Twenty Six:

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Jisung sighs in relief as he finishes the walk up the stairs and into his boyfriend's embrace.

"That was amazing, Sungie. I'm so proud of you." Minho says, kissing the boy's forehead.

"So I can go to school without the wheelchair?" He asks, giving the taller boy the best puppy dog eyes that he can manage. Minho thinks about it for a minute before sighing.

"Fine, baby. But if it becomes too much, I'm carrying you to all of your classes. Deal?" Jisung giggles, nodding and pulling his boyfriend down to kiss him.

"Get a room!" Mrs. Lee jokes from the bottom of the stairs, where she was stationed in case Jisung fell. Minho rolls his eyes playfully.

"I just might!" He says playfully, causing his mother to put her hands over her eyes in mock horror. Jisung's face goes red, hiding in his boyfriend's chest. They decide to go get some homework done, leaving the staircase to sit in their room.

After Jisung is done with his work, he sits in silence, watching his boyfriend work. As he sees he's done, the smaller boy climbs into Minho's lap.

"Hey there." Minho says, kissing the younger boy's cheek. Jisung smiles shyly at him, kissing him on the lips. Minho smiles into the kiss, placing his hand to cup Jisung's cheek. Jisung deepens the kiss, biting the order's lip.  "Sungie, not today." Minho says cautiously, pulling them apart.

"Hm?" Jisung says questioningly.

"We can't do this today, baby." Minho says, pulling his hand away. Jisung nods, getting off of his boyfriend. He grabs his phone and his jacket, embarrassingly walking out of the room. Minho looks after him, confused.

Jisung goes downstairs, immediately walking out of the front door. Once out of the house, the boy begins to cry. He takes his phone out, dialing Felix's number. The aussie boy responds after two rings.

"Ji! What's up?"

"F-felix." He chokes out a sob.

"Ji? What happened?"

"Will you come get me?" He cries. Felix agrees and arrives in no time after Jisung sends him the street.

"Ji, honey. What's wrong?" Felix asks, pulling the younger into a hug after exiting Changbin's car. Changbin remains in the driver's seat, on the phone with someone.

"I- I'm not... i- I'm so... so ugly Lixie." Jisung sobs into his best friend's arms. Felix looks down worriedly at his best friend, then looks at Changbin. Changbin nods at him and Felix brings Jisung into the car. They drive to Changbin's house, where Felix and Jisung lay on the couch.

"Tell me what happened, Ji." The aussie coos. Jisung sniffles.

"We... we were kissing and... I tried to take it farther... but... he- he won't let me... I've been healed enough for two weeks, Lixie... but he... he won't even make out with me anymore." Jisung sobs again. "So... it can't be because of my ribs anymore... it's because I'm ugly, isn't it?"

"No. No baby that's not it at all." Felix reassures him. "Minho is overprotective of you. He's probably too worried that he'll hurt you." He reasons.

"P-promise?" Jisung sniffles.

"Of course, hun. Changbin talked to him as soon as you called me crying. He's worried about you, hun. You should call him." Jisung nods.

"Sorry I got so worked up over nothing." He apologizes.

"No, hun it's totally valid." Felix says, hugging the older. "Call your man's, okay?" Jisung nods, pulling his phone out. It rings twice before it clicks, indicating Minho answered.

"H-hyung?" Jisung sniffles out.

"Baby, are you okay??" Minho answers quickly.

"Yes. C-can I come home now hyung?" He asks.

"Always, my love. I'm coming to get you now."

"O-okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

Jisung hangs up, thanking Felix and Changbin for letting him come over. Minho arrives ten minutes later, pulling his boyfriend into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so so so sorry." Minho mutters against the boy's temple.

"No, I'm sorry for being so sensitive." Jisung responds.

"You're allowed to be sensitive. I know how self conscious you are and I shouldn't have phrased it that way. I'm just so scared to hurt you, Sungie." The older kisses his boyfriend softly.

"Let's go home, hyung. I'm pretty sure I interrupted something with Changlix." Jisung giggles. Minho laughs, pulling Jisung to the car and driving them home.  The ride is silent until Minho speaks up.

"We could... um we could do that... if you want to." He says, looking at the younger.

"It's okay hyung. Whenever you're ready. I think I just want cuddles today, if that's okay." Jisung replies with a soft smile. Minho nods, kissing the boy's hand. They get home and go upstairs, cuddling in bed. The boys are uninterrupted until Mr. Lee knocks on the door, entering to both of the boys looking at him sleepily.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but your mom and I figured you could invite your friends over, since it's the weekend." He says.

"Are you and Mom going somewhere?" Minho asks, seeing as his parents never suggest this unless they're leaving and don't want Minho to be alone. He nods and Jisung looks up at Minho with a small smile.

"May we? Please hyunggg?!" He begs, making Minho give into his boyfriend's cuteness.

"Of course, love. We will call them now. Thanks Dad. Have a good trip!" Minho says and Jisung echos. His dad smiles at them and leaves the room. Jisung sleepily takes his phone out to text his friends and Minho does the same.

"What time should we say, hyung?"

"Tell them about three hours from now. I'm greedy and want to cuddle my boyfriend longer." Minho says, putting his phone away and burying his head against the younger boy's chest, causing Jisung to giggle.

"You're adorable." He coos, kissing his forehead and finishing up his text to his friends. Minho moves suddenly, pulling Jisung so that the younger is how Minho had been previously.

"I want to hold you." He says, kissing him softly. Jisung smiles, closing his eyes for just a second before accidentally falling asleep in Minho's arms. Minho smiles at the sleeping boy before falling asleep himself.

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