'm automatically reminded of going here with Marvin for some "pretend we're strangers" foreplay. I swish some scotch in my glass. Boring fucking drink. I hate how literally no one is coming over here. Maybe it's because I'm crying, but no men are coming over here. I know Marvin would've. He would've spotted me miles away. Taken me into his arms-

I hate him. I can't still love him. He's a fucking monster and I hate him and he's why I'm in this weird fucking gay bar. I'm trying to get over him. "Do you want to go home?" I didn't realize I was sobbing. "No thanks." It had been 10 minutes there and a guy walked over to me. He reminded me of me if I had kept those ridiculous blonde highlights.

He pulled me to the side. It didn't seem flirtatious. He seemed concerned for my mental health and wellbeing and all that bullshit. "Look, you're crying and drinking scotch. You don't seem to be having the best time right now. I'm Whitman." I shook his hand. "Whizzer." Whitman smiled at me, but he seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Holy shit. You're that one guy!"

I don't know where the fuck he knew me from. "You come here a lot and you and Marvin just broke up! You're that guy." I started crying again at the mention of Marvin. I'm an emotional wreck. Fuck this. "And how do you know Marvin?" I'm so fucking confused. "He's my boyfriend." Well it didn't take him long to move on. And to a guy who is the carbon fucking copy of me.

I was now sobbing. Fucking shit. "Oh. So he destroyed your table? Sorry about that. Sucks for the table." The dude was nervous. You could tell it so fucking easily. He was just an open book. "Yeah. I'm assuming his doctor friend told you?" I take a sip of my scotch. "I'm here with her. I just don't understand why you're with him." I rolled my pants leg up to reveal scars from Marvin. Then I rolled my sleeves up.

"Holy fucking shit. He did that to you?" I took another sip of my scotch. "Yep. Fucking hurt like hell!" I choked on a sob. "I'll make sure to leave him as soon as possible. He just said you guys would argue. I never knew he would beat the shit out of you." And I guess that's how I persuaded a guy to leave his boyfriend who was also my ex lover. Fuck my life.

A/N: 1114 words woo. Love you, guys. I suck at writing.

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