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The four youngest gather in Felix's room, freaking out.

"Guys. Breathe." Says Jeongin, sitting on the bed. Start with picking out outfits. Then we can pick the makeup before we put on outfits. Jeongin reaches into his bag, pulling out a cute outfit. "I'm gonna dress up too." He says happily. The older boys coo at how cute their maknae is. They decide to do Jeongin's makeup first. The boy's outfit is leather pants and a deep red v-neck.

"Ooh! What if we do red eyeliner too?" Felix asks excitedly. Jeongin agrees, letting the aussie take complete control of the makeup. When Felix steps away from the younger, he finds a mirror to hand him.

"Felix hyung! This is awesome." The other three older boys smile, exchanging a glance, knowing something that the youngest doesn't.

The attention of the boys shifts to Seungmin, who chooses a simple brown gradient eyeshadow look. He matches the makeup with jeans and a tan sweater, tucking the center of the front into jeans.

"Damn, Minnie! I dunno how Hyunjin hyung controls himself around you when you're looking like a whole damn snack." Jisung comments, winking at the younger. Seungmin rolls his eyes at the older boy, mouthing a 'shut up'. Jisung continues to tease the younger until Felix is ready for him to do his makeup.

Jisung goes to the aussie boy, making his friend straddle him so he has a good position, starting to lightly place eyeshadow on the younger's eyelids. Then he moves to eyeliner and mascara, careful to keep it neat. He then has Felix put on lip gloss, smiling proudly at his work. "Go get dressed!" He commands. Felix giggles and runs into his walk-in closet, closing the door behind him. Jisung smiles at how happy his best friend is, turning to talk to Seungmin and Jeongin.

"Ready?" Felix asks, shyly. His friends yell "yes" at him, and he exits the closet. They all coo at how adorable their aussie friend looks in the sweater and beret. The light pink eyeshadow Jisung had applied matches perfectly, giving Felix a soft look.

"You look awesome Lix!" Seungmin compliments. They all turn to Jisung.

"You're turn! What are you wearing?" Jeongin asks. Jisung pulls black skinny jeans out of his bag and a yellow flannel that nobody has seen before.

"Ooh when did you get that? It looks like it's too big." Felix comments. Jisung blushes.

"Uh, it's Minho hyungs... he was wearing it last night before we went to bed. I saw it this morning and wanted to wear it..." He says, blushing.

"Oh my god, Jisungie. That's so adorable!" Felix coos. Jisung blushes, hiding his face in the flannel. His friends proceed to laugh at him, but Felix pulls him underneath the light to do his makeup.

"So when are you two just going to date?" Jeongin asks out of the blue. Jisung chokes on his spit.

"W-wha-" he starts.

"You heard me." The youngest sasses

"I- I dunno. Whenever he feels comfortable... if he feels comfortable. Maybe this date is just a parting gift or something. Like a "sorry I made out with you" thing." Jisung panics. His friends stare at him wide eyed.

"Y'ALL MADE OUT???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME????" Felix squeals, causing everyone to laugh hysterically.


"CHAN!" Minho yells, running around the basement shirtless, the actual shirt dangling from his fingertips.

"Yah, what the hell, Minho?"

"Have you seen my yellow flannel?? I put it on top of my bag so I could wear it in case Jisung gets cold at all and now I can't find it and he'll be cold and-"

"Minho. You're rambling." Chan laughs at the younger. "It'll be fine. Just wear a hoodie over your shirt."

"What if he thinks i look too casual for a date..." he worries.

"Put on your leather jacket over it." Chan says, solving the problem. What Minho doesn't know won't kill him Chan thinks, chuckling while remembering how Jisung got all excited to see something of Minho's just lying around for him to wear.

"Oh... okay." Minho sighs in defeat, putting his leather jacket overtop of his dark red hoodie. Hyunjin laughs at him from over by the mirror, putting the hair from the crown of his head into a pony tail, leaving the other half down. He pulls out two strands from 1tbe front.

"What're you laughing at?" Minho huffs.

"You, being so worried. You look good,  Minho. Jisung will definitely think so. I mean, the boy drools over you when you're in baggy shorts and a tshirt." He laughs. Minho blushes bright red, causing the other three to laugh.

"Fine." He agrees. Hyunjin finally steps away from the mirror, satisfied with his appearance. He decided upon   skinny jeans and a grey tshirt, with a black hooded jacket.

Changbin, on the other hand, dressed up a little more, wearing a white button down shirt and black dress pants.

"Is this good for a first date with the boy you've had a crush on for years?" He worries.

"Mate, you look hot." Chan says, hyping up the younger boy. This causes Changbin to chuckle softly. He tops off the outfit with a leather jacket, adding his own style to the outift.

"I could say the same think about you." Changbin laughs, checking out Chan's casual jeans and a black tshirt. Chan rolls his eyes as he covers his hair with a black baseball cap.

"What time are we meeting back here, again?" Minho asks, checking his phone. 

"11:00." Chan responds. The three boys nod in agreement, sitting down and chatting until the basement door creaks open. They all turn their heads to the door as the other four boys descend. "Damn I feel underdressed." Chan says, eying the youngest boy fondly, while Jeongin looks at him, confused.  In the background, Felix and Jisung share a fist bump after Felix sits Jisung on the couch.

"$50 that..." comes Seungmin's voice followed by whispers between the three younger boys.  Chan, on the other hand, notices Minho blushing like crazy, his gaze fixed on his date, causing the oldest to smile softly to himself.

Minho is so whipped.

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