Twenty Seven:

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Minho groans as a flash hits his face. He opens his eyes slowly to face Felix who is taking pictures of the boy holding his boyfriend. He covers his eyes and glares at the young aussie, shooting daggers at him. 

"Lee Yongbok, I swear to God..." He groans in his raspy voice. Jisung stirs, whining lightly and hugging his boyfriend tighter. This causes Felix to coo at the boy's cuteness.

"We are all downstairs when you guys are awake. Oh, and we brought food." At the word "food", Jisung opens his eyes and looks excited. He yawns and sits up.

"Hyungie, I'm hungry." The adorable boy pouts, rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"Okay, love, we can go get food." Minho replies with a small smile. "Felix," he turns his attention to the boy standing next to his bed "Send me that photo." Felix nods with a proud smile, running out of the room while tapping his phone. Minho's phone buzzes with the message a minute later. 

The boys make their way downstairs to hang out with everyone else, only to find them all playing a part in the kitchen. Chan is by the stove, stirring something in a pot while adding ingredients. Changbin is cutting up fruits next to his boyfriend, who is cutting vegetables. Hyunjin and Seungmin are tackling what appears to be a cake and icing mix. Jeongin is setting the table nicely. 

"Hey guys!" Chan greets, turning to Felix after to instruct him. "I need the veggies now, Lix." Felix nods, finishing up with his slicing to dump the chopped vegetables into the big pot on the stove. Jisung smells the air, instantly getting excited.

"Chan is that...?" He starts, eyes lighting up. Chan smiles and nods.

"Yessir, it sure is." Jisung squeals happily, running (not fast since he doesn't want his boyfriend to worry) to Chan and hugging him. 

"Thank you thank you thank youuuuu!!" 

"Anything for you, kiddo." Minho smiles at the scene, knowing how much Chan helped raise his boyfriend and how much he helped him.

"What're you making?" He asks inquisitively. 

"Jisung was telling me how much he was craving this veggie and cheese tortellini that I make sometimes, and I wanted to celebrate his graduation from the wheelchair, so we decided to make it now." Chan says with a smile. Minho nods, smiling at him.

They finish making the pasta, sitting down and waiting for the Seungjin couple to put the cake in the oven. Once they sit down, everyone starts chatting and eating, drowning each other out in the best way. 

Minho finds himself in the middle of Seungmin and Jeongin's conversation about fishing, Jeongin not understanding why you put the fish back.

Jisung, on the other hand, is sitting next to Chan, watching happily as his boyfriend gets along with his friends. Felix nudges Chan, showing him the photo of the sleeping boys. Chan "aww"s, catching Jisung's attention.

"When did you take that?" He asks

"Like two seconds before you woke up." He says with a small laugh. Jisung smiles at the photo.

"Oh my gosh, we are so cute! Lixie, send me that photo!" Felix once again smiles proudly. The rest of the meal goes smoothly, the friend groups splitting up when Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin insist upon stealing Jisung and going to Minsung's room.

The rest of the boys sit on Minho's couch, playing video games and just talking, knowing their boyfriend's wouldn't be back for a while.

"So how are things?" Chan asks Minho.

"Things are good." He responds.

"Is Jisung feeling better? Y'all talked it out?" Changbin asks.

"Kinda..." Minho sighs.

"Wait, fill us in." Hyunjin interjects, pointing to Chan and himself.

"Well... with... I... um..." Minho starts.

"Basically, Minho won't fuck his boyfriend. And Jisung called Felix crying because he thought it was something that was wrong with himself since his ribs are healed." Changbin says. Minho nods a little shamefully. Chan looks at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

"I... I know that he's healed." Minho starts. "But there's a part of me that's so scared that there's maybe a little bit of him that's not healed and I can't deal with hurting him." He explains. "I know it's stupid. And trust me, it's not that I don't want to fuck him. I want to wreck him. But I'm scared..." He finishes, his face going tomato red.

Hyunjin steps in first with advice. "Honestly, hyung. Jisung might be stubborn, but he wouldn't try to get you to fuck him if he wasn't sure if he's ready."

"Hyunjin's right. And I hate talking like this because he's like my son, but I think you should just fuck the boy." Chan says. Changbin nods in agreement. Minho blushes but nods as they continue their conversation and their game.

Upstairs, the younger boy's were talking about the same thing. Changbin was texting Felix what was going on, and Felix had a plan.

"Aight Ji. We need to get you laid. Tonight." Jisung looks at him, eyes wide.

"Really, Felix?? You are all literally spending the night. No way am I having sex with y'all in the house." Seungmin interjects, rolling his eyes.

"Please, Ji. This house is so expensive, I bet the walls are sound proof. Plus, you'll be happier if you do, and we aren't taking no for an answer." Jisung turns his surprised look towards his puppy looking friend.

"Not you too."

"It gets worse, hyung." Jeongin says.

"No, Innie. Felix has corrupted you both!"

"Jisungie hyung, do you want Minho hyung to bone you or not?" Jeongin says authoritvely. Jisung says quiet, blushing.

"That's what I thought." Jeongin replies. "Continue Lixie hyung." Felix nods appreciatively.

"So we sent Jeongin out to pick out something that we need you to wear. I picked it out but then I had to go to the grocery store, so Innie and Chan went to get it instead. Yes, our boyfriend's are in on this." Felix pulls out a beautiful black lace lingerie. Jisung's face goes absolutely scarlet.

"Holy shit I'm gonna look so fuckable." Jisung blurts, causing his friends to laugh.

"Let's hope it works!" Says Seungmin, throwing his arm around his hyung.

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