Thirty Seven:

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"In the case of custody of Han Jisung, we grant custody to..." She pauses. Jisung and Minho both have their eyes shut tight, holding eachothers hand as tight as possible. "Mr. and Mrs. Lee." The room stops.

Jisung let's out a violent sob, collapsing in Minho's arms crying "we did it, Min. We did it. I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe." His friends are all cheering, hugging eachother as Minho and Jisung sink to the floor holding eachother while sobbing happily.

"I told you I wouldn't lose you, baby." Mrs. Han storms out in a huff and everyone decides to go back to Minho's house to celebrate. Jisung is beyond ecstatic. Once they get home, they all share hugs before Jisung excuses them, pulling Minho up to their room and immediately pinning him against the wall, kissing him roughly. He grabs underneath Minho's thighs, lifting the elder and holding him against the wall.

"I'm here to stay." Jisung says as he attacks the older boy's neck. Minho wraps his legs around the younger boy's waist, leaning his head back with a whine.

"Sungie?" He questions as the younger gets more dominant, carrying Minho over to the bed and setting him down.

"I'm sorry, Min. Are you comfortable with this? I just got really excited."

"Yes. This is perfect. I love you so much, Ji."

"I love you too." Jisung returns to attacking the boy's lips, unbuttoning Minho's shirt and shrugging off his own suit jacket. Once Minho's jacket is also off, Jisung removes the elders shirt. He kisses down to the boy's nipples, playing with them using his tongue while grinding his clothed member against Minho's. 

The older boy let's out moans as Jisung marks him all across his chest. "Colour, baby?" Jisung asks.

"Green. Holy fuck, green." He whines back. Jisung smirks, unbuttoning Minho's pants.

"Ass up, baby boy." He says, helping to pull his suit pants off, along with his boxers, leaving Minho completely naked. The older boy blushes furiously, not used to being the bottom. "Fuck, you're so beautiful." Jisung says against his torso, kissing downwards. He stands up, taking off his belt. Minho sits up eagerly now, biting his lip. He reaches up to undo Jisung's button and slide his pants down, tugging at the boxers.

"M-master, please." Minho whines as he looks up at his boyfriend. Jisung smirks and takes off his boxers, kissing the other boy deeply, sucking on the elders tongue.

"Follow my example, kitten." He says after letting the boy's tongue go, saliva running down the kneeling boy's chin. He nods and takes Jisung's member in his hand, pumping it a few times before licking the shaft and inserting the tip into his mouth.

He bobs his head shallowly for a few minutes before going deeper. Jisung grabs his hair and starts thrusting, fucking the boy's mouth. This causes a string of moans to escape minho's throat and vibrate around Jisung's member. He pulls out of Minho's mouth, immediately bending down to kiss the boy.

"You did so fucking well, kitten. Would you lay on the bed for me, baby?" Minho nods, laying on his back, legs towards his boyfriend. Jisung takes some flavoured lube and puts it on his fingers, gently just rubbing it against Minho's entrance.

The elder squirms slightly and Jisung smirks, taking his fingers away. Minho whines until he feels Jisung's tongue against his hole, licking and sucking.  The boy moans, trying to keep still as the younger inserts his tongue. Minho moans louder, turning Jisung on even more. After a while, he stops, coming to kiss the boy's neck.

"You taste so fucking good, kitten." He growls. He brings his fingers up the the boy's mouth. "I need you to suck baby." The older immediately does as told, coating Jisung's fingers with a heavy amount of saliva. "Good boy." He praises, earning a whine.

Jisung kneels by the bed, coating his saliva filled hands in lube. "This is going to hurt, but it'll be better soon. Are you sure you're still okay with this, Min?" He asks.

"Please, Ji. Please I want you." Jisung nods, inserting a finger and kissing the boy's thigh when he hisses. He takes the elders member and starts sucking him off as he gradually adds more fingers. Once he's made it to three, Minho's moans and whines make it unbearable for Jisung.

"Baby, may I?" He asks. Minho nods quickly.

"Please." Jisung pulls his fingers out, coating his member in lube and positioning himself near Minho's entrance.

"Will you be comfortable like this, love?"

"Yes. Please just fuck me."

"As you wish." Jisung inserts himself, smashing his lips against his boyfriend's as he bottoms out. He stays there for a while, peppering kisses all over Minho's face. "You're doing so well, love." He praises, kissing him softly. They lay there for a minute before Minho speaks up.

"You can move now." Jisung nods, pulling out almost all the way, causing Minho to hiss and dig his nails into Jisung's back. He slams back into the boy, and soon the hisses turn into lewd moans of pleasure.

"Fuck, baby you're so tight. You feel so good." Jisung moans, continuing to thrust into him. Minho whines and throws his head back, feeling himself cum all over his and Jisung's chest. "You're so pretty all fucked out, kitten." Jisung says, going faster. "Where do you want it."

"I-in me." Minho manages. Jisung connects their lips, thrusting into him a few more times before cumming inside him. He breathes heavily, as he hovers over the elder, kissing him all over.

"Are you okay, Min?" He asks gently. The boy nods.

"That was hot, Sung." He giggles. Jisung laughs.

"It was, wasn't it? I still prefer being bottom." Minho laughs at this.

"That's because you love it when I wreck you, baby." He growls up into Jisung's ear. Jisung pulls out, climbing into Minho's lap. Minho sits up and connects their lips.

"So... round two?" Jisung asks, blushing as he wiggles his ass against Minho's dick. Minho smirks and flips them over, connecting their lips hungrily once more.

"We are supposed to be celebrating... so how could I say no?"

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