Part V. Father to Son

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   After Marvin hit Trina, Jason was clearly irritated with him. Marvin has to convince Jason that he still loves him and make sure that Jason accepts him, still. He gives Jason major life advice. This chapter serves as the end of the main plot of act 1 and the actual story will begin to unfold after this. This serves as a benchmark.

   No trigger warnings. It's Father to Son but more detailed and in a story form. Slight mention of prostitution though.

   Marvin's Point of View: March 28th, 9:02am.

   I didn't know how to convince him that I wasn't a completely shitty person. I wanted to change but I didn't know how to. I wanted to work on self improvement. For him. For Whizzer. For Trina. Because even though they're my family, they still don't love me like they should. And it's all my fault.

   "Jason, come here. Into the living room. On the couch. Let me talk to you, okay? Just for a few minutes!" He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch. "Jason, I know I haven't been much of a father to you." He shook his head. "Dad, Mendel's more of a father to me than you ever were." I gritted my teeth, but reminded myself to stay calm. "Be my son, Jason. What I've done to you is horrible."

   He seemed to soften at the fact that I was accepting my flaws instead of hiding them and being an asshole. "I was scared. I was scared to move from my comfort zone. From my old life with Trina. I hated change, Jason. I was so scared of it." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I loved you and I still do. You're my son. I meant no harm or disgrace. I'm showing my love to you right now. Talking to you face to face."

   He smiled at me. "And for advice... I, for one, would take love a bit slower. You're 10 and you want to do all the cool adult things like love. You're getting older. I can tell that! You're changing, Jason. You'll be a man one day. And I just want you to know that being gay isn't a hereditary medical condition." He smiled wider. I think he's scared of being gay like me. He hasn't seen many healthy relationships.

   "You can make your own life choices!" I smile and he smiles back. I feel free and I'm assuming he does too. I finally feel happy. For the first time in years. I've made peace with my son. I don't have a man or a woman to be with, but I have Jason and some very good friends. I may never get over Whizzer, but I have Jason. And that's all that matters.

~~And now we're officially into the fanfiction and the 2 years between Father to Son and Falsettoland. Finally, the fanfiction.~~

   "Dad? Are we friends now?" I pat Jason's head. "Jason, we're more than friends. We're family. I have to drop you off at your mom's tomorrow. Are you gonna be okay there? Do you want to maybe write letters to my house when you're at Mendel and Trina's? We can talk like that." He nodded and smiled.

   "I'm going to attempt to make a truce with Trina where we agree to not speak to each other besides for you. I don't want to speak to her right now. And I don't think I will for a long time, okay?" Jason nodded in agreement. "It's your decision, dad. I would like my family to be normal but that can't happen right now!" He said cheerily. I don't know how he's happy.

   "Thanks for understanding, kid." I put the television on Three's Company. "I'll make you some leftover linguine and then you can go to Whizzer's or whatever." He smiled. "Yeah. Whizzer's seems fine!" I pop some linguine in the microwave in the kitchen. I give him the linguine and his backpack and he runs off to Whizzer's.

   Three's Company is a boring TV show. This episode is a rerun of 2 weeks ago's episode where everyone thought this one man was having an affair when he was actually working with a real estate agent. It seems like something that would happen between me and Whizzer. I laugh at some of the jokes in the tv show.

   I wonder how Jason's doing. How Whizzer's doing. But I'm not in the right state to talk to Whizzer. I'm going to avoid him for as long as possible for our mental health. Is Jason gay and just telling Whizzer? Does Whizzer miss me like I miss him? These are questions I may never know the answer to. They're the ones that fucking keep me up at night and probably always will. Because I don't think it's best to find out the answer.

   May 27th is on a Sunday! I'll have to take Jason to the wedding. I'll have to awkwardly be at my ex wife and ex psychiatrist's wedding. That'll be... Hard. There was a knock at the door. I open it and it's Jason. "Whizzer wasn't there. His car wasn't there! I think he may have a job interview or something." Before we met, Whizzer was a gay male prostitute. Welp. Not my problem.

   "Yeah! Probably." I smile at Jason. "Is this the episode with the real estate agent affair thing? Can we watch something else?" I should've known that maybe my son didn't want to hear about affairs after his family was torn apart by one. "Yeah. Sure." I put the TV on Good Times. I didn't know what this show was about and I'd only heard of it from friends mentioning liking it and how it was a good sitcom.

   Apparently it's a spin-off of a spin-off and that makes it cool because it's the first one or some shit and that's apparently impressive to people. This episode is about some guy with a hearing problem and I think it's centered in Florida. It seems like a weird episode and I quickly lose interest and zone out while watching it. What the fuck am I going to do today?

Word Count: 1034.
Hope you liked it! I tried to be historically accurate and the TV shows I used were actually 70s TV sitcoms. The episodes were also actual episodes. I finally posted something that wasn't last minute. Congratulate me.

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