Part XVI. Jason's Summer Homework

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Jason had one piece of homework that he had to do over summer. It was more complicated than he thought it would be. He had to film him bonding with his family. This chapter is the footage as Jason records his family and him. This is part one of a three part clip series.

No trigger warnings! This is a bit of fluff and happiness and just an explanation of what happened over the summer. I won't be doing a whole point of view thing or a time or a date since this is all merged together.

Homework Assignment:
• Show a clip of each family member saying who they are and their role in your life
• Show a clip of your family bonding together.
• Show a clip of each family member bonding with you and doing what they love best.
• Show a clip of each family member taking you to a place you haven't been before.
• Show a clip of you eating with as many family members as you'd like.
• Show a clip of your family going somewhere outdoors.
• Show a clip of your family playing a board game.
• Show a family tradition.
• Add 10-15 extra bonus clips for 10 extra points.

Third Person Point of View

Jason quickly set up the camera. It was filming him and Whizzer play chess. "Hi, kids at school! This is my favourite dad. He really just takes care of me but he's my best friend and I like to think of him as my dad!" He hugged Whizzer and Whizzer smiled at the camera. That was scene one.

Jason set up the camera a few days later. Him and Marvin were at an art museum. "This is my biological dad! He can be a bit of a bi- Mean person, but I still love him!" Marvin gave Jason a dirty look and waved at the camera.

Then, on the weekend, Jason set up the camera to film Mendel. "This is my other dad! He's a psychiatrist and he makes a lot of money. I helped him propose to my mom." Mendel gave Jason a small awkward smile. "Hi! I'm Mendel!"

That evening, Jason set up the camera for his final introduction to his unique family. "This is my mom! She's a bit overbearing, but she makes me food and she's best friends with my other dad, Whizzer and she's why he's staying with us! She divorced my dad because he was being mean a long time ago and married Mendel!" Trina smiled and waved at the camera. "I also taught him how to use a camera."

The next thing was to show your family bonding. Together. Jason called his teacher on the house phone but she said he had to do it, no matter how dysfunctional they were. He said Whizzer and Marvin didn't get along and her simple response was "Make them."

Jason had all of his family in a room together. They were all bitching. Trina was sitting with Mendel and Marvin was avoiding everyone and Whizzer was by Trina. Marvin scoffed. "What the fuck is Whizzer doing here?" He whispered to himself. He could've used the opportunity to get it back, but it wasn't time yet.

Jason had his camera set up and began filming after explaining why they were all there. Marvin went over to Mendel, Whizzer, and Trina and Trina and Marvin pretended to be friends on video. Mendel and Whizzer talked about things and Jason kept Trina company.

After 2 minutes, Jason got enough footage and Marvin left as soon as possible after kissing Jason goodbye. Whizzer sighed and Trina hugged him. "Whiz, honey, it's okay. He had to come for a school project." Jason felt bad for Whizzer.

The next scene was Whizzer taking Jason shopping for a new outfit. "Jason, you look amazing. Dinosaur shirts just don't flatter your physique." Whizzer waved at the camera. "That's Whizzer for ya. He knows a lot about style!" Whizzer patted Jason's head as Jason shut the camera off.

Trina and Jason were making cookies when Jason decided to take out his Thomson Microcam again. Trina was mixing the batter and Jason was picking out the cookie cutters. "Mom really loves baking! We bake together a lot. Dad doesn't like baking and when him and Whizzer were roommates he made Whizzer cook for him!" Trina shut off the camera for Jason so it didn't get too personal.

Jason went over to Mendel and started filming. "Mendel was my psychiatrist before he was my dad. Mendel, tell them about psychiatrist things!" Mendel laughed. "Well to be a psychiatrist you have to go through a horrible thing called medical school. It isn't the best career path. But if you go through medical school, you'll get paid a lot of money every month. It's 80 an hour!" Mendel smiled. "But being a psychiatrist means you have to examine what mental illnesses people have and how to best treat them. Therapists focus on treating them via talking and examination and changing behavior through talk therapy." Jason had already shut the camera off halfway through it.

Jason went over to Marvin's and set up the camera. "Dad, tell them about being an accountant!" Marvin laughed. "It's incredibly fu- Fricking boring. "I collect financial data. I collect information about companies and what they've done in the past and things about them. It's really not the best job. I wouldn't consider going into the accounting field." Jason shut the camera off.

Jason was very stressed about his homework. He didn't know how to get Marvin and Whizzer in a room together. His teacher told him to do whatever he possibly could to get them together in the same room. Marvin hated Whizzer. Whizzer hated Marvin. That's what Jason thought. He didn't know how to do this assignment.

Jason decided to do a wrap-up for the first section. "My family is very dysfunctional! We love each other in a very unique way and we're all super neurotic but that's just us! This is Jason Weisenbachfeld signing off." Jason shut the camera down and put it on his nightstand.

A/N: 1023 words! I might not update some days because my mother is getting me therapy for parental issues and I have a possibility of grandiose narcissistic personality disorder and exhibit all the symptoms. I'll try to keep the updates daily, but understand if I skip a few days!

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