Part VII. Whizzer Takes A Home

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   Whizzer finally had a place to stay. He fully introduces himself to Mendel and apologizes to Trina, who completely forgives him. Whizzer is ecstatic to finally have a home, even if it's with the family his ex can't admit to himself he doesn't have.

   No trigger warnings. It's a lot of happiness and fluff and everything's just happy and Whizzer moves in and gets reminded of Marvin way too much and admits to himself that he's still not over Marvin and that that was okay. Even if he hated Marvin just as much as he loved him.

Whizzer's Point of View: 9:32am, March 28th, 1979.

   I sat my suitcases down on this weird looking rug they had. I'm not complaining. Their vase looks nice and they took me in out of a gay bar in New York. I can't believe I even let the breakup get to me that bad. I could have literally just called Marvin's old neighbors or Trina or something and they would've taken me in and made me tea.

   "I hope you don't mind me staying." I say, taking a seat on their couch to watch whatever was on TV. "Oh, honey, it's fine! I just want you to know that we love you and I know what you're going through!" I was glad she didn't scream at me and call me anything rude. She was always nice to me.

   The couch smelled like Marvin. He always sat on the left end of the couch, even though I always wanted to sit on the left end. But I knew he'd most likely never been in the house. But Trina smelled like Marvin. He always smelled like her perfume. She was a hugger and you could tell it. When I stayed with her and Marvin before Marvin and I moved out together, she was hugging both of us. She's a sweet lady.

   "Did I tell you that Marv showed up yesterday?" I looked up at her. "What'd he do this time?" I rolled my eyes. I hated hearing about all the horrible shit he did. "Well, remember the wedding invites I sent out?" I nod. "I wrote one for everyone in the address book. Including Marvin." I could see where this was going. "He showed up at the house and hurt me!"

   I hugged Trina. "But now you're here, Whiz! And we're going to have a lot of fun together. Mendel, honey! Come out here." Mendel, Marvin's psychiatrist that I'd only met a handful of times, came out of his room. "Uh, hey, Whizzer!" He waved awkwardly. "Hi, honey." He said to Trina. She waved at him. "Whizzer's going to be staying with us. Marvin kicked him out and it's either this or prostitution and I really don't want him to hit rock bottom." Mendel sat down on the couch. "Whatever you say, honey."

   Mendel seemed nice. But he's a psychiatrist. He's probably going to psychoanalytize me or something. I don't want him to know my deepest fears and why I do things. That seems very creepy to me. He wears weird pants. His pants don't match his hair. He therefore isn't qualified to psychoanalytize me.

  "I'm Whizzer Brown. You've probably heard a lot about me from my ex. He wears knit ties so you can't trust him." I cross my legs. "You're Marvin's ex gay lover, right?" I nod, hating being referred to as that. "You seem uncomfortable with that term. I'll just call you Whizzer." He laughs at his own joke. "Mendel, right?" There's literally a pun in his name. I heard him say "I'll help you mend." to Trina once.

   "I'm Mendel Weisenbachfeld. But you can just call me Mendel." He seemed awkward. He smiled at Trina who just wrapped an arm around him, feeling a bit sorry for him because no one liked his jokes that weren't even supposed to be considered jokes. "You're a psychiatrist, right? Must be a comfortable living when Trina just works at the... Nearest coffee shop." Trina smiled a bit uncomfortably. "Anyways, thanks for taking me in!" I smile and get up, patting Mendel on the back.

   Trina gave him a look saying that I'd had a rough night and that's why I was being so petty. I chose not to comment on it because I was happy and grateful. "So, where should I put my stuff?" Trina looks at Mendel. "Well, uh, I'll lead you to the guest room!" He picked up my luggage and walked me to this nice bedroom with a queen sized bed with white sheets. He sits my suitcases down. "Thanks, Mr. Mendel." He smiles. "You're welcome!" He leaves and goes to the living room.

   The colour scheme of the room is tans and whites. There's light tan walls and a white mini-fridge. There's a tan microwave and a small television on tan cabinets and drawers. I begin to unpack. I only unpack my clothes and hair stuff and soap. That's really all I'll even need tonight. I put the clothes in the cabinet and put everything else in the washroom.

   I go to the kitchen and pilfer through everything. I find some mint tea bags and start to make mint tea, hoping Trina and Mendel don't mind. Trina's car just left and I think she said something about running errands. Mendel's watching some TV show in the living room. It was some boring thing and I didn't really even care about it.

   I thought about going to the bar again, but I really don't want to live that lifestyle. I don't want to be like I was and like I was going to be again. I want a man in my life, sure. But I couldn't imagine going back to how I was. I didn't know why I would even consider it.

   I decide to go to the mall after I drink my tea. When I finish my tea, I put the cup in the sink and go into my car after getting my wallet from my suitcase. The mall's always a good place to find a man to get over Marvin.

A/N: I don't know if I should give Whizzer a boyfriend because OCs aren't my thing. I mean if you know what to do, tell me. Maybe we can just leave him single. Word Count before the author's note was 1022.

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