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"May I kiss you?"

Jisung looks up to meet Minho's eyes. The older is looking down at him lovingly. Jisung gulps, nodding.

"Yes." Minho smiles, connecting their lips. The kiss is sweet and Jisung can't help but think about how soft the older's lips are. The younger responds to the kiss, moving his lips in sync with the elders. Minho places one hand on Jisung's cheek, deepening the kiss while his other hand rests on the smaller boys waist. Jisung has his hands resting on Minho's chest, and he slides one down to the hem of his shirt.

Minho smiles into the kiss, running his tongue over Jisung's bottom lip. Jisung parts his lips slightly to give Minho what he wants.

"Is this okay?" Minho asks, making sure Jisung is alright. The younger nods again. 


Minho smiles, kissing Jisung again, but adding his tongue into Jisung's mouth. The younger allows the other boy control and backs into his bed, sitting down as Minho sits next to him. Jisung tugs on the elders shirt, whining a little bit. This causes the older to smirk, leaning back so that he can pull his shirt off.

Jisung runs his hands over the other boy's chest, biting his lip and going back in to kiss him again. Minho runs his hands under Jisung's shirt, causing him to giggle at the cold of the elders hands.

"May I?" Minho asks regarding Jisung's shirt. The younger blushes but agrees. Minho pulls the shirt off of the squirrel boy, gawking about how beautiful he is. He looks at all the fading bruises and cuts and leans down, kissing them, wrapping his arms around the small boy's waist. On his back, he feels the other cuts and he gets up, going to kiss the cuts on the boy's back. He then kisses down his jaw and to his lips.

"You're so beautiful, Sungie."

"N-no.." Jisung replies with a blush.

"Yes. Oh my god yes you are. Scars and all. Are there more?" Jisung blushes, nodding.

"B-but not yet..." Jisung says, starting to tear up.

"No, baby. It's okay. I'm here whenever you're ready to tell me. If ever. I'm here." Minho responds, kissing the smaller boy again. Jisung wraps his arms around the olders neck, climbing into his lap and continuing the kiss until they're both out of breath. Minho connects their foreheads.

"Is this going to ruin our friendship?" Jisung asks shyly.

"I really hope so." Minho says, kissing the boy's nose. Jisung giggles.

"How so?" Jisung asks, confused.

"Every day I find more and more reasons to love you." Jisung blushes.

"L-love me??" He asks.

"Yes. I know that might be super strong and straight forward but I've never felt this way about anybody before. I mean, sure, I've had relationships. But they've never given me this feeling."

"What feeling?"

"Like I want to love and protect you for the rest of my life." Jisung starts crying.

"I love you too."

"We don't have to make anything official, but go on a date with me? Tomorrow? Then we can all hang out together after and stuff."

"Yes!" Jisung excitedly kisses the older boy. Jisung snuggles into Minho's bare chest. "You're warm." He says happily. Minho chuckles, kissing Jisung's forehead, looking at the healing cuts on his back.

"Hey, baby?" He asks, immediately feeling Jisung blush at the nickname.


"What happened to your back and chest? I'm guessing it's the same as your face.  Did someone hurt you?" He hesitantly asks. Jisung sighs.

"Y-yes... but I'm okay... I don't really want to talk about it yet. I promise I'll tell you soon because you deserve to know... it's just alot to talk about..." Minho kisses the boy's head.

"That's okay. Whenever you're ready."

"Thank you. I know it's hard not knowing. But it's harder to tell. I appreciate your patience with me."

"Anything for you." Minho says. "May I kiss you again?" Jisung smiles widely.

"Please do." He giggles. Minho cups his face and connects their lips again.

"They're so addictive. You're addictive." Minho praises.

"Not as addictive as yours." Jisung says, continuing to sit in Minho's lap, straddling him. He moves his right hand to lay in the center of the elders chest, while the left hand moves to his head, wrapping his fingers into Minho's hair. Minho's left arm rests on the younger boy's waist, while the other is wrapped around, holding onto Jisung's right shoulder. Minho moves to kiss Jisung's neck.

"Is this okay?" He asks, looking up at the beautiful boy in his lap.

"Yes." The boy responds without opening his eyes, already missing the feeling of the other's lips on his skin. Minho smiles, attatching his lips back to the other's neck, softly sucking and biting to create hickeys. This causes Jisung to let out soft whines. When Minho reaches the sweet spot on the younger's neck, Jisung grips Minho's hair tighter, moaning.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He says embarrassed, covering his mouth.  Minho, in response, kisses the boy's jaw, and then his lips.

"It's okay baby, let me hear you. Please." He says, his voice a little more husky. Jisung nods allowing Minho to continue. Minho bites softly on the sweet spot, sucking for longer to create a darker hickey. "I want to be the only one bruising you, baby." He growls.

"Holy fuck that was sexy." Jisung giggles, causing Minho to laugh.

"You're sexy." Jisung just blushes.

"May I try?" He asks a little shyly, tracing his finger over the elder's neck. Minho nods, giving Jisung's sweet spot one last kiss. Jisung leans his head down, kissing Minho's jaw and slowly making his way down his neck. Minho groans happily, moaning when Jisung bites down into his soft skin.

"You're doing so well, Sungie." He says, caressing the boy's cheek. Jisung smiles and continues his work until he finds Minho's sweet spot, causing the boy to let out an even louder and clearer moan.

Jisung pulls away, kissing the elder. They start kissing again until the front door slams. Jisung jumps up.

"Oh fuck. Oh no. It's too soon... they can't."


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