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Minho stands, pacing in his room, worried about a certain squirrel boy. What if he really is involved with the mafia, or worse, what if someone is hurting him? Minho doesn't want to think about the gruesome possibilities, and can't help but care for the younger boy. He can't explain why he feels differently towards the boy than anyone else he's met before. There's just something about him. He smiles as he remembers that he has the boys number saved, so he changes the contact name

Are you sure you'd like to change "Han Jisung" to "Sungie <3"?
Yes No

Min <3
Hey, Sungie! You did awesome with that dance today!

Sungie <3
Hiya, Min! Thank you! It's a lot more fun with a partner who WANTS to dance. That rap was really good! I have some ideas just to maybe extend it a little more that we can work on after school tomorrow!

Min <3
Ah shit, it's Wednesday tomorrow, isn't it?

Sungie <3
Yes, why?

Min <3
I have a meeting with my parents, but Thursday for sure, yeah??

Sungie <3
Sure thing. :)

Min <3
I'm so sorry, I promise to make it up to you.

Sungie <3
It's okay, at least I'll see you in class!

That you will!

Sungie <3
Get some sleep, dork.

Min <3
I will! And hey, thanks for being so nice to me...

Sungie <3
Why wouldn't I be?

Min <3
I dunno... everyone just treats me like I'm a bully without even knowing me... it's just upsetting. But you... you call me a dork and actually try to be nice to me.

Sungie <3
Everyone deserves a person in their corner, Min <3.

Min <3
You're the best, Sungie. Now get some sleep! I'll see you in class!

Sungie <3
Sweet Dreams.

Minho smiled at his phone, laying down and thinking about the beautiful squirrel boy on the other side of the phone. His mind fills with thoughts of Jisung as he falls into a content sleep.


Jisung was a mess.
He just befriended Lee Minho in about 3 weeks, and now, he's sitting in his room, gushing about how cute the boy is.

"Damn it, Jisung. Did you HAVE to start liking him?" He whispers to himself. Although Minho is single, Jisung doesn't want to risk being hurt in the process of opening up to Minho. He thinks back to Minho asking about the bruises and shivers, coming to the conclusion that Minho can't know... ever. He rereads the messages and then flips to his gallery, starting to sketch on a canvas. He puts on earbuds and sketches for about two hours before getting sleepy and deciding to sleep.


First period the next morning was chaotic. Felix had had way too much coffee and was freaking out about his date in two days. Changbin and Felix had settled on Friday night, and to say the boy was nervous was a complete understatement.

"What if he doesn't like me after, what if I'm too ugly, what if-"

"Lix, you're perfect and beautiful, now would you hush." Jisung interjects, handing Felix food to eat instead of talking their ears off. The small aussie nods, now happily munching on the food.

Jisung spent the entire period listening to his friends half focus on the project and half focus of Felix's date.

"What are you going to wear?" Seungmin questions the older boy.

"I dunno yet, it's such an important choice!" The aussie looks up to the Heavens in despair.

"Lix, I'll help you get ready for your date after school on Friday." Jisung inputs.

"YES! MINNIE, YOU TOO!" Felix yells excitedly. "You guys are the best!" He continues, finally calming down enough to stop yelling. Jisung giggles at the boy, admiring how happy he is.

The squirrel boy spends the rest of the classes sketching something in his drawing book, smiling to himself. Felix glances over Jisung's shoulder, giggling to himself. This causes Jisung to close the book hurriedly and blush, hitting Felix in the arm.

"Shut up." He mumbles, making Felix laugh quietly again. Jisung puts away his notebook, focusing on class finally. The class seems to pass by slower than ever, Jisung being relieved when the bell finally rings. He makes his way to the art room, sitting in his seat. Minho still hasn't arrived, giving Jisung time to settle in without being distracted.  He sits and waits for the older boy to arrive, frowning when it doesn't happen.

Maybe he's just running late. Jisung thinks to himself. He starts up on the weekly project, continuing to sketch Soonie, Dongi, and Dori. Two thirds of the way through class, Jisung gets too worried and pulls his phone out to text Minho.

Sungie <3
Hey... just wondered where you are today... I thought I'd be seeing you in class... Just was worried.

Jisung waits for ten minutes for a reply.

Min <3
Sorry, Sungie. Parents wanted me to go with them for other meetings so that they can assure I won't be late. I promise I'll make it up to you!

Jisung smiles at the text, knowing the older doesn't need to make it up to him since they're just friends.

Sungie <3
Ah, that's okay. Sorry... didn't mean to bother you! Good luck at your meeting!!!!

Min <3
You're never a bother. I'll text you later!

Jisung smiles and puts his phone away, packing up as the bell rings. He goes to the cafeteria, not bothering to get food since Minho isn't there. His friends notice this, smiling at each other briefly before forcing the boy to eat a little off of their trays. Hesitantly, he does, pleasing the other boys at the table.

"I think someone has a crush!" Jeongin teases, confusing Jisung.


"You, dummy. You like Minho hyung, right?" Jisung chokes on his food.

"No, why?"

"You've been all sad because he isn't here today." The youngest explains. Jisung laughs, rolling his eyes at the maknae.

"I just enjoy hanging out with him." He blushes, eating a grape.

"Sureeee." Interjects Seungmin. "And I can fly."

"Wanna test that?" Jisung mumbles under his breath.

"What was that? Can't hear you when you mumble defensively!" Felix adds. Jisung rolls his eyes at the three boys next to him.

"I do not like Minho hyung. We are just friends. Be thankful that we are even that." Jisung states. The bell rings and they go to class, dropping the topic... for now.

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