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Mr. Park talks for the rest of the class, leaving Jisung to his thoughts. The younger boy didn't engage with Minho the rest of class and ran out of the room the second the bell rang. He approaches his friends in the cafeteria, sitting at the same corner table as last year. He sits down hurriedly, catching his breath. The two boys look at him worried, noticing his pale expression.

"What happened, Ji?" Seungmin finally asks.

"You'll never guess who I sit next to in Art." Jisung says. The other boys gave him a look, encouraging him to tell them. "Lee Minho."

Felix spit his milk out, choking on a bit.  "What?? You need to move seats." He deadpans.

"I would, except Mr. Park says he handpicked the seats and that we are stuck where we are stuck." Jisung sighs.

"Well, shit." Seungmin says, looking at the smaller boy sympathetically. "But if that stuck up, cruel bitch tries to hurt you, Ji... you let us know. Just because he's feared by most, doesn't mean I'm afraid to kick his ass if he touches my best friend."

"YEAH!" Felix adds confidentially. Jisung laughs at the two, assuring them that he will come to them if something happens.

Just then, a small boy with blue hair joins the group, smiling at them. "Hey guys, what's new." He asks.

"Hey innie, we were just talking aboug how Ji has to sit with none other than Lee Minho in his Art class." Felix says, hugging the youngest boy.

"Oh heck Ji hyung, that's terrible. Minho hyung is so scary..." Jeongin says, his eyes going wide.

"It's okay Innie, I'll be fine." Jisung assures him.

"On another note... guess who sits next to Felix in our art class." Seungmin smiles.

"No way!" Jisung laughs.

"Shut uppp!" Felix groans.

"This means he will be forced to talk to Changbin! Pay up Minnie!" Seungmin shakes his head no.

"Not until he actually does it!" Jisung rolls his eyes.

"It's inevitable." He comments, eating his food so that they can go to class. As they walk to their final two classes of the day, Jeongin leaves them to go down a separate wing. The three boys endure almost two classes of boredom before Jisung leaves to use the restroom. Along the way he walks passed a boy, accidentally grazing the boys arm with his hand as he grazes by.

"Hey, fag." A voice calls behind him. Jisung ignores him and walks faster before the person tugs on his jacket, causing Jisung to trip.

"Listen when I speak to you, you worthless bitch." Jisung picks himself off of the floor to see a boy, who looks to be about a senior, staring angry at him.

"I- I- I'm s-s-sorry." Jisung stutters, afraid of the tall boy. The boy pushes him against a locker and grabs his glasses, breaking them.

"Next time, stay out of my way, fucking nerd." He spits, giving Jisung one last push and strolling away. Shaking, Jisung gets up, taking his glasses and putting them in his pocket as they are in half. He goes to the bathroom and returns to the class, trying not to cry. As he cannot see, he doesn't take notes the rest of class. He also cannot tell that Seungmin and Felix are giving him confused looks. He begins to packup early and grabs his bag, running out the door as the bell rings. He follows the swarm of people until he makes it to the busses, but is stopped as his friends catch up to him.

"Ji! What the hell happened?"

"Where are your glasses?"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah guys, I'm fine... they gave me a headache..." Jisung mumbles.

"Bullshit." Jeongin says, earning a look of suprise from Jisung at the language of the younger. "Let me see them, hyung." He demands. Reluctantly, Jisung hands over his broken glasses. He looks at the boys.

"Felix hyung, bring Jisung hyung to my house in an hour. Seungmin hyung, be there." Jeongin takes the glasses and walks away.

"You better tell us then." Seungmin says, getting on his bus. Felix walks Jisung to their bus, letting him have the window seat. After a short ride, Felix brings the older boy to his house where they're greeted by his mother. Felix says something to her that Jisung can't hear and Felix's mother hugs the older boy. Then the boys go to Felix's room and Jisung lays on his bed, closing his eyes. After about 20 minutes, the younger boy tells Jisung that he's going over to his house to fetch clothes for him and that the older boy can take a nap if he'd like.

"Thanks, Lix, I'm going to take a nap." Jisung says, speaking for the first time since he tried telling his friends he was fine. As he lays there, he dozes off. When he opens his eyes, it's because he's being poked. Only when he opens his eyes does he realise he's in Jeongin's house.

"Wakey wakey." Felix teases.


"I had my mum drive us, so you could nap." Felix interjects, handing him some of his own clothes. "I locked your front door behind me." He calls after Jisung as the older goes to the bathroom to change. The outfit Felix had picked out was a pair of black ripped jeans, a white hoodie with a golden moon, and a matching pair of white vans with gold lining. Jisung puts his uniform in the bag Lix had given him and joins the group again.

"My friend's brother fixed these for you." Jeongin says, handing Jisung his glasses.

"Thanks Innie." Jisung says, smiling at the youngest, thankful for the gift of sight once more.

"Now, what happened?" Seungmin asks.

"Just some jackass senior in the hallway." Jisung replies, shrugging. 

"Who?" Seungmin prods "Was it Minho?"

"No, it wasn't, but I didn't exactly stop and as his name after he pushed me." Jisung responds sarcastically. Seungmin rolls his eyes at his witty reply. "Seriously, lets leave it alone unless it happens again, okay?" The boys all agree and then decide to watch a movie. As they all cuddle up, Felix lays on Jisung.

"Hey, Ji." He asks.

"What's up, Lix?"

"You were right." He blushes.


"I DID talk to Changbin today."

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