Part XX. Wrap-up of Part One

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This chapter is chapter 20, which means it's the ending of part one! This chapter will be a catch-up of where the characters are in their lives and will be a benchmark chapter.

No trigger warnings and Marvin's less annoying now so I'm proud of him yay. Drugs and alcohol though probably.

Marvin's Point of View: 2:32am, December 31st, 1979.

Holy shit. This year was horrible. I made it horrible for Whizzer and my "tight-knit" family. They aren't even my fucking family anymore, and I don't blame them. I would disown someone if they abused me and their wife and fucked their son up emotionally.

I don't know what everyone is doing, honestly. I haven't spoken to Whizzer in so long. But my feelings must, for love, remain discreet. I said I wouldn't lose him, but I did. And I don't want him back because I'll treat him like shit again. I'm scared of that. I'm scared of being in a relationship because I know it won't be healthy.

I still have the photo in the living room. Jason gave him back the shirt because I realized it was unhealthy. I had to have a Hanukkah dinner with Trina and Mendel and Jason this week. Whizzer didn't come because I was there.

I think I'm finally fucking making changes. Wow. Never knew I'd see the day that I'm actually being a decent-ish human being.

Trina's Point of View: 7:58am, December 31st, 1979.

I lay down. Life is amazing. Marvin's not bothering me, my best friend lives with me, Mendel is a sweetheart, Jason loves me. Everything's perfect. Everything's lovely. Today is the last day of the 70s! I can't believe it. It seemed like just yesterday the Beatles broke up. It seem like just yesterday that Marvin was dropping acid before it was made illegal behind my back.

Today is perfect. The sun is shining in my face. The winter sun, of course. The curtains are open and I'm enjoying the beauty of nature. Everything is beautiful today. The trees are bare and covered in layers of snow and we have a foot of snow covering the ground. It's New York, of course.

I'm sipping my non alcoholic wine as Mendel brings me a cupcake from the bakery that we bought 3 dozen cupcakes from before we got a lot of snow. "Thanks, Mend." He gives me this nice, adorable smile. "You're welcome." I'm so glad this year is coming to an end. I'll begin a new year. New year, new me! And I really hate the old me.

Mendel's Point of View: 1:11pm, December 31st, 1979.

Trina is still on the couch and Jason's watching TV. I'm stuck with a client. She's very... Odd? Her husband left her and took the car but she's scared of cars but still mad that her husband took the car and this is really something she should be telling her therapist instead of her psychiatrist because this doesn't even have anything to do with her mental health and it's just something she needs to talk about.

"I understand that, Diane. But you need to get over it. He took the car for the better. Don't cry." I do psychotherapy, not "tell me your feelings" therapy.

I know this sounds really mean but I have a wife and kid to get home to and I really want to blow her off and- "Time's up." It was one minute until time was up but she doesn't know that. She left the room crying about her cat. I can't say she has any emotional disorder from a cat story. I'm still stuck in this job and I want out of it.

Jason's Point of View: 7:08pm, December 31st, 1979.

So I'm playing chess and then my mom walks in and this happens all the time but this time she isn't criticizing me for playing chess alone! Yay! "Hi, mom!" She smiles at me and sits on my bed. "Hey, honey! Do you want a cupcake from the kitchen?"

The cupcakes taste really bad but I just nod so she doesn't think I'm being ungrateful because she has this big thing about manners and being thankful for everything. So she brings this really girly pink cupcake with star shaped sprinkles on it and kisses my cheek. Bleh.

I'm turning 12 next year which means then they'll all be really weird because after that I have to get bar mitzvahed. I've been praying that God doesn't make me get bar mitzvahed but everyone in my youth group who's a bit older than me liked their bar mitzvah so I don't know if I'll hate it but I think I will.

My parents are really weird and dad hasn't been as mean as he's been so that's really good because it means he's improving so yay and also I can't wait for the 80s because that's obviously when we'll find aliens according to my calculations.

Whizzer's Point of View: 11:59pm, December 31st, 1979.

I'm spending this New Year alone. But I'm fine with it. I'm going out with some friends and sure they have someone to kiss when it's 12am, but I'm glad I'm not with Marvin and I can still find a hot guy to kiss for New Year.

I'm drinking this fucking scotch that tastes like shit. This guy who's very obviously here with his boyfriend is trying to grind on me and I'm just laughing it off and smiling at his boyfriend who's giggling and taking Polaroid photos. Is he technically taking crime scene evidence? Who knows? I laugh to myself.

I fix my hair. "This scotch tastes like shit. I'm never coming here again." This place fucking sucked and wasn't my usual gay bar. I hate the taste of this and I want to dump this scotch into the ocean and never have to deal with it again. The shot glasses are thick and I honestly hate their little engravements.

I look at the tv as everyone is chanting the countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2... 1. Happy new year. 1980 is going to be my fucking year.

A/N: 1033 words woo. Anyways, number 1 in Whizzer and Whizzvin. What the fuck-

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