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Hyunjin smiles at the boy in front of him as he looks at his outfit. "You look absolutely precious, baby." He compliments the younger, intertwining their hands as they walk down the street from Felix's house to a local roller skating rink.

"You're not so bad yourself, love." Seungmin blushes, smiling at his boyfriend. "Are you sure you want to go skating?" He asks the blonde, raising his eyebrow. "I mean... you can barely walk right." He says, cracking a smile. Hyunjin places his hands to his heart, acting wounded.

"I thought you loved me, Minnie." He whines, playfully. Seungmin laughs, kissing the older boy's hand.

"Of course I do, you crazy bitch." He says. They approach the front doors, Hyunjin going first to open the door for the younger boy. Once they get their skates, they find a place to sit and put them on.

"This is going to be interesting." Hyunjin laughs, shakily standing up, extending his hand to Seungmin. The short haired boy takes his hand and they make their way to the rink hand in hand, afraid to fall. After about ten minutes of giggling and stumbling, the couple makes it around the rink once.

"Yay!" Seungmin cheers in between laughs. "I can't believe we even made it once." He jokes. Hyunjin laughs along, admiring the puppy boy's smile.

"Again?" Hyunjin asks, holding his arm back out to his boyfriend, who nods eagerly, linking their arms and starting the loop again. After about 45 minutes of the two skating, falling, and laughing their asses off, the boys finally think they have it. They skate hand in hand for a while in silence, proud of themselves for learning so "fast".

"Hey, Jinnie?" Seungmin asks in a shy tone.

"Yes, baby?" He responds contently.

"I- I love you."

Hyunjin looks at the younger shocked. The older says it alot, but the younger never says it back, something which Hyunjin understands and never forces upon his boyfriend. He grins widely, about to say something when he trips, falling. Seungmin laughs as he's taken down with him. He lands with his hands on the elders chest.

"Hyungggg!" He laughs, looking at the older lovingly.

"I love you too." Hyunjin says, kissing Seungmin's cheek. The younger blushes but wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck, pulling him into a short and sweet kiss. The two pull away, as to not be in the way of other people, and exit the loop. They change their shoes back and return the skates, ready to walk outside.

"You mean it?" Hyunjin asks shyly as the boys walk down the sidewalk.

"Of course I mean it, love." Seungmin says, earning a smile from his gorgeous boyfriend. The younger stares at him, adoring every aspect of him. The older leans down, capturing the younger's lips in another sweet kiss.

"My perfect Minnie." Hyunjin whispers, hugging him. "How about we go back to Felix's and cuddle until everyone gets home?" He suggests, causing an enthusiastic nod from his boyfriend.

"I wonder how everyone else's dates are going." Seungmin wonders out loud. "All I know is that Jeongin is going to kill us." The short haired boy adds, laughing.

"He might. But we all know he likes Chan. So we all did him a favour." Hyunjin laughs along with his boyfriend. They enter Felix's house, letting the younger aussie's mother know they made it home. They enter the basement, immediately discarding their shoes and cuddling up on the couch.



Jeongin messes with the cuffs of his shirt, feeling overdressed.

"Your coffee." Chan says, returning to the table. "You look amazing, by the way."

"Thank you and thank you." The youngest replies with a blush.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Chan fusses, sliding into the booth across from the younger. Jeongin shakes his head.

"The coffee is fine, Channie hyung." He says happily, taking a sip and smiling when it's just right.

"You don't have to call me that, Innie."

"But you're my hyung." Jeongin argues.

"Yeah, but it's a little weird to hear myself being called that by my cr-" Chan starts, quickly catching himself.

"Your cr?" Jeongin pries, his stomach doing flips. Now it's Chan's turn to blush.

"Uh... my... uh.. my crush." He responds, the last part barely a whisper. He looks down, avoiding the other boy's eyes.

"Channie." Jeongin says, grinning ear to ear, although Chan can't see him.

Chan mumbles a small "I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." which causes Jeongin to giggle. Startled by the reaction, Chan looks up to see the younger boy still grinning.

"What a coincidence." The younger muses. "Because you're mine too... and you have been for years." This causes Chan to start grinning like an idiot, excited that the younger actually likes him back.

"I didn't expect this." He confesses. "I want this to go slow. You know, take you on a few dates first before we decide if we want to be together." Jeongin nods in agreement. "So whenever you're free..." He adds.

"I mean. We are literally both free until we need to go back to Lixie hyung's." Jeongin points out, giggling. Chan laughs.

"Okay then. Do you want to go on a date with me, Innie?"

"With pleasure, Channie." Jeongin says happily. "Ooh! May we go get ice cream?!" He asks.

"Anything for you." Chan replies. They take their coffee and leave the café. They walk through the park to get to the ice cream place that Chan knows the younger likes. As they walk, Jeongin intertwines their free hands. As they finish their coffees, they dump them in a trash can when a question pops into the younger's head.

"Does this mean we can cuddle more often?" Jeongin asks with a blush.

"We can cuddle all the time if you'd want... as long as I get my work done." This makes the youngest smile widely. They enter the ice cream shop, getting two small cones, one mint chocolate chip for Chan, and one party cake for Jeongin.

The two walk back through the park hand in hand again, eating their ice cream silently as they make their way back to Felix's house. They go into the basement to find the Seungjin couple cuddling. Chan laughs at them, laying on the other side and letting Jeongin cuddle into him.

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