Twenty Three:

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After a long day of academics, Jisung lays back against the headboard with a sigh. He takes a breath, ready for a break. Of course, he had a short one, but his boyfriend attacking him with kisses doesn't count in his mind. He glances at his boyfriend who has assumed the position of the dead, his head laying in Jisung's lap. Jisung gently plays with his hair, earning a soft hum from the elder.

"Are you sleepy, hyung? We can nap if you'd like." Jisung says softly. Minho hums in response, barely conscious. The younger boy smiles to himself. He absentmindedly starts softly singing a song that's stuck in his head, still petting the older's hair, and unknowingly coaxing him into a peaceful sleep. Once he's sure that Minho is asleep, he leans back and closes his eyes himself, focusing on his breathing as the pain in his ribs reminds him how late he is on his medications. He fights through it, not wanting to awaken the handsome boy sleeping on him. 

Minho is awakened by the sound of stifled cries. His head immediately snaps up, seeing Jisung crying into his sleeve, biting into his arm to keep quiet. 

"Sungie? What's wrong??" He asks, worried. He gets the boy to stop biting himself.

"M-meds.. Meds." He cries, holding his ribs. Minho glances at the clock, realizing the younger is two hours late for his pain meds. 

"Shit." The older boy goes sprinting out of the room and into the bathroom, getting the meds and water before returning to the boy on his bed. "I am so so sorry, Sungie." He says, upset with himself for falling asleep when he knew it was almost time for the other to take his pills. After a while, the younger's cries cease as he leans into his boyfriend's embrace. 

"Well... that wasn't fun." He jokes, trying to get Minho, who is pissed at himself, to cheer up. 

"I'm sorry." He repeats, almost crying.

"Don't cry, love. I wanted to let you sleep. It was my fault for pushing myself." He hugs the older, inhaling his intoxicating scent. Minho holds him, kissing the top of his head. "When can I go back to school?" 

"When you can walk."

"Why can't I go in the wheelchair... please?" Minho sighs.

"We can discuss it later, Sungie. Are you hungry?" The younger nods frantically.

"Starving." He comments, causing the older to laugh. He picks his boyfriend up, carrying him into the kitchen for a snack. They decide on pretzels and a comedy tv show, enjoying each other's company. Minho's parents tell the boys that they're going to go have lunch with Minho's aunt and uncle, and leave with the promise of being back in time to play board games after dinner. 

Jisung sits there, subtly watching Minho instead of the show. The younger can tell that his boyfriend is still angry at himself, and wants to help. Minho, on the other hand, is staring at the wall, beating himself up, not knowing that he looks incredibly pissed off. The look honestly scares Jisung, but he still carefully reaches up to kiss the older's cheek. When the older doesn't respond, Jisung pokes him in the arm. Still no response, so he does it twice more. 

"What?" Minho snaps angrily

"I just... Nevermind." Jisung says.

"That's what you fucking bothered me for?" He sneers, rolling his eyes. Jisung looks shocked, starting to cry. He stands up, despite the intense pain, and walks away, wincing. This brings Minho back to his senses and he springs up to try to get Jisung off of his feet. He places his hand on Jisung's arm "Baby, I-"

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Jisung snaps, tears pouring out. The boy is shaking, obviously having a panic attack from the word choice. 

"Baby, hey, come here, I didn't mean it." Minho, says, trying to reach the younger while cursing at himself for getting lost in his head and not paying attention to his words. 

Jisung backs up, sobbing. "N-n-no. No. NO." He turns and runs despite the pain, locking himself in the bathroom. Minho runs to the door, knocking softly. 

"Ji, please let me in, I can't listen to you sob, please let me help." He pleads with the younger, all he gets in response are sobs and the sound of drawers opening. Fearing the worst, Minho runs to the kitchen, grabbing scissors to jimmy the lock. As the door opens, he sees his boyfriend huddled in the corner, a disassembled pencil sharpener in hand. Minho cries seeing this. He slowly approaches the sobbing boy who is just staring at the blade. 

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry" He keeps sobbing.

"No, baby, you're okay, I'm so so so sorry." He finally reaches him, crouching down and lightly takes the blade from the younger boy. "Baby" he says, in an attempt to get the boy to look at him. It works and the older wipes the youngers tears, kissing his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Minnie... I'm such a fucking bother."

"No, baby boy. You're not. I shouldn't have said that. I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean it, love. I was just mad at myself for causing your pain. Please forgive me, Ji." The younger looks up at his boyfriend, nodding while wiping his tears away.

"Sorry for over reacting, Minnie."

"Don't apologize baby. Trauma is a real thing and you can't help what triggers you. That's on me. May I pick you up baby boy?" The younger nods and the older picks him up gently, taking them back to the couch. He sits down with the squirrel boy still in his arms, holding him protectively, kissing his forehead. "Baby, please don't cut. Talk to me, please. I would rather you tell me how worthless I am instead of finding blood on that beautiful body of yours, okay?" Jisung nods, snuggling into his boyfriend's chest.

"I love you." He says into Minho's hoodie.

"I love you too." They sit in silence for a while before Minho speaks up again. "If you make sure someone goes with you everywhere... you can come with me to school tomorrow." Jisung looks at Minho excitedly

"Yes! Oh my gosh you're the best! I have all my classes with Seungmin and Felix! And the one's I don't have with them, I have with you! Yes oh my goshhh!" He rambles, causing his boyfriend to chuckle.

"I will talk to Felix and Seungmin and we will make sure everything goes smoothly, okay?"

"Yes yes yes yes thank you so much I love you I love you I love you!!" Jisung squeals, kissing Minho all over his face before attaching their lips.

"I love you too, Sungie." 

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