Part XXIII. Whizzer's Day-to-Day Life

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He screws every morning, then bathes and drinks tea. Whizzer's been living the fucking life and I'm going to share that with you because we've been focusing on Marvin way too much. This chapter is on how Whizzer is doing and how he's living and I might add Jason in there.

This chapter starts off a bit sexual yk the average "waking up by a random guy stuck in you haha happens all the time". It doesn't have drinking like a lot of Whizzer chapters do, even though he is drinking tea which is very high in caffeine so damn, Whizzer.

Whizzer's Point of View: 7:01am, March 7th, 1980.

I woke up at the sound of a faint alarm. It was only so quiet because I'd turned it down for the conquests or maybe it was loud and didn't work and my head was spinning. I got up, careful not to disturb the naked man by me who looked about 23.

I stood up, my legs wobbling. I put clothes on and made my way to Trina's kitchen. "Hi, Whiz! Do you want some tea?" Trina had been making my tea recently. She did it better than I did. "Of course I do! When's Jason coming over?" I smiled at her. "When his father wakes up."

Jason had been coming over more frequently and I felt a bit sorry for Marvin. Jason had been basically ignoring him. Marvin was an asshole, but Jason was a little ball of sunshine and I couldn't imagine having a son and having him like my ex more. I couldn't imagine having a son. Jason's all I need and I would never be able to have a son of my own because I would never do it with a woman. I love women, but I don't LOVE women.

My conquest from last night left and Trina gave me a questioning look. I know she wasn't trying to shame me, if just really looked like she was. "Don't act like you've never slept around before." Trina laughed. Oh god, she hasn't. "Marvin was my first and that's when I got pregnant with Jason. And that's when we got married."

"Oh, honey." I rested a hand on her shoulder. Mendel walked into the kitchen. "Good morning!!" Trina waved at him and walked away from me. She kissed his cheek. They were obviously a married couple and honestly I only think Mendel likes her because she's pretty, but I'm not the type of gay to start drama.

"Morning, Trina! Hi, Whizzer!" Mendel knew a lot about... Stuff? He knew about psychology, nothing about style. He had just woke up and gotten into khakis and some random sweater and I hated it. "Please burn that sweater."

And that was always my morning. Wake up by a random guy, greet Trina, drink tea, give Mendel fashion advice that somehow tells him that I hate his sweater. And he never burns his sweaters. Apparently Trina likes the sweaters too much. I don't believe it. Who could like those sweaters?

So the doorbell rang and Jason ran in. "Whizzer, hey!" I pat Jason's head. Jason stuck his tongue out at Trina and just waved at Mendel. Mendel waved back and smiled at him. I felt so sorry for them sometimes. He was a sweet kid, he just had a lot of issues. Especially with Trina and Marvin. They caused a lot of those issues with the constant fighting. Sometimes Jason opens up to me a bit.

Most of the time Jason comes over, we either eat candies together or go shopping or watch TV. I'm trying to teach him about fashion and style. "So, Whizzer, I just found some cool chocolates that are peanut butter stuffed and really good so I brought some!" Jason ran back to my room after getting a Ziploc bag with the sweets-that actually looked pretty fucking good-out of his backpack.

"Jason, the room is messy- Don't go back there." Jason didn't listen to me and I'm glad he didn't notice the pack of condoms on the ground or anything because when I walked in there he just had the tv on and was eating the new sweets without me.

I did a mock-offended gasp. "Jason, how dare you?" He smiled at me in the most innocent way ever. He was a sweet child, but he could also be a lot like his father. "Well I need them to exist. Duh. Stop being a bitch and let me eat chocolate." Marvin taught him that word. Which is why Trina got mad at him once. He taught him every swear in the book. Besides dick. I taught him dick when Marvin called me a dick. Jason caught onto it and he randomly started saying dick, so Marvin decided to teach him more.

I was always the more parental one in the relationship. Marvin didn't know how to properly parent. He would lose Jason or something. One time he left him at the store and that wasn't fun. We found Jason looking at board games like nothing had ever happened.

Jason decided to stop being rude and actually give me some of the candies. We sat on the bed and ate them together. They were actually really good. "Where'd you get these?" I smiled at him, eager to consume all of these I could find. "Dad gave them to me! He said he actually made them himself. I never knew he could cook because he never did but he's been using it as a thing to make him really happy!"

So he's found a coping mechanism in the thing he's worst at and actually is good at it? "He always made me cook for him. He used to say it was because he couldn't cook, but I think I always knew it was because he didn't want to seem feminine. He always had a thing about not wanting to seem like a woman."

Jason smiled at me and leaned into my bed. He was kinda focused on the tv and all so I just decided to focus on the boring tv show with him. I don't understand why he liked it, but I think Marvin watched it a lot.

A/N: 1043 words. It's 9pm and I have no ideas so like leave ideas in the comments if you want!

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