Part XXXI. Jason's School Is Odd

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Jason has a weird school life. He has no friends and sits alone at lunch. That's when Marvin comes up to the school and tries to rekindle their relationship and agrees to be his father. Meanwhile, Jason breaks down at school because everyone's fighting about the bar mitzvah

No trigger warnings. Just Marvin being a good dad for once. Love Marvin in this chapter. He's my favourite character to write.

Jason's Point of View: 10:53am, January 7th, 1981.

So I'm sitting alone and this class really sucks because it's science and I hate science but the teacher is... Wow. This is the class before lunch and lunch is always precisely at 11am. I really like lunch because I get a book out and try learning more Latin and my mom's trying to plan my bar mitzvah so it's my free time that isn't school or my mom yelling. My mom's really weird.

The teacher says we can do a bathroom break so yay and this is when I always sneak off to lunch because I really hate using public bathrooms because do you really know who's been in there? The teachers say I'm weird because if it. I just say it's because I'm smarter than them. And I know I am because I correct Mrs. Jalinsky's spelling and she doesn't like it.

So now I'm at lunch and I sit at my normal seat but I realize there's someone already there and I think it's a teacher but I didn't get a good look at the person. I sit down and realize it's actually my dad and his name's Marvin and he's a bitch a lot but he can also be cool but he's mean to my favorite dad so fuck him. "Hey." I say to him but before I can be a dick to him I hug him because I really missed him.

"Hey, kiddo! I showed up to say I'm so proud of you for making the team. Your mom told me about how you made the team and she invited me to your first game!" That's so nice of mom because he agreed to come and that means it'll be easy to just ask Whizzer to come and have them both show up and then get back together, right?

"Thanks, dad." He pulled out a bag of fast food and it wasn't just fast food, it was Italian fast food. Which makes it a million times better. "The linguine's mine. Pizza and penne is yours." I was fine with that and I stole the bag from him because I don't think you have to mind your manners during school lunch. "So, dad... Do you maybe still love other dad?" I need information on this.

"Sorta kinda, yes. But I've realized that he may never love me back, Jason. You don't need to meddle in this." I pouted. "Jason, you're an amazing son but I can get back together with him on my own. I just know not to make the first move, okay? And if I am confronted with him and he isn't doing anything, I avoid kissing him on the spot by looking at his hairline and acne."

I laughed at my dad's ridiculousness but I believed him because he's always nitpicking people and that's how he was to my mom when they were together and that was mean and that was probably one of the reasons she left him because I would leave a guy like that. Well not guy. Not anyone because I'll never be with anyone because love is icky.

"So, Jason... Anyone here caught your eye?" I stuck my tongue out. "Not anyone romantically. But look at the Scottish girl on the table over there. She can do the splits to where you can s-" He cut me off which was very rude. "Oh god. My son's never going to fall in love. Thank you, God. I don't want grandchildren. Thank you, heavenly father. Thank you. Thank you for this miracle."

I started laughing because what he was doing was really funny. "Do you really want me to not have kids that much? Kids seem really weird and there are some kids who say they have 5 siblings and they're really weird and nice and blonde and weird and they're really weird because they have 5 siblings. Who has 6 kids?" That made dad laugh.

I started to eat my food and dad started talking about his job and how bad it was and this company that I really don't understand but he was talking about some boring adult thing and he says he hates being an adult and being an adult seems really bad so I'm never going to be an adult because I'm cool and being an adult isn't so to heck with being an adult.

"This pizza is nice! Thanks, dad." I wanted to be nice because I hadn't seen him in a while. "How's your mom doing?" He asked about mom. Happens a lot. Everyone cares about mom more than about me.

"She's okay? She got mad at me a bit ago because I was telling the truth and saying she looked 50." Dad thought it was funny. "But I think she's actually 30-something. But she doesn't look young, right? Because she isn't!" Dad was laughing even more now and I don't know why he was laughing but he was laughing. "Do you like school?" I shook my head vigorously. "Nope."

"What do you like, Jason?" I played with my food because I got really nervous and this conversation was supposed to be happy but didn't seem happy. "I like baseball and chess and cats."

"I never knew you liked cats." He didn't even know we had a cat. "We got a cat. Whizzer loves her. Her name's Phoebe and she's a rescue cat and I don't understand why anyone would put her in anything she needs to be rescued from because she's a really sweet kitty cat and she likes hugging and love and meowing but she has a really cool meow!" The bell rang and dad got up. "Well, I have to go now, okay?"

I nodded and said bye to him. "I called your mom and she said I could take you home with me so I'll bring you to the office, okay?" I nodded. I was really glad I could go home with dad because I'd never really been able to in a while because he had business things but I really knew it was because of depression and he's been sad and mom doesn't want me around it because she thinks I'll be sad too. I smiled at him and went to get my backpack.

This afternoon was going to be really exciting!

A/N: 1132 words! I got this out 29 minutes before the deadline.

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