Part XVII. More Homework

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Jason has to continue his homework and struggles to get Whizzer and Marvin in a room together. Let alone with Trina and Mendel. Jason finds that this homework assignment is more than he bargained for but also the perfect way to get his family back together. Even if they all hated each other. He may not know how to get his dads in a room without them killing each other, but he could care less.

No trigger warnings. It may be badly written. I'm writing this in a really bad state of mind right now! I hope you guys can understand because I just found something out about my past that is completely fucking traumatizing. The last part was written while I was in bed with a knee injury so this may not be the best, but it's as happy as I could make it!

Prompts left:
• Show a clip of each family member taking you to a place you haven't been before.
• Show a clip of you eating with as many family members as you'd like.
• Show a clip of your family going somewhere outdoors.
• Show a clip of your family playing a board game.
• Show a family tradition.
• Add 10-15 extra bonus clips for 10 extra points.

Whizzer was taking Jason to a fancy Italian restaurant when Jason pulled out his camera. "Dad's never taken me here before! Dad, say hi!" Whizzer waved at the camera and blew a kiss at it. "Hi, Jason's class!" Whizzer smiled at the camera. Jason went on to film the food, paying extra attention to the breadsticks.

Mendel took Jason to a weird store that he liked, so Jason set up the camera. "This store has left handed scissors." Jason filmed the various assortment of left handed scissors. "Dad, you aren't left handed." Mendel looked at Jason. "I come here for the food in the back, Jason."

Jason filmed Marvin taking him to some boring meeting. "Everyone here is discussing business and mad at me for talking." Jason whispered to the camera. Marvin waved at the camera and went back to the meeting. They were discussing some company that Jason didn't know anything about.

Jason filmed Trina taking him to a dance class. "Is it step touch or touch step, mom?" Jason didn't know how to dance or anything. "This is my mom! She likes cooking and dancing and really cool girl things! Her favorite color is pink, so she's wearing her favorite pink dance outfit!" Trina smiled at the camera and at Jason.

Jason started filming his dinner with Mendel and Trina. "We're eating some nice kosher food at Abaita! It's a kosher Italian restaurant in New York. We really like Italian food." Mendel waved awkwardly at the camera and Trina wrapped an arm around Mendel. Whizzer could be seen on camera on a date with a man by their table.

Jason assembled the not so tight knit family. Marvin sighed. "So today we're going swimming so I can film it for homework!" Marvin rolled his eyes and stared at Whizzer who was looking away from him. Marvin was obviously checking Whizzer out. Mendel whispered something to Trina that Jason couldn't hear. It was probably about Marvin checking Whizzer out and how noticable it was. Jason set up his camera at the pool and Marvin left halfway through the visit.

Jason had learned to never include Marvin on their family escapades for his filming anymore. He couldn't make it work. Jason knew this decision would hurt his grade, but was hoping the bonus clips would help with the points he would be losing.

Show a clip of your family playing a board game. Jason pulled out his chess board. He almost went for canasta because Whizzer liked it, but card games were too boring to him. He didn't understand how anyone could play a card game and enjoy it. It was for old geezers.

Jason won against Whizzer. Whizzer won against Trina. Trina won against Mendel. Whizzer won against Mendel. Everyone kept getting Mendel into a four move checkmate and he didn't like it in the slightest. Jason had filmed clips of it, especially most of Mendel's short-lived game footage.

Jason decided to film a Shabbat service for the family tradition. Sure, some kids already made fun of him for being Jewish, but it was a tradition for his family to attend Shabbat services every Saturday to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, as the 10 commandments say.

Jason was and asked Trina to film him. Trina kissed Jason's cheek as she gave the camera to Mendel to film. Whizzer was also there, though highly bored. He never had to attend Jewish church services because his mother was atheist and his dad was an ethnic Jew. He still prayed and believed in god, he just had literally helped someone break one of the 10 commandments.

Marvin was also there, just not socializing with them. Jason made sure to film Marvin, but Marvin only spoke to Jason and said hi to Trina after they had a truce where they could fitfully coexist.

Marvin's Point of View: 2:43pm, July 24th, 1979.

Fucking hell. Why did Whizzer have to be everywhere now? I thought I was over him. I thought I could finally move on. I was doing fine by myself. I called a truce with Trina and then he shows up. I still fucking love him. I don't think we'll ever get back together and it hurts. Not having him hurts. Everything hurts.

I looked at my photo of Whizzer I had above the fireplace. I wasn't going to cry. I left him. I shouldn't cry if it was all my fault. I hurt him and I hurt my son who doesn't want to be my son anymore. I loved him. I love him. But I can't be with him and I think I've finally accepted that. I was making changes. I was making slow changes.

Whizzer's Point of View: 2:43pm, July 24th, 1979.

I couldn't fucking do this shit. I kept fucking seeing him. I hated it. I don't fucking like this shit. I hate when I see him. I hate that I might still fucking love him. He doesn't deserve it. I was horrible to him, but he was worse to me. I can never forgive him.

I may have wanted to be back with him but I still couldn't be in a relationship with that monster. Not now, at least. I'm so fucking scared of my emotions towards him. I don't want to love him. I'll never act on the feelings because I fucking hate him.

Word count: 1111. Sorry if I got Jewish Sabbath temple wrong! I'm not Jewish, I just used to heavily research the religion.

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