Part XXXIV. The Baseball Game

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The chapter's here. Jason and Trina and Mendel reunite Whizzer and Marvin at Jason's baseball game. They fall in love again and Jason finally has his dads back together and he couldn't ask for more. Whizzer was an amazing dad to him and Whizzer and Marvin were both finally happy. Together.

No trigger warnings. This chapter is fluff. 5 more chapters until the very end. This is where the plot of the story comes to an end but the next few chapters aren't about the AIDs thing. They're about Whizzer and Marvin getting readjusted to a relationship together so having 2 epilogues makes sense.

Whizzer's Point of View: 5:04pm, March 28th, 1981.

He was there. He was there. He was actually there. I took my son glasses off. "What are you doing here?" Marvin spat the words at me. Venomously, but it was why I fell in love with him. The way he spoke, the way he- "I love baseball. I love Jason. That's what I'm doing here. Jason asked me to come and since he asked me to come, I came!" Marvin asked me to sit in front of him, but I sat by Trina.

"Did you know about this?" I wanted to know why this had happened. "Nope. Not at all!" Marvin was at this point yelling at me to sit in front of him. "I want to see the bald spot, Whizzer. It's the only imperfection you seem to have. Physical imperfection. I want to see it, touch it, run my hands through it." And that's when I gave in to the voice in my head and Marvin's voice.

I sat in front of him. "It's not my fault you're here. I didn't know you would be." He assured me, and somehow I believed him. "Goddamn it, Whizzer." And I almost started crying at the pure desperation and lovesickness in his voice. "I missed you." I looked up at him. "I missed you too." And that's when I kissed him. For the first time in 732 days, I kissed Marvin Fraser. And I actually enjoyed it.

He was much more gentle. Much more graceful in the way he kissed me. Much more sweet in a way. And I knew he'd changed or something just by the way he wasn't trying to have public sex with me or shove his tongue down my throat. "I love you." That was one of the first times I'd said that to him. "I love you too."

And everything felt right in that brief moment. Like he was with me and we were meant for each other. Like I had a racquetball partner again. Like I had Marvin back. The old old Marvin. The new Marvin. The good Marvin. The Marvin I'd constantly missed. He ran his hands through my hair, but it was comforting. I loved him and it was evident. "I missed you." He said, smiling at me. It was a real smile. "I missed you more." He rolled his eyes. "No. You didn't."

"Marvin, I almost dated someone who was called Martin and looked like you." He laughed. "I dated someone called Whitman who looked like you if you'd kept the blonde highlights." I was shocked I wasn't the only one who'd almost dated someone similar to my ex. "I remember Whitman! He called me to the side. Oh my god, I'm so sorry I was the reason he broke it off-"

The realization that I'd ended his relationship that he was using to cope with the breakup stung. "No! It's fine. I wouldn't be with you, well not with you. Don't want to jump to the conclusions. I don't want to hurt you again and I don't think I'm capable of that anymore because wow... I missed you, but I want you to know that I wouldn't be... Considering being with you again if I'd stayed with Whitman."

I sat there. He really wanted to get back with me? I felt like a schoolgirl who's crush had just confessed his love for her. "Well- I- We could try something?" I looked over at Jason who wasn't doing too well and Jason went to sit down where I went down to where the players were sitting on the bench and I told him to keep his head in the game and taught him how to actually... Swing a bat.

"Thanks for coming and thanks for the advice, Whizzer!" I pat his back. "Good luck, Jason!" I returned to sit by Marvin. "I hated how he was swinging the bat and how he threw... Wow. God, I love Jason but he can't play baseball." I didn't want to seem like an ass, but I could agree. "He's always been horrible at it." Mendel was now yelling things at him because he was called back into the game.

He was reminding him of boring baseball stars or something. "Whizzer, so about making it work... I still live at the house I lived at 2 years ago and I wanted to know if you wanted to move back in there if we can make it work after casually dating, of course." Marvin used to be anxious. But not anxious and angry and constantly being pissed at me and blaming his anxiety, anxious about not being a good boyfriend. And it was fucking adorable.

"Sure. I just live with Mendel and Trina. It won't be a problem. It'll definitely be an upgrade." Trina was looking at us and whispering something to Mendel. There was probably a plan or something on what to do to get me and Marvin back together. Marvin muttered something but it was incoherent. "What'd you say?" He smiled at me. "I said sorry."

It was an apology. "Marvin, don't apologize. It's been... Years, Marv. I forgive you. I said some less than satisfactory shit too! I also owe you an apology." He owed me an apology, sure. But I wanted to suck up to him. Because I missed him way too much.

"Our first date... Is Wednesday fine?" Oh my god Wednesday was amazing. "Yes. Please. Trina wants us to visit her mom. This'll be a perfect excuse. Thank you. Her mom's house smells like cat pee and expired hard candies and old lady's perfume that she got at an American store with a French name that doesn't translate to what they think it means."

And that was all he needed to passionately kiss me at our son's little league game. But passionate as in sweet. Because passion never died. We just thought it would. And we needed that time apart because everything felt so right after 2 years. Don't try this at home, but I fell harder for him after 2 years. "Holy shit. I cannot wait for Wednesday."

He grinned. "Why don't we do it after the game? I'm taking Jason for ice cream and I thought you might want to go with us." And that would be our first date of many. And I felt perfect about that. Because I felt perfect with him.

A/N: 1179 words! The Baseball Game. Wow. I can't believe we did it. 5 more chapters, guys.

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