Part XIX. Marvin's Still Queer

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Marvin decides to declutter his house and finds multiple memories. He asks Jason to go to Whizzer's house and ask what Whizzer thinks of him and if he would ever get back together with him, which backfires. Horribly.

No trigger warnings. A mention of prostitution. A bit angsty at one point but that's really all! I'm writing this on an email app at 11:30pm because I have no data and I'm listening to the Broadway tv channel. Also, I know Marvin's annoying.

Marvin's Point of View: 11:23am, September 17th, 1979.

The house is a wreck and I think I'm ready to declutter and let everything go. I think I'm happy without Whizzer. Finally. I think I need him but I really don't fucking care at this point. I'm just a fool in love who needs to get over it. I need to get over everything.

"Jason, help me declutter before you leave for Whizzer's." Jason started picking things up and came across a shirt. "Dad, I've never seen you wear this." That was a shirt Whizzer had once wore. "Jason, that's Whizzer's."

I picked the shirt up and sniffed it. "Holy shit. It's gone untouched for so long. Still smells like him. Jason, on second thought, I'm keeping the shirt." Like how some people kept nude photos of their ex, I'm keeping Whizzer's shirt. And nude photos. But that's a thought for another time.

Jason gave me a weird look and went back to decluttering. He probably looked at me weird because I was crying and holding my ex boyfriend's shirt. Jason picked his stuff up. I put the shirt under my pillow. I know, I'm weird. I just don't like not being with the motherfucker.

Jason gets most of the stuff and I help him a bit. "Ask Whizzer if he still loves me, Jason. Bye now! Love you, son." I kiss Jason's forehead and he walks out.

Whizzer's Point of View: 12:02pm, September 17th, 1979.

It was a fucking weekend and I guess that was fine by me because my son was visiting. It's weird to call him my son, but I take better care of him than his father does. I'm literally his good father. His actual father... Fuck him.

Jason rang the doorbell. I opened the door for him and he hugged my leg. "Hi, Jason! How's my favorite chess player doing today?" I say, picking him up and spinning him around. He gives me a dirty look, which obviously is his way of saying "I'm too old for this, Whizzer."

I laughed and put Jason down. "I'm okay! How're you, Whizzer?" He obviously got his manners from Trina. Marvin never answered "How're you?" unless it was with a grunt or shoving me onto the bed. "I'm happy because my favorite 11 year old is here!" Jason had turned 11 over the summer.

"Thanks for remembering, Whizzer." One time, I said he was 10 when he was 10 and ¾ and he didn't take it well and got very mad at me. "You're welcome! I wouldn't forget anything about my favourite young adult." Young adult is the only way you can say kid without Jason trying to murder you for calling him a kid.

"Whizzer... Would you ever get back with dad?" I froze. I don't know why he would ask that. He knows the answer. I start crying. "I would never ever get back together with that fucking monster." Jason hugged me. "Well, I'm sorry! Dad got really sentimental and wanted me to ask you because I think he still like likes you." Him still living me? He left me.

"I don't care if he still likes me, Jason. I don't love him anymore. Sure, I would love him back, but he has to change a lot. I'm not putting myself back into a relationship as horrible as the one I had with him. I met a guy recently, okay?" I sigh and start sobbing. I couldn't believe Jason would ask me that.

Sure, I was lying about the guy and really just talking about a prostitute I'd been seeing, but it's not that big of a lie, right? I mean honestly, Jason doesn't know the difference between lies and everything. He really can't tell social cues and we really need to get that checked out. Wonder if his insurance covers it.

"Well I'm sorry for asking, Whizzer because he just really wanted me to ask you and he has a shirt of yours but I think he's keeping it and he sniffed it which is really weird because I don't know why anyone would want to do that because that's really creepy and stalker behavior and I don't know why he did it but I think it's because he's weird but also loves you and I don't like seeing him sad."

Jason talks a lot. But he's really nice and I can tell he cares about his asshole of a father. "Well that was really nice of you, Jason." I pat his head. I don't want to be an asshole to the kid, he's very sweet. "So, Jason, those are some nice pants. What brand are they?" Jason tried to remember. "Levi's." Boring fucking pants brand. "Jason, god... They're amazing, but you need a fancier brand."

Jason sighed. "Jason, you have no sense of style. You're an amazing person and I love your uniqueness and your curly hair and your shoes because those actually costed your dad hundreds of dollars and Marvin loaned me the money for them when we first met and said I didn't have to pay him back because he was... Very nice back then, but- You need better jeans."

Jason was already bored of hearing me speak. "Well then we can go shopping next week! I'm really in the mood for chess right now." I laughed. He's always in the mood for chess. "Well I'll take you shopping next weekend then. Or after school on Monday." I smiled and Jason got his chess board out.

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