Thirty Four:

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Jisung plops onto Felix's couch, immediately pulling Seungmin into his lap. Felix joins on the left side, and Jeongin on the right. The boy immediately starts sobbing again, for the nth time that day. 

"Sweetie, can you tell us what happened?" Jisung asks softly, petting the boy's hair."

"W-well, you heard the story..." He sniffles, all of the boy's nodding. 

"Why don't you tell us why you blew up at him, hunny." Seungmin chokes a sob again and nods. 

"I'm worried about the trial... and tests are stressing me out... and my brother and I have been fighting." Felix hugs him.

"Hunny, why are you and Wonpil fighting?" Felix asks.

"Eomma wants me to go to school to be a lawyer like him. But she knows I want to be a singer. He took her side and told me that my career choice is "unreliable"."

"Oh no, I'm sorry hyungie." Pouts Jeongin. They all cuddle, making their friend feel better. 

"Do you think Jinnie will take me back? I hurt him badly... but I'm so in love with him." 

"Yes." They all say together. 

"He really loves you, Minnie. He told me so himself." Jisung says. Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door. Then, the rest of their friends come down. Hyunjin and Seungmin lock eyes and the younger starts sobbing again.

"J-jinnie, h-h-hyungie I-I'm s-so sorry." The boy sobs as his boyfriend rushes towards him and pulls him into his arms.

"Shhh, baby it's okay. Please don't cry hunny. Talk to hyungie." 

"I was so fucking mean to you, I'm so sorry... I'm just worried about Sungie, and Wonpil and I have been fighting over my career choice, and school is stressful. I shouldn't have blown up at you because I love you so much and I want to live with you... and I want to be with you forever because you're my world and I promise I'll work on my stress." Seungmin blurts. Hyunjin looks at him lovingly, kissing him softly.

"It's okay, love. I know I'm over-dramatic sometimes, and I'm sorry you're so stressed out. You can always come talk to me, baby. I'm here for you, and so are our friends. Please don't bottle everything up." Seungmin nods vigorously. 

"So... would you still like to live with me?" Seungmin asks. 

"Of course, baby." He responds, kissing his forehead. All the boys in the room applaud, causing the couple to giggle. 

"Thanks, guys." Seungmin says with a smile. "And I'm sorry about all this trouble."

"It's not a problem, we are just glad that everything's alright." Says Minho, coming to hug the boys, initiating a group hug. After a while of sitting and talking, Chan, who showed up finally, breaks the conversations up to focus.

"Ji? Are you ready for next week?" The room goes quiet, Jisung fiddling with his fingers.

"I think so..." He says. 

"Hey, don't worry, bud. I'm here to speak on your behalf as well. I'm ready to testify." Chan says, side hugging the boy. 

"Thanks, Channie."

"Anything for you, kiddo. Let's be honest here... if you weren't almost my age, I would claim parental rights immediately." This causes Jisung to giggle. 

"Imagine the absolute chaos of a parent-teacher conference." The room bursts into laughter. 

"Seriously though, Ji." Says Changbin. "We are here if you need anything. We are gonna support the hell outta you." Jisung smiles up at him.

"Thanks, Bin."

The boys decide to go home so that they can get sleep after the day's events. Back at home, Jisung sits on the bathroom counter, brushing his teeth and trying not to cry. 

"Minnie..." He calls out lightly.

"Yes, gorgeous?" Minho replies, coming into the bathroom to do his teeth as well. He stands in behind his boyfriend, Jisung leaning against him.

"May we take a bath? Please?" He asks softly, leaning up to spit in the sink.

"Of course we can, love. May I wash your hair for you?" Jisung smiles, nodding softly. Minho finishes brushing his teeth after Jisung does, kissing the boy's forehead and going to fill the tub up. Once it's filled and there's bubbles, he turns to his boyfriend. "Ready?" He asks. Instead of answering, Jisung makes grabby hands. Minho walks over to his boyfriend, expecting to pick him up.

Instead, Jisung pulls Minho's hand, connecting their lips. He pulls the elder against him, deepening the kiss, to which Minho smiles and goes along. 

"Undress me." Jisung whispers against the boy's lips. Minho responds by carrying him out to the bed for comfort, reconnecting their lips and reaching his hands under the boy's shirt. Jisung giggles and lifts his arms up, letting Minho slide the fabric off of him and enjoying the attention and love. The elder diverts his kisses to the squirrel boy's neck, enjoying the sounds that escape his boyfriend's lips. 

"God, you're so fucking beautiful, my love." Minho breathes against the other's collar bone. He lets his hands slowly slide down to the boy's pants, waiting for confirmation to take them off. With a desperate whine from Jisung, he pulls away and lifts him up, pulling his pants off and setting him down. Jisung reaches his hands underneath Minho's shirt, tugging on it. The elder lifts his arms so that the younger can remove his shirt. 

Jisung moves to kiss his neck down to his pectorals. "Look at my handsome boyfriend, I must be the luckiest boy in the world." He says, continuing to kiss downward. Minho lets out a groan as Jisung reaches his v-line. He tugs at the pants, earning a nod. Pulling off the pants, he comes back up, and connecting their lips. Once their boxers are gone, and after about a half hour of the two just kissing and admiring each other's bodies, Minho reheats the water, carrying his boyfriend and laying in the tub with him. They continue to kiss in the tub lovingly. 

"I love you, no matter what. I will always cherish all of this, even if it ends soon." Jisung whispers against his lover's lips.

"I love you too, and it won't end. We are going to win this case, love. I promise." Jisung just nods, returning to kissing the beautiful boy, basking in the happiness he feels.

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