Part XVIII. Bonus Clips/Grading

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Now the bonus clips are left. Jason chooses ones that highlight every member of his family. He chooses their highs and lows. He chooses things to show how they get along. His teacher grades the paper. This will be a normal point of view chapter. First Jason's, then his teacher returns it. The grading will be in the teacher's point of view and include her take on the family.

No trigger warnings. You can't have triggering stuff in 6th grade homework even though one time I wrote my sexuality on a 5th grade worksheet after I'd first came out when it was like "Tell me about you!"

Jason's Point of View: 12:38am, September 1, 1979.

I had finally finished the video so now I have to record some bonus clips and I think I should get something that shows who my family is because then the teacher clearly can't get me a bad grade and I really want to show something that actually introduces her to us!

My first clip is going to be of Whizzer because I'm at his house right now and we're playing chess so I pull my camera out when he's asking me to teach him which one the rook is again. "No, Jason that's a castle. Not a rook." I laughed at his really bad mistake because you can interchangeably call the rook a castle.

After I went home, Mendel took me to his weird left handed scissors food store and got us pizza, but they only had left handed tables and I didn't even know left handed tables existed until I had to face them and that's when I realized that I really hate left handed tables so I filmed Mendel trying to eat really weirdly at a left handed table and then he covered his face so I stopped filming.

I got a few more clips of Mendel failing at eating food so now I was at a total of 4 bonus clips which is really good because I only have 9 days left and I really want to have fun and not stress about school on the 9 days and I had to put this thing on a VHS tape which is really boring so I should film my mom cooking next because that shows what she likes and what makes her happy and I'll get a good grade for this one because it shows what makes mom happy!

So I film 3 clips of my mom cooking in the kitchen and she sings while she cooks so I really have to apologize to my teacher because that's gotta rupture someone's eardrums and she's a good singer but she sings really weird pop songs that she likes but they just confuse me because if I had to write a song it would be about chess.

So now I have to go to dad's voluntarily which sucks because he's been really sad lately about having to see Whizzer but I'm not going to let that get in the way of my homework so I decide to go to his class for my last pieces of footage.

Teacher's Point of View: 1:12pm, September 7, 1979.

I just got mailed the tape by this beautiful and absolutely bright kid in my class! I know he doesn't have a stable family, but it's always interesting to see him make it work! He has an amazing brain and amazing ideas. I pop the tape into my VHS player and sit on the couch. He's a very smart kid and I cannot wait to see what he put together!

The first thing I see is him and a guy. I've never seen this guy at parent teacher conferences, but I think I've seen him always picking Jason up from school. He hugs the guy and explains he's his dad but more of a friend than a dad. I think this kid has 3 dads.

The next thing was him and his actual dad who always came to parent teacher conferences. His dad took him to an art museum that I always love to go to! I smiled as the guy was introduced as Marvin, Jason's biological father. I'm quite sure Marvin's gay, but that isn't my personal business. And I think Jason just called Marvin a bitch.

So then I was introduced to Mendel who seemed like quite the character. Mendel just waved and said hi. Mendel was the guy who married Jason's mother. I think I actually got their wedding invitation and didn't go! They seem like a lovely couple.

Next I was introduced to a woman called Trina, who was a member of the PTO. She's a lovely woman and a lovely mother. I laughed when she mentioned teaching him to use a camera, as a mother of 3. She's a very sweet woman.

The next clip was odd because of the tension between Marvin and Whizzer. I think Whizzer touched Marvin's ass at some point and Trina whispered some thing to Mendel and I honestly hate this clip, but it did what I asked so I can't flunk him for having a horrid family life.

Then it cut to Trina and Jason baking cookies. Jason mentioned Whizzer and Marvin being roommates, but it was very hard to believe with the tension in the last clip. Trina appeared to have shut the camera down herself.

Mendel was up next. Mendel explained how it was being a psychiatrist and what psychiatrists did in detail and Jason just shut it off halfway through the explanation. I feel bad for Mendel. Mendel seems nice.

The next clip was Marvin telling everyone about his job as an accountant and almost saying it was "fucking boring", but he didn't replace both parts. He just said it was "fricking boring". My husband is an accountant, so I understand how Marvin feels. It seems very boring sometimes when he complains to me about work!

Next clip was with a wrap-up. I don't think there was a mention of Whizzer in this section, which I'll take 5 points off for, making Jason have a 95. Jason signed off. His last name was so long and overly complicated that it made me laugh. Weisenbachfeld. The funniest name ever.

The next few clips were just Jason at an Italian restaurant which seemed really boring and then Jason being taken to a left handed scissors store that apparently had good food? And then Trina took Jason to a dance class and Marvin took him to a meeting. Mendel seems weirder than I thought.

Next was everyone going swimming, which was completely unresolved sexual tension between Marvin and Whizzer. I honestly don't understand them and I never will. Not because they're gay. My sister's gay. But because of their dynamic.

Then they were playing chess. Jason always plays chess when it rains so we have to do inside recess. And then Jason beats everyone. Mendel seems horrible at chess. I feel sorry for Mendel. Watching him get beat with a basic strategy. You can't not feel bad for Mendel, honestly.

The next thing was a Shabbat service. I'm not Jewish, so it was interesting to get an insight into the religion. It's very popular in New York and I have a lot of Jewish friends, so it was interesting to see how temple works and I think it's really cool!

Next are the bonus clips. The first thing I see is Whizzer failing at chess and not knowing how to play it, of course. He didn't know what w rook was and I didn't blame him. Chess terminology is weird. Like a piece shaped like a horse and called a knight. What the heck?

The next 4 bonus clips are Mendel and Jason struggling to eat at left handed tables in the left handed scissors shop that apparently exists somewhere. New York is a weird place with apparent left scissor pizza shops.

Then there are clips of Trina cooking in the kitchen. Trina is pretty good at cooking! I wonder if her mother taught her everything. She's the type of person to have grown up in a family like that. She sings when she cooks, so I'm glad I'm not the only one.

The last 2 clips were heartbreaking to watch. Jason went over to Marvin's house and saw Marvin crying in the clips. He comforted his dad and of course he asked if he could film it and Marvin said yes. Marvin was feeling horrible and stressed. And that's why I gave Jason a 100 instead of a 95.

A/N: 1435 words! Also, I need everyone's advice on how to get over a crush because I don't want to be hopelessly in love with someone.

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