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2 years later:

Minho stands at the altar, nervous to a degree he's never been before. There's no reason to be, as he's about to marry the love of his life.

In a room near the mass hall, Jisung is in the same situation, practically vibrating from nerves. Chan squeezes his hand lightly.

"You're okay, Sungie. We've gotcha. It's just Minho up there, okay?" Jisung smiles and nods.

"Okay." Felix walks in, whistling as he sees Jisung.

"Babe if you weren't getting married right now..." He winks.

"I could say the same for you, mr soon to be married." Jisung jokes, biting his lip. Chagbin sighs from the corner as the twins burst out laughing, relieving alot of Jisung's nerves.

"Anyways. They're ready whenever you are, Ji." Jisung nods.

"I'm ready."

They walk out into a hallway, a large archway and double doors down the hall and to the right signifying the entrance into the hall.

Felix and Changbin go first, arm in arm. Felix spreads rose petals all over the floor as he goes. When they reach the altar, Felix goes to stand behind where Jisung will stand, while Changbin stands behind Minho.

Seungmin and Hyunjin enter next, walking elegantly down the path while scattering more petals, this time of lilacs, then separating at the end.

After them comes Jeongin with the last of the flowers, sunflower petals. He stands next to Seungmin and Felix as the music starts, signifying Jisung's entrance.

Jisung walks into view and Minho tears up. The younger, escorted by Chan, had decided, and Minho quotes, "fuck gender" and picked out a gorgeous white dress to wear.

As Jisung makes his way down the aisle, the guests ooh and ahh as the light catches the sparkles on the dress.  They reach the front pew and Mr. and Mrs. Lee stand to kiss Jisung's cheeks. Chan then walks him up to Minho, kissing Jisung's hand lightly and then passing his hand over to his soon to be husband.

"We are gathered here today to witness the matrimony of two young hearts in love. Have you prepared vows?" The priest asks. Minho nods. "Okay, you may now exchange rings."

"Jisung. The moment I met you, I knew it was over. Your smile melted the wall I had put up so carefully, and I couldn't help but let you into my life. I fell in love so quickly, but it's kind of hard not to when the other person is you. You have made every moment of my life mean something, and I'm so very grateful for you. I love you with all my heart, and I can't wait to live the rest of my life being yours." Jisung smiles and then blushes a bit as Minho slips the wedding ring onto his finger.

"Minho. It never ceases to amaze me how easily you get me flustered to this day. We've been through an entire roller coaster, and for you, I would go through it again. Min, you quite literally saved me and I cannot ever thank you enough. Marrying you is a decision I never had to even think on because I can't wait to be yours for the rest of our lives. I love you so much, and I'm glad to be the one standing across from you on this altar today." Minho smiles all teary eyed and Jisung does as well as he places the wedding ring onto Minho's finger.

"That was lovely." The priest says, dabbing his eyes. The boy's giggle.

"Do you, Lee Minho take Han Jisung to be your lawfully wedded husband to care for in richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and into death you both depart?"

"I do."

"And do you, Han Jisung take Lee Minho to be your lawfully wedded husband to care for in richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and into death you both depart?"

"I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband's. You may commemorate with a kiss."

Minho didn't need to be told twice. He pulls Jisung to him and kisses him with as much passion as he can muster. The crowd breaks out into cheers and applause.

"Hello, husband." Jisung giggles.

"Hello, husband." Minho responds. He lifts Jisung up bridal style and kisses him again as Jisung breaks out into laughter.

They dance the night away and exhaust themselves. When the night dies down, they lay in bed together in their apartment, getting ready to go to sleep so that they can get up in the morning to leave for their honeymoon. They lay there chatting about everything.


"Yes, Sungie?"

"In high school, were you really not in a gang?" Minho bursts out laughing.

"Baby, what's making you think about that now?"

"I dunno. I just thought about the first day of class and got me thinking about the first time I knew I liked you." Minho blushes.

"You're so cute. But no, I was never in a gang. And I found out that neither were you... God I wish I could go back and protect you sooner." Minho says as he kisses the top of Jisung's head.

"Me too... but I'm glad we met when we did. It led us here. And I couldn't be happier."

"And to think I would've been a cold hearted bitch all my life."

"Nah. You called me cute. Chan would've found a way. It all would've led here." Jisung laughs.

"Well thank God."

"Yeah. Thank God for our scheming friends. Although, we also are scheming friends. Which is why Changlix happened in the first place."

"Amen to that. We should sleep, my love. We have to be up early."

"You're right. Let's sleep."

The two cuddle up, Minho holding Jisung as the younger lays his head on Minho's bare chest, holding onto him and gaining warmth from the boy.

"Goodnight, soulmate. Dream of me." Minho says, sleepily.

"Goodnight, soulmate. I always do." With one last sweet kiss, the husbands fall asleep, dreaming in the comfort of one enothers embrace.

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