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"JISUNG YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHIT!" Comes the shrill voice of his mother.

"Sungie?" Minho asks, confused.

"Hide!" Jisung pushes Minho off the bed. "Under, quick! I'll be back." Jisung throws on his hoodie, running out of the room. Minho stays under the bed, petrified for his squirrel. The door closes and Minho comes out from under the bed, throwing on his shirt and running to listen through the door. He hears screaming.


Minho pulls out his phone.

"Mom? I need help..."


Jisung lays there, taking hit after hit. That's when his father notices the hickeys.

"Great. Now you're a whore?? Who would want an ugly whore??" Jisung starts crying. "Is the child upset? Deal with it." He throws a punch at Jisung's face. "Perhaps we should mess you up more. Then you can't be a whore." He pulls out a knife, bringing it closer to Jisung's face, which is bruised and bleeding. His eyes are almost swollen shut.

"S-stop." He cries.

"Then give us the rest of the money." He threatens, digging the knife slightly into Jisung's neck, causing the small boy to cry out in pain.

"Y-you took it all." The boy cries.

"LIAR!" His father screams, raising the knife. Jisung closes his eyes, waiting for death. Instead, he hears a grunt and a growl.

"Step the fuck away from him you goddamned son of a bitch." Minho spits. From what Jisung can still see, Minho's soft, loving eyes have once again gone dark.

"M-minnie..." Jisung cries. "I'm s-so sorry." Minho looks at him softly again.

"Shh baby. Rest. I'll take care of this. Don't worry."

"Oh. The whore is a faggot too." His father spits. This makes Minho snap. He punches Jisung's father right in the nose, creating a loud crack. He doubles over in pain and Minho grabs his neck, smashing his face against the wall.

"You don't fucking speak of him that way. Be lucky I'm not killing you." With that, Minho brings his knee to the already broken nose, smashing it more, and then throwing him against the door. "Stay down, old man. Or I'll make you." He growls, then turns to the mother. "You. Sit next to him and shut up." She does as she's told, afraid. Shortly after, sirens approach, and the police take Jisung's parents away.

Minho picks up the boy, carrying him gently over to the ambulance. Jisung is trying his best not to pass out.

"C-can we s-still go on a d-date tomorrow?" Jisung gets out.

"Of course baby." Minho replies, crying and kissing his little squirrel. They ride in the ambulance with a woman who looks vaguely like Minho. She comforts him the best she can, telling him he did the right thing.

"You couldn't have stepped in sooner. You got to him as soon as you could."

"I can't lose him."

"You won't."

Jisung agrees, squeezing Minho's hand.

"Rest, baby." He says, kissing the boys hand.

The smaller boy's eyes flutter shut at the elder's soft voice.


"We wanted to tell you. We did, but we also wanted to respect Jisung's privacy." Comes Felix's deep voice.

"I understand. Thank you for caring about him so much. I'm glad he has you guys."

"Doc says he should be good to go home tonight. Do you want me to take him to my house?" Chan's voice enters the conversation.

"If It's okay with you, I'd actually like to bring him to my house to take care of him." Minho responds.

"I think we all are pretty anxious. Let's go back to my house." Felix says, earning a nod of agreement from everyone. Minho kisses Jisung's hand and Jisung, now fully awake, squeezes back. "Sungie?" Minho says. Jisung realizes he can open his eyes.

"How long have I been here?" He croaks. Minho gets him water.

"Maybe 6 hours. They've cleaned you up and taken care of the swelling with ice and meds. They said we can take you home tonight." Minho smiles at him.

"My parents..." he whispers.

"Don't worry about it baby. They're gone. They won't be coming back for you. I will make sure of it." Minho says. Jisung starts to cry.

"I love you." He says to Minho. "Thank you for stepping in... I thought he was going to kill me this time."

"I wasn't going to let him touch another hair on your body." Minho says.

"Did you tell him everything?" He looks to his friends.

"No, we didn't see that was our place." Seungmin says. His eyes are puffy, and he's sitting in the embrace of his boyfriend. He's now smiling since his friend is awake.

"Innie?" Jisung asks.

"Ran to the bathroom. I told him nothing bad would happen in 5 minutes." Chan says. Just then the boy sulks back in, still crying. However, once he sees Jisung, he starts sobbing, running to the boy.

"H-h-hyung ohgodithoughtiwasgonnaloseyou." He sobs, holding him. Jisung hugs him back.

"Shhh Innie, I'm okay, I promise. They're gone." The youngest nods and wipes his tears away. The eldest comes to hug the boy.

"It's okay Innie, Jisungie is fine." Chan says, engulfing him in a hug. Jisung realises all his friends had been crying.

"Guys, I'm okay. Please don't worry."

"This could have been avoided earlier..." Felix says, clinging to Changbin.

"I know guys... I'm so sorry... I really thought it would be easier to deal with it myself." Chan makes his way over to Jisung, hugging him.

"At least it's over, Jisungie." Chan says comforting the younger. Jisung nods, hugging him back.

"Thank you so much Channie. May I leave now?" Jisung wonders.

"Yep. Doc said you're good.  Minho is going to take you back to your house to get packed and then we are all going to Felix's house. You're all going to skip school tomorrow. I already talked to your parents." Chan directs.

Jisung gets ready to go, Minho placing him in his wheelchair that he has to use until his broken rib heals. Minho helps him into his car and then they share a silent car ride. Jisung starts to panic as they start to near the house, but Minho holds his hand, protectively.

"Jisung..." Minho says seriously. "I do have to tell you... your parents tried to escape. They did not make it out alive." Jisung looks at him, shocked, then just nods.

"Okay. Thank you."

"They can't bother you anymore, baby. I'm here to protect you and I won't let you go." Jisung smiles.  They go inside and then head upstairs so Minho can pack Jisung's stuff. He carries the boy up the stairs since the wheelchair won't go. Setting him on the bed, he gives the younger a soft and loving kiss. He turns around to go collect things to pack.

Suddenly he hears a cry of pain and turns around worriedly. There is Jisung, taking his shorts off.


"Sh. Minho I think it's time I told you everything." He says, ashamedly looking down at the scars on his thighs. Minho starts crying without realizing it, going to sit with Jisung, ready to listen.

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