Part VI. Whizzer's Bar Encounter

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   Before Whizzer met Marvin, he was a male prostitute. And a good one at that. He got payed well. That's how he made a living. No one would hire him because he was an obvious homosexual and that would "ruin" their company's name. It would ruin how the public viewed the company. Without Marvin, Whizzer has no one to pay for his life so he turns back to selling his body at gay bars.

Honest trigger warning for alcohol and prostitution. This chapter contains little to no sexual content. It only has the idea promoted that Whizzer was a prostitute and feels as it is required that he go back to prostitution for him to provide for himself after the breakup. I'm not going into it because I don't want to give away any spoilers. There is no sex.

Whizzer's Point of View: 9:16am, March 28th, 1979.

   I sit down at this weird gay bar that I haven't been to in 11 months. The grey colour scheme isn't stylish and it reeks of alcohol and sweat. I'm dressed in this beautiful faded pink button-up and acid washed jeans. My button-up is half unbuttoned and my hair is gelled. It looks perfect, but I know it'll end up messed up at the end of the night. I take a sip of my vodka.

   A man holding a cigarette walks up to me. He has these loose brunette curls and a nice ass. He has a strong jawline and looks good. He has jeans and a polo shirt on. Oh my, he's hot. "Hey, big boy." I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Hey, care to dance?" I took a hand off of his shoulder and held his hand, cheerful with his innocent request. I lead him to the dance floor.

   Marvin used to be a shitty dancer. You couldn't teach him anything. He couldn't do a tango, for fuck's sake. But with this guy, it seems different. This guy seems nice. He's an extraordinary dancer. He leans in. Instead of kissing me, he puts his chin in the crook of my neck as we slow dance together. I'm happy he isn't grinding or kissing me or getting handsy with me like my usual client. Or like Marvin!

   "What's your name?" I ask him. "Martin." Oh god, can't get into anything too serious because his fucking name reminds me of my ex! "My name's Whizzer. Whizzer Brown." We can still be good friends, right? "Hey, Whizzer, you seemed to be selling your body. It's New York and that's very risky, especially for someone like you." He spoke in an authoritive tone. He sounded like a parental figure.

   "It's how I'm providing for myself after a breakup that I had with my ex who's name was Marvin. He worked and before I met him I was a prostitute so I'm back in New York gay bars, I guess." He frowned. "Brown, I'm going to teach you how to live. And I'm going to be your new roommate. My boyfriend broke up with me too and it's been hell living with him. We know one of us will have to move out and I work for a living so I could provide for you."

   I was no longer a lost soul roaming the New York area in the night. I had some gay guy who's name was similar to my ex's who just offered to live with me. Now, I'm really fucking stupid and I know it's stupid to say yes but also stupid to say no, with my situation. I say the only good answer. "Of course. When do I move in?" He thought for a second. "Today's okay." I'll have to write Jason a letter to tell him my new address.

   "Can my ex boyfriend's son come over?" The guy shook his head. "No. I can't have children in an apartment. They fucking drive me wild." And as soon as he was there, he was gone. I had some hope and now I'm back. Stuck at the bottom and in a shitty gay bar.

   Part of me wishes Marvin were here. The other wants to cry on the bathroom floor for hours and hours. So I decide to call the only person I know who knows what I'm going through. I go outside and to a phone booth, dialing the familiar 10 digits I know as Trina's number.

   In 4 rings, she answers. Is that even proper phone courtesy? "Trina! Hey!" She gasps, taken aback. "Whizzer! Is that you? I haven't seen you in a few days. Jason keeps talking about how you're best friends now!" I smile at the mention of Jason. "Yeah, I was just calling to ask you if I could maybe stay at your house until I get off my feet?" She giggles ecstatically. "Of course! You aren't with Marvin anymore, right?" I sigh at the mention of Marvin.

   "Me and Marvin are no longer seeing each other." I can't take it and break down sobbing, drunk in a phone booth. I can barely breathe. I'm choking on my tears as the teens do in the movies. "Oh, honey! You're okay, right? What do I need to get for you? I can buy you some chocolate and some things to cheer you up!" She's too nice, I swear. "You don't have to, Trina! It's fine. It's honestly fine. I'll be there in a few after I pack up." I hang up the phone and smile.

   Fuck anyone who's name starts with Mar. Mars are toxic pieces of shit who hate children and are horrible partners. Martin was so nice and then said he wouldn't allow the light of my life. Marvin was an ass to everyone he encountered, including his son. I just still wanted to be in Marvin's embrace. I wanted him to be back. I wanted to hold him. But I also was livid.

   Marvin. Marvin wasn't the best. Marvin had horrible anxiety. He was a narcissist. He was an ass. He was horrible to everyone. He couldn't compose himself. But I loved him for that. I accepted him. But then it got too much. Everything got too much. Especially Marvin.

   But I have to learn how to forget about him. How to distract myself from him! I need reinvention. I need some tea and a dance class and time with Jason and I'll adopt a cat or something!

   I start driving to my apartment. It isn't the largest, but I'll no longer have to worry about it. I'll be living with Trina now. I was happy with that. I'll be happy with them. Finally. It hurts not to love him. But it also doesn't. I hate him! I get out of my car and run into my apartment.

   I get the suitcases I'd yet to unpack and I toss them in the car. I attempt to figure out where their house is from memory, but I have to pull out my address book. I struggle to read it in the dark but I do. I make it there and get out with my less than stylish suitcases and begin my more than stylish new life.

A/N: 1204 words. Longest chapter yet, I think! I wrote most of this last night so I added a bit and published it at 2:48pm CST.

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