Part VIII. Close Encounters

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This will be from third person omniscient point of view! I'm not going to swap point of views. Whizzer and Marvin almost walk into each other at the mall when Marvin and Jason are buying stuff. This chapter just shows how they weren't as far apart as they thought.

No trigger warnings for this chapter. It's just people looking for clothes and Whizzer and Marvin's thoughts and Whizzer buying something for Jason.

Third Person Point of View: 10:04am, March 28th, 1979.

Whizzer was at the slushie bar and Marvin was at a random sports store with Jason. Whizzer sipped a pink slush, hoping he wouldn't get arrested for homosexual conduct or something. It was a different time. The 1970s were a weird place. Whizzer stood up and went to a random clothing store that he liked that was by the sports store.

Marvin was getting impatient and wanted to go to get a pretzel, but he didn't want to be arrested for child neglect today. Then Trina and Mendel would hate him more. "Jason, want a pretzel?" He asked, bored. "Yeah!" Jason was always just a happy ball of sunshine when he was around things or people that made him happy.

Jason took Marvin's hand and we walked past this shop and Jason waved at someone in the window. Marvin didn't know who that someone was. But that someone was Whizzer. Whizzer waved back at Jason and Jason went to get a pretzel with his dad.

Whizzer had saw Marvin with Jason. He teared up, but went back to his looking for a new shirt and maybe some new pants. Nothing there was the best, but Whizzer found some things that he thought he could make work. He held up a hanger with a blue scarf on it. "No. That's not good enough with that shirt. And that shirt doesn't match those pants. But that is a designer handbag on the other aisle."

Whizzer decides to buy the outfit and the handbag, knowing that he can match the stuff up with other things later. Marvin's already left the food court and Whizzer decides to make his way there to get a pretzel and throw his slush away because it tasted like shit. "Oh, thank God he isn't here." He mumbled to himself after seeing Marvin was no longer in the food court.

Whizzer basically lived at that mall. He didn't know why Marvin was there. Marvin had never even wanted to take Jason places when Whizzer was with him. It always seemed like Marvin was a shitty father. Whizzer didn't like how Marvin used to treat Jason, so Whizzer always brought him there.

Whizzer thought Jason had probably made up with Marvin. He didn't know what had happened, but expected that it was a false truce or something. He'd never seen nice Marvin. He'd never seen good dad Marvin besides when they got together and when Marvin attempted to take Jason to some baseball game and Jason got mad that their team lost. They only really bonded over baseball. They looked miles apart.

Whizzer loves Jason. He's like a son to him. He loves chess and he just has a wonderful personality and he's very funny. He's mature for his age and that's what Whizzer loves about him. Whizzer was the best father Jason could ask for. Mendel was also amazing to Jason, but Mendel was more of a vent outlet than a father.

Whizzer ordered a pretzel and payed the 5 dollars for the pretzel that was obviously overpriced but it was large and salty enough so Whizzer didn't want to complain about it. It was a nice pretzel, just more of a 3 dollar pretzel. Pretzels shouldn't be that much money. Pretzels are literally just fucking pretzels and Whizzer didn't understand why he was paying that much.

Whizzer finished his pretzel. Meanwhile, Marvin and Jason were at the board game store because Jason really wanted to see if they had a glass chess set or something. Whizzer wanted to buy something for Jason so he also walked in the game store. He knew Jason had been wanting a glass chess board so he went that way. To the same aisle Marvin was on with Jason.

   Whizzer didn't see Marvin, but Marvin saw Whizzer. Marvin looked at Jason, panicked as Whizzer picked up the last glass chess board and a gift bag that was on a stand. Jason whispered to Marvin. "Hey, dad. I think Whizzer just bought me the last glass chess set they had. Thanks for the thought." He gave Marvin a smile and they walked out of the store, hand in hand.

   Whizzer thought he'd saw Marvin and Jason in the store, but he couldn't be quite sure. He didn't want to admit it because he just didn't want Marvin to have been trying to buy the gift for Jason that he was supposed to buy for Jason. He didn't mean it in a bitchy way, he just wanted Jason to have the gift from someone who loved him and wasn't just trying to make him favor him. Whizzer didn't like Marvin and it was understandable.

   Marvin left the mall and Whizzer eventually did too. Whizzer couldn't wait until tomorrow when he could give Jason his gift. He began to drive home and so did Marvin. Marvin knew he'd seen Whizzer, but didn't want to let it effect him. He didn't want to think about it because he didn't want to break down while driving the car. He didn't want to admit to himself that he thought Whizzer was hot either.

   Whizzer knew he'd seen Marvin earlier, just not that he'd seen him in the shop with Jason trying to look for the glass chess board that Jason had been wanting for a couple of months. Whizzer didn't want to admit to himself that seeing Marvin gave him hope that he could possibly reunite with him and have a healthy relationship with him.

   Honestly, neither of them wanted to admit how much they loved or needed the other. It was reactionary. They knew that it hadn't worked out the first time and it made them both lose hope in it ever working out. Seeing the other gave them hope. It made them think that they could finally be together again one day. That they could fall in love again. They just weren't ready for it. Yet.

A/N: Word count is 1071. It's being published at 8:26pm on June 8th of 2021. Thanks for the continued support and we're now on like 67 reads! I also have enough money for a 3 round trip tickets to Orlando. Have an amazing day and thanks for reading.

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