Twenty Eight:

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The younger boy's emerge from upstairs after fixing Jisung up in their new outfit, throwing his clothes on over it to hide it. Felix walks into the living room first, humming to himself and sitting on his boyfriend's lap. Seungmin and Jeongin sit next to their boyfriend's while Jisung sits in between Minho's legs, leaning his back against the boy's chest.

They all watch a movie, Seungjin falling asleep together on one couch and Jeongchan on the other. Felix nonchalantly kicks Jisung's leg lightly, signaling him to go. Jisung nods subtly, turning around and hugging his boyfriend.

"Hyungieee~" He whines in his neediest whisper "May we go to bed?" He looks at Minho with a pout, causing the older to smile and nod, kissing the pout off of Jisung's face. Felix winks at Jisung as Minho carries the boy upstairs. Once they reach the room, Minho goes to use the bathroom and Jisung scrambles to calm himself down. Once the older boy returns, he lays down next to Jisung.

The younger boy takes a deep breath, climbing on top of Minho, straddling his waist. Minho looks at him shocked, smiling warmly at him when he realizes that his boyfriend is blushing madly.

"What is it, love?" Minho asks, sitting up a bit and kissing Jisung's red cheeks.

"I- um..." Jisung starts, suddenly getting shy. Minho chuckles, understanding what's going on.

"Did Felix put you up to this?" He asks. The younger nods.

"B-but I want to..." Jisung mumbles quickly. Minho sits up fully, leaning forward and giving the younger boy a soft kiss.

"You've got to speak up, baby." He says, caressing the younger face.

"I- I want to." Jisung says louder. Minho smiles, kissing down the boy's jaw.

"You want to what? Use your words, kitten." He continues, kissing down Jisung's neck, stopping when he gets to the crook and biting. Jisung moans a little bit, gripping Minho's shoulders.

"I want Hyungie." He whines. Minho smirks, sucking on the younger's skin until a purple mark appears.

"Baby, are you sure?" Minho asks carefully.

"Yes." Jisung responds confidently, leading the kiss this time. He wraps his arms around the olders neck, smashing their lips together. Minho smiles into the kiss, placing his hands on the younger's waist as he bites the boy's lip.

Jisung giggles, moving his head to bite his boyfriend's neck, leaving hickeys all over. Minho leans his head back to let the younger have better access while slowly moving his hands underneath his boyfriend's shirt. Instead of bare skin, Minho is met with fine lace and he looks at his boyfriend questioningly. Jisung yet again goes scarlet.

"Did you dress up for me, kitten?" Minho asks, pulling the shirt up slightly. Jisung feels himself become more turned on with the nicknames, nodding as he slowly slips into sub space. "Colour?" Minho asks, ready to take the boy's shirt off.

"Green." Jisung manages, lifting his arms so that Minho can remove the article of clothing. Minho stares in awe at the top half of the boy in front of him.

"Holy fuck, Sungie. You're so fucking beautiful." Minho breathes, going to kiss the boy's collar bones.

"So are you... I want to see you too." Jisung responds, tugging at Minho's shirt, looking at him before doing anything else.

"Green, baby." He says, allowing Jisung to remove his shirt. The two resume making out, both boy's quickly getting more and more aroused. Jisung gets bold as Minho places his one hand on his hip and the other on his waist. He smirks before moving closer on Minho's lap and grinding down on his boyfriend's erection. Minho let's out a low moan, biting the younger's ear.

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