Part IV. Marvin Hits Trina

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He didn't know how to deal with the new news. He went to her house in the morning with the wedding invitation she had sent him. She didn't know how to deal with him, as Mendel struggled to comfort her sobbing figure. She never wanted to love him. Nobody did.

Trigger warning for Marvin hitting Trina and telling her to die and the shit that happens in the song. Oh and this is extremely rushed because I have an hour to get this out and written.

Trina's Point of View: March 28, 1979. 8:16am.

   I wake up to a knock on the door. My new door. Me and Mendel bought a house together in the suburbs after he proposed to me. I love my awkward husband. I waltz on into the living room and open the door. Mendel follows me, holding my hand. It's Marvin. Jason's in the car, waiting on Marvin.

   "Marv! How've you been?" I smile at him, rather uncomfortably. "Trina. I've been." He gives me a death glare and holds the invitation in my face. "I have received your... Pseudoromantic and sick wedding invitation. Where you say..." He takes a glare at the pink invitation. "You'll love him until you both die. I'm SURE you chose him to make me look bad."

   I start to cry and Mendel hugs me. "How could you ever deny what we had?" His voice cracks every other word. "I am so... Dumb." He sighs. "Dumb." He repeats, sort of mumbling it. "DUMB!" He yells, slapping me across the face. I let out a yelp of pain. Mendel hugs me tightly, rubbing my cheek where it was clearly red. Marvin's handprint lingered.

   "Marvin, you have lost your mind. You aren't normally so... Unkind. I can't believe you." Mendel says. Marvin glares at him. I feel so sorry for Jason. Being in the car while his mother's getting beat by her ex husband. His father. He'll most likely grow up without a father. Mendel rubs circles on my palm, trying to calm me. I'm breathing rapidly and my eyes are watering, making my vision blur.

   Jason should grow up in a better household with better parents. "M-Marv, I hope you know that I never wanted to love you." I start sobbing uncontrollably. "You think I wanted to love you, Trina? Well I didn't either! I know we only got married because you got pregnant with Jason, alright?" He is now crying too. Why's he crying? He's the one who slapped me. He's the one who hurt me and hurt my child. He degraded me to a stupid housewife role.

   Mendel kissed my forehead. "Marvin, this isn't the you I know. Go home, get some rest, take your medication. Talk to Jason, play some chess. Go out to a gay bar or something and leave Jason with a babysitter! Live the New York life." Mendel recommends. He always gives good advice.

   Mendel went back to the car, slamming the car door shut. Jason looked at him inquisitively and that was the last thing I could see before he drove off. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. He just needs some time, okay?" I nod, holding Mendel's hand, smiling and laughing, suddenly in a better mood. Forgetting what just happened and focusing on Mendel. On my new life. On my new husband.

   "Mendel, you are the best husband I could ask for!" He smiles awkwardly. Like a dork. He's my dork. "I try. I really do." He's being serious. Sometimes he thinks he's messed up so he backtracks and gets nervous and he won't even compliment me sometimes without saying "I didn't mean that in a rude way. I love you so much. It's not rude. You're amazing. I think you're amazing."

   "This marriage will be just what I need in my life, Mend." I say, holding his hand a bit tighter. I'm marrying the man that I love. I kiss Mendel on the cheek and head back to the bedroom, going back to bed.

Marvin's Point of View: March 28, 1979. 8:56am.

   "Hey, Jason. Do you want some uh... Ice cream?" I say, trying not to think about what just happened. "Bleh." He sticks his tongue out. "I thought you liked ice cream!" I sigh, it's like I can never impress him. No matter how hard I try, I'll always be a horrendous father. And that's the fact that keeps me up at night. I want to be good enough for him, but I don't know how to.

   "I'll just... Drive us home." I start driving back to the house. The boring house that I'm always kept up in. "Why don't you want to do anything cool, Jason?" He sighed. "I want to do cool things! Just not with you, dad! I saw what happened."

   The rest of the drive was silent. I just thought of Whizzer. How he would laugh and then put his hand on my shoulder and after we fought we would just have make-up sex for the rest of the day. I miss the simple times. Before I was like this. Before everyone criminalized me. Before they all hated me. They all criticize me now. I'm too mean. Too narcissistic. Too... Everything.

   I can never be what they want. Who cares what they want? It's my opinion that matters. I don't have time for their bullshit. I'm my own man. I'm better than everyone. Why should I need someone? Why should I need to depend on Whizzer or Trina or Mendel? Hell, why should I depend on anyone?

   I park the car at our house and get out. I walk up the staircase, greet the neighbor cat and say hello to my shitty life. I'm going to be stranded in this horrible fucking house for another year or some shit. I just know it. I sit down in my recliner and get up, making myself some tea that Whizzer forgot to take with him. Fuck my life.

Word Count: 1k on the dot. I finished this 10 minutes before tomorrow. Watching Girls rn and just got blessed with seeing Andy Randy's ass on the living room tv screen.

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