Part IX. Jason And Whizzer

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Jason had just been dropped off at Trina and Mendel's house for the week after school. Jason couldn't believe what he saw when Whizzer was in his mom and stepdad's house.

No trigger warnings. Just Jason and Whizzer playing chess and doing #BestieThings. (I apologize and will never use #BestieThings unironically again.)

Jason's Point of View: 4:02pm, March 29th, 1979.

So I just got off the bus and the bus isn't that fun because some mean kid is on the bus and the bus is just really big and I'm not allowed to sit in the back yet so I really want to boycott the bus like the girl we're learning about in social studies that lead some bus boycott against racism because someone was being mean and wouldn't let her sit with the cool kids.

So I walk into the house and it's really big and bigger than the old house and it's a really nice house. I sit my backpack down on the couch. The couch is really cool and soft and I walk into the guest bedroom because that's where the mini fridge is and I see this guy watching the tv. The guy's really tall and I think that may be Whizzer! Yay!

I jump on the bed and hug Whizzer. "Whizzer, hi!" I smile at him. "Jason! I got you a gift. Look in the gift bag on the left side of the bed." I know what it is, but I open the bag and pretend to be surprised. "Thanks, Whizzer!" I get on the bed and face Whizzer. His hair looks really weird unstyled. I start to set up the chess board. It's a really easy pattern to remember but Whizzer still doesn't know how to do it! It's just rook, knight, bishop, queen and king but queen's always on her colour, bishop, knight, rook.

Whizzer isn't good at chess so I easily beat him 5 games in a row until I just give up and let him win 2 games. He's really bad at chess but you have to let him win sometimes. But he's not like dad. Dad always has to win and it makes me really sad because dad's just really mean about it. He really likes winning and I'm scared for him to beat me in chess. I learned chess from dad during family game night and he was really cool back then.

"What're you thinking about?" Whizzer said. He said it really politely though. Like he's always really nice to me and I think it's because he wants me to know that he's always there for me or something like that but he's just the closest thing to a dad that I've ever had and he's a really good person and I like talking to him because he's a very sweet person and he knows me really well and he's just a very nice person and a good father figure and he doesn't make me feel not good like my dad and he isn't a perfectionist like my mom who tries to institutionalize me.

"I was thinking about how you're really nice to me!" I smiled at him because I think he needs a smile because my dad's really mean and not nice and Whizzer's here because my dad was being not nice to him so I want Whizzer to be really happy. Especially since he got me that new chess set. Whizzer smiles back. "Did you hear what happened in Cuba? You and dad are finally not illegal somewhere!" I tried to make Whizzer happy.

"Well we're still illegal here so you better not tell anyone in public that you have 3 dads." He says it kinda mean but you can tell he's only trying to not get hurt. "I know, Whizzer." He ruffles my hair. It makes me feel like a kid when I'm 10 which makes me not a kid anymore, obviously. "Good! Now that doesn't mean there's anything bad about being gay or having gay friends or having gay dads. People are just assholes."

I don't know why people are mean. I start to set up the chess board again and we play again. It's a really close game because I'm not trying and I'm down to my queen, a rook, my king, and a bishop. I also have 4 pawns but pawns aren't useful. Whizzer has his rooks and a knight. He also has 2 pawns and a king but you always have the king so I don't want to make this an overly complicated explanation thing.

I ended up letting Whizzer win because it seemed like he was really struggling and he's my favorite dad so he gets to win all the time because I love him and that's what we have to do to people we love. Mom has this thing about being very nice to everyone but sometimes she can be mean because she made me see a psychiatrist once and I didn't like that and the psychiatrist ended up marrying her and my family is very weird.

Me and Whizzer end up playing another game and I don't like that I continuously let him win so I decide o win this one because I have to reclaim my crown as chess master one way or another. Going back to what I was saying, sometimes mom is really, really sweet! She's put up with me for 10 years and I'm too smart for my own good so she has to be nice to deal with my bullshit.

Mom says I'm not allowed to cuss but Whizzer lets me because he thinks it's hypocritical if he doesn't because sometimes he says bad words too. Whizzer's really cool because he's relaxed. Unlike my other parents! Mendel's relaxed but he's really weird and more of a psychiatrist than a dad. Mom is mom. Dad is... Dad is really mean but also sometimes a really good dad and I forgive him but it's not my place to forgive him for Whizzer's thing.

Me and Whizzer decide to make a blanket fort pillow thing and it's really fun because last time we did it we pulled an all nighter but then dad got really mad because he wasn't allowed to be with Whizzer all night and I don't know why he would get mad. Whizzer can do his own things!

School got me really exhausted so now I'm about to fall asleep on some random person's bed. But that's fine with me.

A/N: 71 reads. What the fuck- This was just something I started out of boredom. 1081 words in this chapter. Love you guys!

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