Part XXVIII. Baseball Game Idea

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Whizzer talks to Mendel in hopes of actually being able to get over Marvin and Mendel doesn't actually condone it. Meanwhile, Jason comes up with a plan to get his dads back together next baseball season with the help of his mom and just making it seem like fate and the universe, like Trina said last chapter.

No trigger warnings! Just some fanfiction about gay Jewish musicals (IFYKYK). Also, next chapter is the last chapter of 1980 and we have... Political mentions? Idk I just hate the Ronald Reagans. Also, Jason's point of view for a whole chapter? Rare.

Jason's Point of View: 9:18am, November 17th, 1980.

Dad and dad that acts like a mom are talking about other dad and that's a very complicated sentence and I don't really care that I use run-on sentences too much because I just have a lot of thoughts and those thoughts need to be expressed without verbal commas or any punctuation until I have multiple run on sentences and mental punctuation is weird, okay?

"Well I still love him, Mendel. And I don't want to. My love for him wavered when we were together but... Now that we're apart it's like something's missing from my life." Dad then crosses his legs like he does in every therapy session especially with other other dad that acts like a dad but is also a bitch.

"Well you should wait until you naturally get over him." And that's when mom walked down the staircase I was watching them from. "Hey, honey. Whatcha doing?" I stuck my tongue out at her. "Watching Whizzer and dad talk about gay step-dad still liking other dad." And that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever had to say and it was really embarrassing at school, honestly.

Mendel got up from his chair and the chair was really nice and it was actually my chair but he claimed it and Trina let him have it because she's a bitch and I don't deserve chairs apparently and I really want a chair. Pretty please get me a chair. I want a chair and I need a chair and chairs are amazing and I've never had a personal chair because of Mendel.

"Mom, I have an idea." I whispered in in the "I have a secret so I'm whispering this now" kind of way. "Yes, honey?" Mom looked down at me and smiled. "We get dad and Whizzer back together." Trina smiled at me and I don't think she understood because she said "Honey, Mendel's not... Gay. I know you may have some messed up views on sexuality, but Mendel isn't gay. He married me, Jason. He's not Marv."

"Mom, I know he's not! I'm talking about other dad and Whizzer." Mom rolled her eyes at her-admittedly stupid-mistake. "So what's the plan, Jason?" I motion for her to bend down so I can whisper it in her ear. "We invite them both to my first baseball game."

Mom nodded and was really ecstatic so I think she liked the idea and she smiled at me and hugged me and I think that was her way of letting me know she liked what I had to say because if it wasn't then I suck at social cues and everything like that but that's one of the reasons mom made me see a psychiatrist because I was so "lonely and hyperfixated on chess". I just really like chess and no one at school wants to be my friend.

"Honey, that's an excellent idea!" I clap and I'm really proud of myself for my idea because mom's validating it. "Thanks, mom!" She was always this nice she just really hated my ideas a lot so I was suprised that she liked my idea about how to get Whizzer and Marvin together.

"Can I ask Mendel how he feels about it?" Mom shakes her head. "Honey, he can't keep a secret. You know that. You've lived with him ever since the marriage and you know he can't keep a secret, sweetheart. And girls are stereotypically the gossipers. But Mendel's the gossiper in this relationship. He's not gay though." I didn't understand the joke but I laughed because mom was giggling. She seemed to really have a thing for thinking her husbands liked men.

"Mommm, can we plan more? Like how are we going to get them both there? Ask them both to come? That's okay, right? And then they both come and you act mad but we're all super impressed at how well I'm doing but they're flirting because dad doesn't care about me and they're in love and we really shouldn't be mean if they're flirting because then they'll finally be back together and then everything will be alright, mom!"

Mom smiled at me and-as we establishes earlier-that means she's happy with me. "Well, they may not like it..." I attempted to put a finger over her lips to shush her. "They'll love it, mom! Don't be a pessimist! That's mean, mom! We know they'll like it because the plan's really cool and they're really cool and we're really cool, mom!" I smiled at mom and she smiled at me and wow she smiles a lot. I should stop saying when she smiles.

"Thanks for liking the idea, mom!" I hugged her and we walked down the stairs and Mendel waved at mom and she went over to sit by him and they did annoying couple things like kiss each other's cheeks and I don't like romance and ew because romance is ew and I would never marry someone and romance is weird and I'm not immature but I don't like love and Mendel says it's because of dad.

Whizzer starts talking to me about my day and chess and cats and wow he really likes our new cat but everyone likes our new cat and it's really cool because I like seeing him happy because he's my favorite parent. Mom does whatever she was doing and I walk back to my room after taking some corn flakes from the kitchen.

A/N: 1022 words! Have a nice day! Also, I just wrote the epilogue and we have a "Whizzer's Dead" ending and a "We're Married And Gay" ending.

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