Thirty Five:

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The night before the trial, the Lee house is completely silent. Jisung and his friends are currently sitting in the living room with Minho's parents, silently praying to any God that's listening. After a while of silence, Jisung can't stand it anymore.

"You know what? If this is the beginning of the end, I don't want us to sit in silence... I want to party." He blurts out from his spot nestled against Minho. Felix, who has started nodding his head.

"You know what I'm thinking?" He says with a sly grin.

"I do." Jisung responds with a loopy grin.

"LET'S GET WHITE GIRL WASTED!" Felix screams, apologizing profusely when he remembers that there are parents in the room. They chuckle at him as everyone bursts into laughter.

His mother gets up, grabbing her husband's hand. "We are going to go grocery shopping for breakfast ingredients and then we are going to go to bed. Don't wreck my house please." She says, giving all the boy's hugs. When they leave, Minho breaks out the alcohol, and the boys get started.

Jisung takes a bottle of vodka from his boyfriend's hand, kissing him and whispering something in his ear. He sits on the couch, drinking straight from the bottle. When he's about halfway through the bottle, Felix pulls him up and they start dancing in the middle of the room.

Jisung finishes the bottle, Minho pulling him away from an equally as intoxicated Felix before the two get too bold. He bids the rest of the boy's goodnight, putting down his glass (his third cup of the night). He carries Jisung upstairs as the younger koala hugs him, being way more drunk than the older. He starts kissing the order's neck, causing the older to warn him.

"Baby, I know you said you wanted this when you were sober, but are you sure?" Minho asks as he walks into their room, shutting the door. Jisung bites the elders neck in response. "No marks, love. We have court tomorrow." Jisung whines in response.

"B-but w-want to forget." He hiccups out, drunkily. Minho chuckles, kissing the younger, placing him on the bed. Jisung wraps his arms around the elder boy's neck, deepening the kiss.


"Baby, please breathe." Minho encourages his boyfriend who is sitting on the bed, shaking.

"I can't do this, Min. I can't. What if last night was the last time. What if I never get to fall asleep in your arms again.." He let's the tears fall, Minho scooping the boy up into his arms.

"I will fight her with all my might. She will not take you from me. I love you so much. I will do whatever it takes to keep you with me." He kisses the boy's  forehead, trying to comfort him.

"I know, love, I know. I love you so much." The two kiss once more before getting dressed and going downstairs to face their hangovers and breakfast with their friends.

"Lixie, baby. You look amazing." Jisung jokes to Felix, who looks as hungover as himself. Felix chuckles.

"Ji, my love, you look absolutely ravishing." He responds with a wink. The boy's all laugh, sitting down for breakfast.

"Whatever happens today" starts Chan "we will figure it out together. We are in this together. Okay?" Everyone agrees.

The ride to the courthouse is quiet. Jisung holds onto Minho's hand as if it's the last he'll ever do so. Before getting out of the car, Jisung pulls him into a kiss, throwing all of his emotion into it. The older boy responds passionately and then they separate, making themselves professional and presentable.

They get out of the car, walking into the court house and down a hallway to meet with the lawyer. They shake hands and then everybody starts discussing, making sure everyone remembers their testimony. Jisung sits, focusing on keeping his breathing normal.

"Sungie?" His head snaps up to see Minho in front of him. "It's time, my love." He nods, accepting the elders outreached hand. They walk into the court room, taking their seats. Jisung sits with the lawyer, Minho beside him. He glances over, noticing his grandmother staring at him.

He quickly looks away, staring instead at the clock on wall in front of him. The jury and crowd who have decided to congregate to witness the case file in slowly, giving Jisung time to collect his thoughts.

Behind him sits Chan, who has Felix right next to him, due to the fact they will be the most important to their case. Mr and Mrs Lee sit next to them, holding hands. Jisung feels a pang in his heart as he thinks about how grateful his is to Minho's parents for giving him a better life and a place to live. As if Minho knows what he's thinking, he squeezes the younger's hand. They smile at eachother quickly before the door opens.

"All rise for our honorable Judge Min Yoongi." Everyone stands, bowing respectfully at the judge, who bows back.

"We are here regarding the custody of 17 year old Han Jisung. Let's begin with Mr. Han. You may call your first witness."

His lawyer stands, bowing at the judge.

"We would like to call Mr. Bang to the stand." Chan gets up, walking up to the box. He swears to tell the truth, sitting down and waiting for the questions. "Mr. Bang, how do you know the defendant?" Asks Jisung's lawyer.

"We are friends." He answers.

"And how did you meet?"

"I moved into the house next to Felix's and I lived there for a few years. Felix and I became friends and he introduced me to Jisung. We all hung out and played together alot. We've known each other so long that he's more of a brother to me than anything."

"Understood. I've been made aware that my client's parents were rarely home. According to our sources, he didn't stay with his grandmother, he stayed with you. Would you tell the jury why that is, Mr. Bang?"

"Jisung's parents turned abusive when Jisung was 7. He stayed with me because I took care of him, especially when his parents came home and beat him. A year before the drugs and abuse, Felix finally told Jisung's parents about how his grandma would treat him when we were there. They stopped letting her see Jisung. They told her that she wasn't allowed to step near their son again."

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