Part XII. The Lesbians

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The lesbians make an entrance, woo! Marvin turns to his old friends for advice after the breakup and after his letter incident. Marvin and the lesbians go out to shop and to the nearest gay bar.

No trigger warnings besides mentions of sex and alcohol. This chapter is most likely horribly written because I'm in bed whilst sick and crying and reminding myself that I only have 3 hours to get this out.

Marvin's Point of View: 5:17pm, April 3, 1979.

I was still fucking crying. A day later. We've been apart for awhile now and I don't know how to handle this shit. I hear a knock on the door. See, when he broke up with me, I was always so fucking optimistic about knocks on the door. But now I can barely get up to answer them. "COME IN! THE KEY IS UNDER THE MAT." I hear the door open.

It's my friends, Charlotte and Cordelia. Cordelia always cheers me up with food. But it's so shitty that it doesn't pass as food at this point. "Hi!" Cordelia says this with the peppiest fucking tone ever. "Hey!" Charlotte says, looking almost kind of sorry for me. "Hi." I responded with a flat affect. Fucking symptoms of depression. I have so many of them now that Whizzer's gone.

"Marv, I'm taking you to a very happy place! Like the shopping center! Or like out to eat." I haven't ate in a while and don't want to. "Shopping is fine. Ignore the dark fucking circles under my eyes." I looked like shit. And I didn't fucking care. I fucking wanted to see Whizzer there. So he can fucking see what he did to me. How I fucking am without him. How he can't just fucking leave me all alone.

"Yay! Shopping!" Cordelia said as Charlotte gave me a smile and rolled her eyes at her girlfriend being the silliest human in the fucking world. I was about to cry at their fucking couple dynamic. They think it's so fucking cool that they're a couple and don't bother to notice that you don't want to see a couple and just got out of a relationship.

I sighed. "Who's car are we taking?" Charlotte, still looking as sympathetic as ever, gave me the shortest fucking response. "Delia." I walked to the bathroom and combed my hair and got into the khakis and shirt I had out a two days ago to wear. I still looked like a wreck, but a professional wreck.

"After this, we're going to a gay bar and trying to get you a boyfriend." Charlotte whispered to me. A boyfriend was the last thing I wanted. But a one night stand didn't seem too bad. A one night stand was just what I needed. I'll probably continue thinking about how the guy looks just like Whizzer, but who's to blame me? Whizzer's fucking hot.

I walk to their trashy fucking car. I don't like the model it is. It's so small, too. Who wants a psychedelic Rolls Royce? Charlotte. Charlotte picked out the car when we went to a car shop together back in the 60s when I first got my license. I was in the car, zoning out when Charlotte tapped my shoulder. Who the fuck taps someone's shoulder? "Sorry for tapping your shoulder but what stores do you want to go to?"

She knows me so well. I think. What store is Whizzer most likely to be in? "Chess King." It was a clothing store. Jason liked the name so Whizzer and him always went there together when they went shopping. It was boring having them drag me around and hearing Whizzer explain style. "Okay!" Charlotte smiled at me. Charlotte was nice. Cordelia was sweet. Charlotte was straightforward. Cordelia just acted way too nice to everyone.

Cordelia reminded me a lot of Trina. They were both nice and liked cooking. Cordelia is a less depressed Trina. Or maybe Trina is a more depressed Cordelia. Trina was always nice but you could tell she was struggling. I don't think I'm willing to admit I was the one who made her struggle. But I just did in my head.

"So! How've you been?" Cordelia asks, as if it isn't fucking obvious. "I've felt like shit. Whizzer and I broke up." Charlotte put a hand on my shoulder. "And I'm never getting him back. No matter how fucking hard I try. I would dedicate my entire fucking life to getting him back, for fuck's sake."

I'm now sobbing in my best friend's car. Charlotte decides it's best to leave me alone (thank God) and takes her hand off of my shoulder. I fucking hate how much of a mess I am now! I can't do this shit. I fucking hate it. I'm an emotional bitch. I'm acting like a fucking girl. I'm not. I'm not a girl. Being gay doesn't make me a girl. I've already had this internal debate in all of highschool.

I smiled, clearing my eyes of any tears. Trina also did that. She would sob and then smile when Jason would walk into the living room and ask her what was wrong. Charlotte keeps giving me these sympathetic smiles. She hasn't lost Cordelia. She doesn't know how I feel, but she's my friend so I guess I have to appreciate it. I smile back. It's hard to smile.

I get out of the car when we stop at the store. I get out and the lesbians from nextdoor follow me. I walk in and look for Chess King. I find the store and see a gay looking man who wasn't Whizzer looking at the most feminine things they had. I think gays can either tell when people are gay or I'm fucking gifted. I think it's both.

I walk up behind the man and start up casual conversation with him. "Nice shirt you're looking at. Seems like something my ex would like." I put an arm around him, showing I'm flirting. This bitch has a valley girl voice when he responds with "I'm Whitman." I extend my left hand for him to shake. "Marvin. How old are you?" He can't be that old. He giggles and responds with "Twenty. I go to college here on the Fraser scholarship."

That's the funniest fucking thing I've ever heard. I'm flirting with someone who knows my dad. "That's my dad's! I come from a rich family." For the first time in days, I chuckle. "I'm probably too old for you. I'm 30." He smiles. "No, that just makes it more interesting." His name's Whitman and he's flamboyant. Obviously me trying to get over Whizzer, but it's still progress.

I smile at him. "Do you want my telephone number?" He smiles at me and nods. He's risky and flirty and he's got a nice fucking body, if I say so myself. He's built like Whizzer, but isn't every hot guy? He finds a gum wrapper in his pocket and a pen from the front desk and writes his number down. He kisses my cheek and buys 3 items of clothing which are all very revealing.

I chase after him and tap him on the back. "Do you want to go to Mineshaft after you go shopping? I'm going with a couple of friends and one's trying to set me up." He seems to be happy with this idea and says a quiet "Of course." before skipping off to Kinney Shoes, after kissing my cheek. How can he be openly gay here without getting arrested?

I find Charlotte and Cordelia looking at some jeans. "I found a date. I found a date." Cordelia did a loud "Wooo!" and Charlotte congratulated me. I spun around and whispered "Did you see the cute guy looking at the skimpiest clothes they had? I got his number and he's going to the gay bar with us!" I whisper shouted the last part. You can't fucking be yourself in public. I hope society evolves or some shit.

Me and the lesbians decided to head off to the gay bar. This'll be fucking fun.

A/N: 1358 words. Longest chapter yet. The stores and gay bar I mentioned are real and were what they had in 1979. So much research goes into this shit. I also gave Marvin the last name of Allison Fraser.

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