Fourty One: Special

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I wasn't going to update this story anymore... but it occurred to me that some of you are curious as to how Seungjin happened, so here you go!!!
-Annie 💞

"No, Felix. I'm not gonna spend all day at the library, I'll still make it in time tonight."

"If you don't, there will be no brownies for you." Jisung says, fixing his hair and walking out the door, going to work. Felix nods.

"You know nobody can resist my brownies, and you know Jisung will eat them to spite you." Seungmin laughs at Felix's comment, rolling his eyes and grabbing his bag.

"I just want to see if they have a book I've been looking for, and I prefer to go look in person. Plus then I can finish my summer homework in peace."

"Are you sure you don't want company, Minnie hyung?" Jeongin pipes in.

"Yes, Innie. I need to focus, which I can't do if you're there because you're too adorable." This causes the youngest to show his big smile.

"Have fun!" The three echo through Seungmin's phone, the call disconnecting. Seungmin stashes his phone into his pocket and leaves the house, locking the door behind him after saying bye to Wonpil.

The walk to the library is uneventful, although the boy can admit that he wishes it were a little less hot. Starting to sweat, relief washes over him as he steps into the air conditioned library.

He sits down and does his homework, only taking about an hour. When he's done, he walks around the library, finding the book he's looking for, and taking it from the shelf. Happily, he turns around and walks out of the aisle, running face first into someone's chest, knocking both of them over.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" Says a voice above him. Seungmin groans, having hit his head on the bookshelf. "Are you okay?" He looks up and sees a beautiful blonde male leaning over him.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." The boy says, sitting up. "Sorry for crashing into you!"

"You're fine cutie. Here, let me help you up." He says, collecting the boy's books and then extending his hand to him. Seungmin takes it and bows at him.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure. Let me introduce myself then, I'm-"

"Hwang Hyunjin. Yeah, I already know." He says with a curt nod.

"Oh. Okay. Well, it's nice to meet you, Kim Seungmin."

"You too. Have a good day." Seungmin responds, embarrassed, going to walk away. He stops dead in his tracks and spins around. "I never told you my name."

"Yeah. I know." Hyunjin responds, grinning. "We had Biology together this past year."

"I know that." Seungmin scoffs.

"I didn't mean to offend you." Hyunjin says, picking up on the younger boy's tone of voice.

"I-" Seungmin pauses, realizing he's been rude. "No, I'm not offended. I apologize. You're just not the type of person I talk to. You know, because you hang out with a different crowd."

Hyunjin nods in understanding. "I get it. But I'd like to get to know you." He says with a grin.

"Um, not to be rude but you tend to like to get to know everyone you lay eyes on."

"Well, maybe, but I actually would like to get to know you."

"Hmmm. Well. I guess that's okay. Let's sit in the comfy chairs and just talk." Seungmin offers, feeling the boy is speaking genuinely. They sit and Seungmin and him end up talking for a few hours. He finds the older to actually be funny and smart.

They're pulled out of their conversation by the ringing of the younger's cell phone. The boy send him an apologetic smile as he answers.

"What's up, Sungs."

"You're late, but I've decided to save you some brownies on account of the fact that I'm nice."

"Late? I've only been here" He checks the time "Holy shit, you're right. I'll be right there." He hangs up and faces the taller boy next to him. "I'm so sorry, hyung but I'm meeting my friends."

"That's okay, will I see you again?" Seungmin smiles at this. He takes his pen out and writes his number on the boy's hand.

"I'll be here at the same time tomorrow." He says before walking away.

"I told you that nose of yours would get stuck in a book." Felix says triumphantly as Seungmin munches on a brownie.

"Actually, I made a friend." The boys raise their eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. Seungmin tells them, leaving out Hyunjin's name, and just saying it was some cute boy he shared Bio with.

"That's so exciting!" Jeongin squeals. "Maybe you'll get a boyfriend before any of us!"

"I doubt that Innie."

As it turns out, Seungmin started enjoying Hyunjin's company more and more. A month into summer, he finally invited the elder to his house.

"Wonpil, this is Hyunjin. Hyunjin, Wonpil." The two boys shake hands and Seungmin leads them up to his room. They listen to music and watch some shows.

"Hey, Minnie." Hyunjin says from where his head is laying in the youngers lap.
"What's up, Jinnie."

"I like you." Seungmin smiles.

"I like you too."

"No. I mean like, I LIKE you." He says with a blush.

"Yeah. I know, idiot. I like you too."

"No, i mean like-" Hyunjin's words get interrupted by Seungmin's lips on his. The kiss is sweet, and when he pulls away, Hyunjin nods. "Yeah, okay. I think we are on the same page." He says, sitting up and pulling the boy into another kiss.

"Just tell us who it isssss." Jisung whines.

"No! I don't want to jinx it if it doesn't work out." Seungmin says stubbornly. The boys pout, but ultimately respect his decision.

The summer is coming to an end and while going on dates and making out with Hyunjin has been fun, he's sure that the fuckboy persona will return once school starts.

Seungmin makes his normal walk to the boy's house, knocking lightly. He's met with Hyunjin's smile.

"Hiya, cutie pie. I just finished cooking, shall we eat?" Seungmin just nods, feeling incredibly shitty for what he's about to do.

They eat in silence, the taller boy being incredibly worried by the boy's silence.


"This has to end."



"I- why? I thought you liked me." Hyunjin says, tears already running.

"I do. But you don't like me. Once school starts, you'll just leave me in a humiliating manner to find some other person."

"I- is that honestly how you think of me? After all the time we've spent together?"

Seungmin is also crying now, nodding.

"Min.. I've never dated anyone. I'm popular and I've never denied a rumor because there were too many. I've never spent time with anyone other than my friends, and you. I know you don't believe me but I genuinely like you. So so much." The boy begins to sob and Seungmin can't handle it.

Abruptly, he stands, causing the blonde to cry harder, thinking the boy is leaving him. Instead, two arms wrap around him.

"I'm so sorry." The younger sobs. "I'm so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have assumed." Hyunjin stands up, wiping the boy's tears and connecting their lips.

"Be my boyfriend, Seungmin? Let me prove how much I care."

Seungmin's ecstatic nods are followed by more kisses and a night full of cuddling and movies.

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