Part X. A New Shrink/Family Time

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Whizzer and Trina take Jason to the Jewish center while Marvin decides to see a new therapist and gets kicked out of the session for accidentally mentioning being gay.  Meanwhile, Trina is having a huge internal debate on if it's okay to date your psychiatrist as long as he's hot.

Trigger warnings for homophobia at the beginning. The first part will be Marvin's point of view and him at his new psychiatrist. It's a moment to show how much Mendel actually benefited him as a psychiatrist who was also raised Jewish and one who accepted gay men during the time.

Marvin's Point of View: 9:08am, April 2nd, 1979

I sat down in this black leather chair in front of a balding geezer who didn't look like he was the nicest. Mendel was weird and quirky and I think I always saw him because he had nothing to judge about me. "Mr. Marvin, I looked through your file. I'm aware that you have anger issues, anxiety neurosis, and you are a narcissist, correct?"

I signed and relaxed into the chair. "I wouldn't call myself a narcissist. I just put my needs before others'. It feels better that way. I have anxiety neurosis and it's been diagnosed since I was 11. And yes, I have anger issues. And right now I'm angry that you probably overstepped and looked too close into my fucking file." He seemed like the type to pretend he knew you. Mendel was like that until I literally threatened to beat his ass.

"Well I only looked into your file because you're my client, Mr. Marvin." I sighed. "I know this... Girl. And I love her so much." I had to pretend I was straight again because marrying Trina didn't make me magically straight. I had to say Whizzer was a fucking woman. He had ladylike legs. He had the style knowledge of a woman. Clearly he's a woman.

"Go on, Mister." I thought of what to say next. "I love her. But I hate her! But she gets along so well with my child and I can't explain how ecstatic I feel when I'm around her. So I left him and I don't think she's coming back." I accidentally said him. Holy fucking shit. "Mr. Marvin, it should be known that I don't agree with your lifestyle." I sigh. Guess I have to leave this therapist. I walk out of the building. I hate this shit.

People think they're so entitled to say that they don't agree with you liking men. I like dick. That's really all. I don't understand why people don't understand me because I like penis. I don't like women, so I'm now officially not normal because some old dude probably said "Women and men should date because that's how people reproduce." I have a son. I've reproduced. Does that mean I can date men now?

The guy was an asshole to begin with and I'm glad I left when I did. I really went to Mendel to have a Jewish psychiatrist, the man had crosses everywhere in his room, and to have someone who didn't hate gays. What the fuck do I have now? I can't even get a psychiatrist to accept me.

Trina's Point of View: 9:02am, April 2nd, 1979.

Whizzer was a better father to Jason than Marvin was so I decided to add him to our family activities. To keep the fun in the family, I always have a cool night every month where we take Jason somewhere educational and fun. The Jewish center was Jewish and educational and tonight was their annual dinner! Jason hated the Jewish center, but Whiz had never been and Marv never let us go anywhere too far from the house normally.

I kissed Jason on the cheek to show my love for him. He doesn't like when I do it, but I'm his mom and I have to show him that I love him. Even if he thinks he's queer like his father, I put up with Marv even after I caught him and Whiz in the den having intercourse.

Whizzer was a good dad and he was a good gay best friend. Since we both had a lot of the same... Emotions towards Marv. That's what I'll call them. Emotions. I really just want to hurt him. But I'm not that psychotic. These men in my life drive me psychotic and Whizzer is my best friend who I get my nails done with and buy clothes with and he's like an escape from everything happening and I really need one of those. And pills. I really need Prozac.

I got in the car. I never drove, honestly. Marvin always wanted to drive. But now Whizzer insists on driving so it's not really a problem at this point! Especially since Marvin took the car after the divorce and we've been using Mendel's minivan. Mendel's in the back seat with Jason. He acts like a child sometimes, I swear.

Today is amazing and today will continue to be amazing! That's what I tell myself everyday. It's how I've survived all this time. With Marvin and with Jason and everything going on. I'm finally happy. Even if it's with my psychiatrist. Free therapy's always good, right? We don't have to make house calls because he already lives in my house! That's the good thing about dating your shrink. Oh, who am I kidding?

I'm dating my psychiatrist! There's nothing good about that. It just means I'm crazy! But I already had this internal debate. He's sweet and beautiful and the man of my dreams! Even if he can analyze my dreams. But he's beautiful and nice. So why should I not love him? He's amazing! There's nothing not to love about him. Sure, I have a rational fear that he's gay but it's okay!

I don't know why I'm dating my psychiatrist. Well, not dating. We're engaged. I'm engaged to my psychiatrist! Why am I so weird? Why can't my kid have a normal life? He hates the world! I think it's because he needs to make a friend. He'll end up like his father. I don't want that!

And finally, Whizzer stops the car. Now we can go to a random kosher feast at this really welcoming, nice New York place. I just hope I don't mess anything up.

A/N: 1065 words! Have a nice day and stay safe. The 420th word was dick. I hope you know that. :)

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