Twenty One:

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Jisung stares at the door, waiting until Minho returns. After his parents had welcomed him, Minho had brought the boy to his room, promising to return with his things. Now, Jisung sits in Minho's room, waiting for the boy to come back. As he waits, he decides to scan the room, looking at what decorates the older boy's room. The first thing that Jisung notices, are the fairy lights lining the room, causing him to smile. The next, is the picture that Jisung made of Soonie, Doongie, and Dori. Minho has it hanging on his wall, surrounded by photos of the cats, him and Jisung, and their friends. 

"Meow." Jisung's head snaps towards the sound of a cat, laying on the bed. Jisung wheels himself over, bending over until he winces. Determined to pet the cat, he ignores it. 

"Aw, you must be Soonie." He says, petting the beautiful cat. Soonie jumps onto Jisung's lap, rubbing against his ribcage. This causes Jisung to wince more, still petting the cat. 

"Soonie!" Minho exclaims, entering the room. He drops the bags on the floor, picking Soonie off of Jisung's lap. "Oh goodness you're so cute, but please don't hurt my Jisungie!" The squirrel boy laughs. 

"It's okay Min... I was pushing myself, so it's my fault." Minho kisses the younger boy.

"Well don't do that." He says, concerned. Jisung kisses him back, suddenly craving his lover's touch.

"Can we sit on the bed now?" He asks, cutely. Minho lifts him gently, setting him down on the bed and then sitting. Jisung leans over and kisses the older again, wincing as he leans too far. The older pulls him gently into his lap, connecting their lips again. 

"Jisung." The older breathes in between kisses. 

"Mhm." The younger responds in the same manner.

"Your ribs, baby." Minho responds hesitantly. Jisung looks at him, pouting. 

"Please... I'll be careful." He promises, giving his hyung the best puppy eyes he can muster. Minho looks at him, finally giving in and reconnecting their lips. The younger kisses back, hungrily. Minho responds with the same amount of lust, pulling Jisung's hair so that the younger throws his head back into the pull, whining. Minho uses the opening to attack the boy's neck with his mouth. He kisses down Jisung's jaw, biting once he reaches his neck. Jisung whines, letting his hands rest on Minho's chest. Minho breaks away for a moment to look at Jisung. 

"May I take your shirt off, baby?" Jisung nods.

"Yes please." He says, tugging at Minho's shirt in return. "As long as you remove this as well." Minho smirks and pulls his shirt over his head slowly, watching as Jisung gawks at his chest. 

"Do you like what you see, baby?" Jisung nods rapidly, making Minho chuckle, pulling Jisung's shirt off. "Holy fuck, you're so beautiful." He compliments, making the younger blush, embarrassed. He doesn't argue, feeling loved. Minho leans back in, sucking at the sweet spot on the younger's neck, causing him to whine for more. He pulls the older back to his lips, wanting them. The boys kiss passionately, one of them biting the other's lower lip every once in a while. 

Jisung moves the older boy's head to kiss his neck, following suit to what the older had just done to him. As he continues kissing the older boy's neck, he feels himself get needier, unintentionally grinding into the older. Minho moans, leaning his head backwards, his body reacting by grinding up into Jisung. The boys continue, both flushed, but continuing to drive each other to be needier by grinding into each other. 

Minho grabs Jisung's neck gently, pulling him back to kiss him a little roughly, causing Jisung to moan into the older's mouth from the dominance. 

"Baby, may I lay you down?" The older asks in a raspy, needy voice that drives Jisung over the edge. 

"Y-yes." He answers, shaky. Minho lays the boy down, hovering over him. Jisung immediately wraps his hands in the older's hair, pulling him to kiss him once more. Minho responds, biting the younger's lip and grinding down on the younger, who moans and responds. "More, oh fuck please Daddy." 

"Holy fuck, baby. That was so sexy." Minho says, growling in his ear and nibbling on it softly. Jisung blushes madly, letting Minho kiss him all over. The boy trails his kisses down Jisung's chest, biting to create hickeys to match his neck. He carefully kisses down the lower half of the boy's chest, stopping when he reaches the top of the younger boy's pants, looking up at Jisung for permission. He's greeted by a messy haired Jisung, biting his lip and watching the older.

"Please." He whines again. Minho kisses the boy's waist, carefully lifting the boy so he can remove his pants. Jisung giggles a bit as Minho bites on a ticklish part of the boy's waist. As soon as his pants, shoes, and socks are off, Jisung tugs at Minho's pants with a pout. 

"Use your words, baby." Says the boy, breathlessly as he admires Jisung's beauty. 

"Pants... off... Daddy... please" Jisung says, now a bit shy. Minho chuckles, kissing the younger gently before standing up and removing his clothes too, leaving them both in their boxers. 

"You're so fucking beautiful, Sungie. Listen, we don't have to go any farther than you're comfortable, okay?" The boy nods. "I need to hear you say it, beautiful."

"I understand, Min." 

"I want to use the traffic light system, just to make sure, is that okay?" 


"Okay." The older boy leans down and kisses the younger softly. "Is this okay?" 

"This is okay." Jisung agrees, kissing back. The two quickly pick up to where they were, both now moaning messes. Minho kisses back down to the waistband of Jisung's boxers, looking up at the younger. "Green." He breathes. Minho removes the boy's underwear, biting down his v-line. Jisung lets out more of the beautiful moans that Minho loves causing. He carefully kisses down the boy's thighs, appreciating his body with his mouth. Finally, Minho reaches gently and wraps his hand around Jisung's hard member, licking the tip and looking up for permission.

"Look at you, such a moaning mess already." He says huskily, barely being able to control himself as well. Jisung bites his lip, needy. 

"Green." He breathes. Minho smirks and licks up the length of Jisung's member, tasting the precum leaking from the top. Minho puts Jisung in his mouth, moaning against him which drives Jisung crazy. The younger remains laying down, a moaning mess as he grips at the sheets desperately. "F-fuck... Min." Jisung lets Minho suck him until he can't take it anymore. "Min... wait." Minho stops, looking up at Jisung.

"Yes, baby?" Minho's face is all flushed and he has saliva running down his chin. Jisung sits up carefully, licking the saliva off. 

"I wanna taste you." He says, biting the older's lip. 

"A-are you sure?" Minho asks, stuttering slightly. Jisung nods enthusiastically. 

"Please." Minho nods, letting Jisung stay sitting as the older boy stands up, a little embarrassed now. Jisung takes the older's boxers off, kissing his v-line. "Don't be embarrassed, Min, you're so fucking sexy babe." He says, causing the older to blush. "And beautiful, and cute, and handsome, and gorgeous." He says, in between kisses down. "And holy fuck, your thighs babe... I want to eat them." Jisung bites Minho's thighs as emphasis, leaving hickeys on both of them before making his way to his member. He gulps and licks his lips, looking up to make sure the older is still okay. "Traffic light, Daddy." He says, biting his lip.

"Green, baby." He says, causing the younger to smile and start doing to Minho what the elder did for him. Before Minho could finish, he takes himself out of Jisung's mouth and sits next to the boy, kissing him intently, moving his hand to get the younger off. Jisung moves his hand to follow the elder's lead. Minho makes Jisung finish first, causing the younger to cry out his name in pleasure. He then sits up, kissing Minho while making him finish, which leaves the older moaning into the younger's mouth. The two lay there, catching their breath.

"Holy shit." Minho says, panting. 

"That was even better than I thought it would be." Jisung says as he lays his head on Minho's shoulder. "May we shower?"


"Yes please."

"Anything for my Jisungie."

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