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"HA. $40 Minnie. A bet is a bet!" Jisung shouts at Seungmin about a half hour later. As it turns out, Changbin accidentally ran backwards into Felix while goofing off with his friends. After class, Changbin had approached Felix to apologize and they had a short conversation mainly filled with "I'm so sorry again" and "no, really, its fine". Of course, then he went to running around with his friends, acting like a dick.

"I've got to give that one to you, Lix."  Seungmin hands Jisung $40 reluctantly, letting out a sigh.

"I can't believe you guys bet on me." Felix groans. Jeongin laughs.

"Yeah, well new bet. I bet $50 that they'll get together this year." The youngest says.

"Raise $20 that Lix will be the one to ask." Seungmin adds, causing Jisung to scoff.

"You don't pay attention, do you? I raise $30 for a total of $100 that Changbin will ask Lix out." Jisung says, causing Seungmin to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, sure Jisung. And pigs will fly." He says, causing Jeongin to laugh and Felix to shake his head.

"Do you really have to bet about it, guys?" Felix asks.

"Yes, now go ask him out." Seungmin says. "I want $100." Felix rolls his eyes at the boys response, burying his face into a pillow.

"Cheer up Lix! We're mostly teasing." Jisung hums, hugging the younger boy from behind. He cuddles him until Felix is happy again and they all decide to sleep over. As the night goes on, the boys go through an endless amount of snacks, as well as play an unhealthy amount of video games. They all groan as Felix wins yet another round of Mario Kart. 

"I don't think Lix should be allowed to play." Says Seungmin, going back to the menu. "Innie, it's your turn to pick a map." He says, letting the younger one ponder his choices as he continues on about Felix. "It's just unfair that he's so good. Do you do nothing else but game?" Felix laughs at this.

"I obviously also sleep." He responds.

"Sleep sounds obvious, but some people don't do it." Jisung adds, coughing with a "Chan hyung" and another cough. The other three laugh at Jisung's remark regarding their eldest friend. 

"That's not his fault though, hyung..." Jeongin pipes up after a bit. Everyone laughs at him, making fun of him for having a "crush" on the eldest. Jeongin rolls his eyes. "Just because I commented that Chan hyung was hot ONCE, doesn't mean I have a crush." He huffs. The other three stop teasing him, finally getting tired. They all crash on blow up mattresses on the floor, which they've pushed together. 

"Night, bitches." Says Felix, cuddling into Jisung. The others mumble a good night as they fall asleep.




"Shut uppppppppp. I'm getting upppp, Jesusss." Jisung smiles proudly, going into Jeongin's kitchen to greet his parents. He bows and smiles "Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Yang."

"Jisung!!" Mrs. Yang hugs the boy. "How many times have we told you to call us mom and dad?" Jisung smiles.

"Sorry, it's too early." He laughs.

"I see the whole gang is here, passed out in my living room as usual." His dad jokes. 

"We made you boys breakfast to eat before school!" His mother adds. Jisung smiles and thanks them, going to check on Felix. When he enters the living room, he sees his friends ready for school and the living room cleaned up. 

"Your mom made us breakfast." Jisung says to Jeongin. 

"FOOD?!" Felix says excitedly as he and Jeongin race to the kitchen. Seungmin and Jisung burst out laughing, walking like normal people, then sitting to eat with the other two. 

"Are you nervous for Art today, Ji hyung?" Jeongin asks. Jisung has to think about this, eventually shrugging. 

"I dunno." He finally responds, focusing on eating. 

"Why would Jisung be nervous for art class?" Asks his mother.

"He sits next to Lee Minho." Seungmin says, taking a sip of his juice. 

"Is he a bully?" Mrs. Yang questions. 

"Not exactly, mom. Minho hyung has... a reputation." Says Jeongin.

"What kind of reputation would that be?"

"He's supposedly in a gang." Jisung says. "And he doesn't like anybody. Him and his friends are dangerous, but nobody knows anything about them except for the fact that they're all gorgeous." Seungmin chokes on his juice this time.


"Oh come on, Minnie, we were all thinking it."

"But it's just a rumour, mom. I'm sure Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin hyung aren't actually in a gang. It's just that sometimes they come in with an appearance that might allude to it." Jeongin clarifies. 

"Hm, well be careful, Jisung. But don't be rude to the boy. Maybe he's just shy." Jisung mentally scoffs. Definitely not shy. He's an arrogant ass... he also has a nice ass... but that's not the point. 

"I will." Jisung responds, smiling as he finishes eating. Fuck, I shouldn't have eaten that much... 

The boys tag team the dishes and then head to school. In first period, Ms. Kim has them group up for the first literature assignment of the year. The assignment, which takes a few weeks, consists of picking a book, reading it together, and then making a book report project out of it. As usual, Jisung partners with Felix and Seungmin, all of them quickly agreeing on a book, allowing them to talk about ideas for the project. 

In the next period, Jisung notices Changbin in their class. He nudges Felix, who sends him a death glare. The older raises his hands in surrender, still earning the silent treatment from Felix for the rest of class, causing an amused Seungmin. 

When the boys finally have to separate, Jisung's heart starts beating two times faster. He reaches the classroom, finding Minho in his seat already. The younger boy sits quietly, not looking towards the front for fear of catching the older boy's eyes. Mr. Park comes in and starts class.

"Today we are going to dive right into the course. Each week we are going to work on a different drawing in preparation for your final project. First I'll tell you this week's assignment and then I'll tell you the final project so you can start thinking about it, getting ideas, and maybe start sketching." At this, Jisung, looks towards the front, eager to hear the assignments. 

"This week, I want you to draw one of your friends. Try to draw them how you see them, capture them as a person in your drawing. This will be due, not this Monday since it's Already Friday, but the next Monday." The class looks happy with the first assignment. "Now, where I will have you doing small drawings like this... I want you to focus your energy on one piece of art this year. I want you to paint something by which you are enamored, inspired, or mystified." Jisung sits back, thinking about the two projects he's been assigned. 

"You may have the rest of class to start your first assignment. Next class, we will talk about different paints and techniques for the first part of class. The second half of class will always be yours for the weekly project. Your final should be completed at home. Any supplies you need, you may take from here. I have provided a paint kid for each of you to take home. Get to work!"

Jisung gets up to get his paint kit, almost colliding with Minho as he turns around. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry-" Jisung starts before he realizes who he's talking to. Minho just shrugs, accidentally brushing his hand against Jisung's waist as he goes around him. This causes Jisung to blush and sit down quickly, taking his phone out for a reference picture of Felix. 

When the bell rings, Jisung has a paper with scribbled notes and a plan to hang out with Felix so he can draw him. He rushes to the cafeteria to tell his friends about the projects. Once Felix agrees to be drawn, the boys eat, not noticing that Jisung hasn't gotten a lunch. They go back to class, finishing up the day strong. Felix and Jisung talk on the bus ride home, the aussie excitedly telling Jisung about a mug that he's going to be making in pottery class.

Once the two part ways for their own classes, Jisung feels his heart sink as he sees a car in the driveway. As soon as he goes inside, something shatters on the wall behind his head. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?"

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