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"Felix! Wait!" Seungmin says as Felix starts hitting him with a bag.

"How could you not tell meeee." He whines.

"I did!!" Felix now looks at him, confused. "Remember I told you that I ran into a cute boy in the library and we hit it off?" Felix nods.

"But you said you broke it off." Seungmin laughs.

"I tried. But his dramatic ass wanted me to be more than a fling... so, here we are." Jisung giggles.

"All my children are leaving me." Jisung whines. "Next thing you know, Jeongchan will sail." With that comment, Jeongin's ears go red.

"Shut up, hyung. Maybe you'll find someone too." He says, still blushing.

Minho takes that as his cue to stop talking to Hyunjin and approach Jisung.

"Hey, Sungie. Are you hungry? We still haven't ordered." Jisung's smile faulters.

"Uh, no I'll wait till I get home." He lies. "I forgot my wallet." Minho just looks at Jisung.

"I'll pay, no biggie. Please tell me what you're hungry for." Jisung looks at Minho a little uncomforably, but then Minho grabs Jisung's hand in his, making him walk with him. The squirrel boy follows, too much of a blushing mess to argue. The feel of Minho's hand molding perfectly with his own makes Jisung's heart beat double time. Once they reach the food stand, Jisung's face is completely red. Minho orders and then Jisung is snapped back to reality.

"Anything for your boyfriend?" The girl asks. Minho turned to him, not even denying it.

"Sungie?" Jisung looks up.

"U-uh an iced a-americano and k-kimchi s-stew p-please." He stutters out, being even more embarrassed. Minho gives him a smile and squeezes his hand, paying for the food and then going with the boy to join the others at a table. Felix nudges Jeongin to point out how red Jisung is and the intertwined fingers of the two.

"Now I get the thrill in betting on it. And I'm totally gonna win." Felix says.

"Well, this time I think I have it down. Jisung is too anxious for anything." Seungmin points out. Felix just smiles. I have faith in my anxious squirrel.  Hyunjin laughs at his boyfriend, kissing his hand

He doesn't know Minho very well, then.

They all eat in a comfortable silence, then chat up a storm before it's time to go.

"If the date goes well, we should all have a sleepover at my house, again. We can invite Chan!" Felix says, excitedly and the boys all agree. Felix's mom picks up Jeongin, Felix, Jisung, and Minho. Seungmin opted out to ride with his boyfriend, telling him that he will see them in class the next day.

Felix's mom drops Jeongin off and then turns around. "Where do you live, sweetie?" She asks Minho.

"I-" Minho starts, but gets cut off by Jisung.

"Minho is coming to my house, actually." Minho looks at him surprised. "I have something to show you." Jisung says, blushing. Felix and his mom share another look and then drop them both off at Jisung's. Minho looks at the house, searching his mind for what it reminds him of.

Jisung lets them both in and then leads the way up the stairs. At the top of the stairs is one door.

"The top floor is one giant room." Jisung explains, opening the door and leading Minho inside, quickly shutting the door.

Minho looks around while Jisung blushes at the elder gawking.

The walls are covered in art. From photographs of Jisung's friends to a few of Jisung himself. There's drawings of every type of thing. He also has a giant bookshelf and books lining the windowsills, dresser, and desk. In the corner is three boxes of books that Jisung can't fit anywhere else. Fairy lights line the ceiling, giving the room a warm glow.

"I-i know it's childish..." Jisung says, embarrassed.

"No, Sungie I think it's beautiful. Definitely alot nicer than my room!" Minho responds, assuring the younger boy, who blushes.

"You can make yourself comfortable. I just wanted to show you something and then you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want." Jisung says. Minho frowns at this. He has the urge to pull Jisung into a hug and then never let him go.

The smaller boy goes to his desk and gets something, handing it to Minho and then hiding in his hands.

"I always keep the original copy of my work and make a copy to turn in. But since it's of Soonie, Doongie, and Dori, I made you a copy too." Jisung blushes. "It's not that good, so I understand if you don't want it..."

Minho suddenly pulls Jisung into a hug, kissing the younger's forehead without thinking, starting to cry.

"Sungie, this... is so amazing... thank you." Minho says, crying. 

"Why are you crying??" Jisung asks, holding Minho close.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me..." He says, wiping his tears away. "And you even remembered their names... and I only told you once."

"Well it is important to you, Min. So it's important to me too." The two hug and then Minho remembers the stuff he bought.

"This is for you, Sungie." He says, suddenly embarrassed that he didn't give it to the younger earlier. Jisung opens it, eyes going wide.

"Min... I- wh-what... how... why??" Jisung looks at him, tears now threatening.

"I saw you tallying earlier. And I wanted to say thank you somehow. For being so amazing to me... I hope this will be okay?"

"Min... I dunno if Felix or someone told you..." Minho looks at him curiously.

"They didn't say much. Felix just said that you could use some new clothes." Jisung chuckles.

"Well, thank you. Very much. I really really appreciate it." Jisung leans in, kissing Minho's cheek. The younger pulls away quickly, blushing as the older blushes as well. They sit there until a crack of thunder is heard.

"Oh shit. I should probably get home." Minho says, causing Jisung to be a little disappointed, knowing he will be lonley once Minho leaves. However, the younger just nods and walks the brown haired boy to the door.

"Thank you again, Min. Have a good night." Jisung says, a little cautiously. Minho picks up on it, leaning in to hug the younger.

"Have a good night, Sungie." Minho turns to walk away and Jisung closes the door. As Minho is walking, he sees lightning and turns around to look at the house. That's when he understands. Jisung is afraid of his own home.

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